Finally Come

Chapter 785

Chapter 787: Back to Xiao【gogo! come on! 】

Chapter 787 Back to Xiao【gogo! come on! 】

At the base of Akatsuki, as the capture of Three Tails and Seven Tails was completed, Long Key directly used space capabilities to bring the two Jinchūriki back to the base of the organization as quickly as possible.

The Gedo Statue was summoned, and the Gouyu in his eyes slowly turned. After Uzumaki, Three Tails Jinchūriki and Seven Tails Jinchūriki lay in this gorgeous palace, in front of the Gedo Statue.


A dark red gap appeared in the space, and the figure of Tianshen Dao emerged from it, with a person on his shoulders. This person was huge and burly compared to the Tianshen.

With a snap, Tenshinto placed the Eight Tails Jinchūriki Killer Bee on his back beside the other two Jinchūriki.

“It seems to be going well with you. It only took a day to capture it.” Long Yao glanced at Tianshen Dao and smiled.

Celestial Shinto is slightly low. In front of the god who created him, he is always so humble: “This time, hell will go with me. It is much easier to have Wood Style that restrains the tail beast.”

“What’s going on with Kirigakure?” Long Key turned the subject, originally intending to let Samsara Six Paths catch Eight Tails together, but Kirigakure also needs manpower.

“There are ghost lights, full moon, gold, silver, Takumatsu, and the five Kage-level powerhouses of Hungry Kidō. It is easy to stabilize. The rest only needs time to stabilize, and they are also on their way to dare to come.” Dao nodded slightly.

Huh? Didn’t I say one less person? But when he thought of the things that had to be said between Tianshen Dao and Beast Dao, he was almost written into a book, Long Key twitched his mouth, and did not continue to ask.

At this time, there was another sound from the door, two big red cloud figures on a black background, behind them were a big bird made of clay, and a comatose figure on the back of the big bird.

“What? I thought we were number one.” When Deidara came back, he saw the three unconscious Jinchūriki in front of the Gedo Statue.

Sasori glanced at Deidara and said, “Actually, we are number one.”

“Huh? Oh! Yeah, huh! Sasori, but that’s right!” Deidara was taken aback, then after thinking about it, he became excited immediately.

That’s right, they are the first…After all, how can it be faster than the Celestial Dao with spatial ability… As for the Dragon Key, they didn’t even want to compare.

“Ula Ula Ula Ula!!!”

There was a strange ghost cry from the door, and Hidan’s figure was rushing towards him.

“Am I first?! Am I first?! Damn! There are already four Jinchūriki! How come even Deidara is here!” Hidan’s eyes widened as he entered.

“Jie Jie Jie.. Hidan, why are you so trash…too useless…it takes so long for a two-tailed Jinchūriki.” Otherwise, Hidan heard him most before he stopped. Annoying Deidara laughed mockingly.

“You! Wait… Master Key…what about Kakuzu?” Hidan was so angry, who said he didn’t want to be said to Deidara. Suddenly, his head flashed to look at Dragon Key next to the golem.

“Still on the way back.” Long Yao glanced at Hidan.

“Master Key, you are the first to come back, right?” Hidan smiled happily.

“That’s right.” Long Yao was a little strange, wondering what Hidan was thinking about.

“Then I won! Deidara, Seven Tails’ capture Kakuzu also participated, so Seven Tails was the first to come back, that is, our undead group was the first to come back, so I won, hehe!”Deidara was taken aback, then roared: “You are so logical!”

“I don’t care, I won anyway!” “You fart! The capture of Seven Tails has something to do with you!”

Long Yao covered his forehead and was too lazy to pay attention to these two idiots. In the face and mouth, six figures appeared slightly, Nagato, Xiaonan, Itachi, Kisame, Orochimaru and absolutely appeared at the same time.

“Master Key…” All of them nodded slightly towards Long Yao.

“Thanks for your hard work.. Let’s go back and rest…” Long Key didn’t say much. As he said that, he secretly passed a message left from the ring, except for Uchiha Itachi of course.

Everyone didn’t understand, and then looked at Uchiha Itachi. It seemed to be clear. After nodding secretly, everyone slowly left, and only Long Key was left in the palace.

It didn’t take long for everyone except Itachi to walk out from different corners, all looking at Long Key with doubts.

“The time is almost here… so some things need to be explained clearly…”

Slowly, among the dumbfounded expressions of everyone, Long Yao talked about Rain Shinobi Village and the incident to everyone. Of course, it was an explanation similar to Kakuzu. The identity of this sister is actually Long Yao himself… Something like that…probably…so the people of Akatsuki also think that the young lady of Rain Shinobi Village and the leader of Akatsuki are the same person.

However, the two sides seem to have a slightly different positioning of Long Yao’s gender. The people in the Xiao organization agreed that Long Yao was a male and the eldest lady’s clone was a female.

The Rain Shinobi Village believes that Dragon Key is a female, and Akatsuki’s leader is a clone.

“So…Ye…Is that girl you?” Xiao Nan looked at Long Yao, with a strange meaning in her tone…

The corner of Long Yao’s mouth twitched…Looking at everyone else was like a curious baby…Long Yao suddenly felt that he was very, very fucked…If he fully admitted that he was alone, would Xiao Nan be surprised Ideas:

The big sky is still my Long Yao’s face. Thinking about this, Long Yao’s face is not red and heartbeat, and he said with certainty: “No! Strictly speaking, it is not!!!”

In fact, Long Key was not wrong. After all, Qipu is missing.. So when using the status of Missy, there will indeed be some girlish characters.


Everyone showed a look of shock…even Orochimaru. Although they knew something before, they still seemed a little different from him. They don’t understand now, what is the eldest lady of Rain Shinobi Village? Is it the dragon key itself or the incarnation of will, or the younger sister? But… does not seem to be important anymore…

Long Yao looked at the expressions of everyone, and finally looked at the same shocked look, Long Yao’s forehead was black…

You are so shocked! Didn’t you know it from the beginning? !

And Jue Xin is actually the same fucking… Lord Key, since you also know that you are so fucking.. Why did you have such a fucking plan in the first place…

“Kakuzu will be back today, everyone will have a good rest today, and there will be a good show tomorrow.” Long Yao smiled lightly, as if thinking of something…

“Good show?” Everyone is slightly curious..

“Yes… it’s a good show… The seal of the tail beast is just after this good show, Orochimaru, you can bring him here.”

“Is it time, I understand that I will go.”

“It’s best to go right away and take a good rest after you come back, because the eight-tailed beasts are pulled away at the same time, and it takes up to a week of Chakra output, which will be very boring and boring. You guys should prepare well, yes… Xiaonan doesn’t need it. coming…”

Chakra output for a week? Everyone can’t help but leave a cold sweat…For a ninja like theirs, they can’t bear it for a week.

After hearing that Long Key had stopped Xiao Nan from using it, their faces became even more black. ..

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