Finally Come

Chapter 774

Chapter 776 Silver-haired friendship [gogo! come on! 】

“You heard everything just now…”

Long Key’s familiar voice came into Full Moon’s ears word by word. Once, the owner of this voice made him awe… But now, there is only fear. Full Moon calmly sorted out his thoughts and took a deep breath. He raised his head to look at Long Key and then nodded.

Not bad.. At least not scared.. In this case.. Long Yao secretly added a few points to the full moon in his heart. After all, no one wants wasteful subordinates.

“Then what do you think? At this moment…now…”


The golden jade with nine hooks is magical…just like Hanzo back then, and now the full moon seems to have entered a magic barrier…what does he want to say…even to become a Mizukage, and to destroy the great Yi Ling of Akatsuki. Of course…but he knows that this is impossible…not just because of the identity of Rain Shinobi Village…

More importantly. Could he go out alive? If you die… there is nothing…no matter what noble or vulgar thoughts you have, you don’t even have the ability to think.

Your own life is the most important thing.. This is the true meaning of life in the full moon that grew in the blood mist environment.. So, after thinking about it for a long time, the full moon didn’t know what to say.

I don’t know what to say if I don’t mention it.. Even if I say something, is it useful… All decisions are in the hands of the other party.

“Since you don’t know, I’ll help you to speak for it… Be loyal to me. Although all your freedom or life and death will be between my thoughts in the future, but think about what you will gain, you will become a Mizukage, Those who don’t obey you will all go to hell, and there will be no disappearance like the leader of the village today, just like the Third Kazekage of Sunagakure, of course, provided that you don’t resist.. The ghost lantern full moon.. I know you are one Ambitious guy…but you are also a power-supremeist, aren’t you…

Is it loyal to the most powerful existence in the world, or the unconscious death like Mizukage just now, or even worse fate…”

Long Yao’s words pierced the heart of Full Moon like needles. He is a strong man, and he is also a proud strong man, especially people like Kirigakure, who are naturally bloodthirsty and unwilling to be a dog. Live the same.. The feeling of life and death between each other’s thoughts is the most uncomfortable for them..

However, Long Key’s words also made Full Moon awaken a lot… I, I had longed for the princess of Rain Shinobi Village, because of the strength of the other party and the character that the other party did not put everything in his eyes… I used to think many times. Ever… instead of loyal to Mizukage, why aren’t you a ninja of Rain Shinobi Village?

Now, isn’t this opportunity right now? Moreover, the power that the other party has previously demonstrated with the identity of Rain Shinobi Village seems to be incomplete at all. There seems to be no shame in loyalty to the other party, just because the other party is the Akatsuki organization?

No… it’s because the other party has been deceiving for so many years to make yourself unwilling… But… just because of this ridiculous self-esteem, you will lose your life? He wasn’t the kind of righteous idiot.”Your identity is very important, yes, but don’t take yourself too seriously, you are not the only choice… I can kill you to support others, although it will take some effort, of course, you can also use illusion control. You, you will become a walking dead existence, and after you have no value…hehe…you will experience the pain you have never experienced… then you will feel that death is also a kind of happiness…

Tell me…your decision…” Long Key covered his mouth and smiled.. There was light in his eyes. Although illusion control is a bit troublesome, Kirigakure is a big piece of meat after all, so he stayed there for a while. Well… as to why not control the leaders of other ninja villages.. They are different from Kirigakure’s ninjas.

Although the leader has taken control of the village by then, it will be necessary to solve those who dissatisfied… Long Key does not have that much patience… dissatisfied people.. Just kill them at the beginning…

Looking at Ghost Lantern Moon’s face getting worse and worse, the silver on the side was rare to be very quiet from the beginning, but then suddenly stood up and made Long Yao turn his head and look at Yin: “Why, silver , Do you have anything to say?”

Under the unexpected dark color of everyone, especially the ghost lamp full moon, Yin suddenly knelt in front of Long Yao, and his voice became a little heavy: “Miss, I know I may be too much. However, I still hope you can let this guy go. Ma, at least…give him a joy… Everything I have was given by you, and I am willing to bear all the consequences…”

“Oh?” Long Yao opened his eyes and looked at Yin unexpectedly. He didn’t expect…Yin would actually stand up to plead…No one knows the personality of the two men better than Long Yao… They are absolutely obedient to the Dragon Key…Although Dragon Key does not doubt that if Silver is called to kill the full moon, Silver will definitely do it… But in the future, Silver’s personality may change again and become a complete killing. Machine…

“Yin! What are you doing! Are you crazy?!…Miss…Yin was just joking just now. He is not serious..” Looking at Takumatsu, looking at Yin with a bad look, even the knife edge was faintly turning Meaning, the six paths around the reincarnation are not standing around randomly as if they were at the beginning. Instead, they surrounded the silver and the full moon to death. His eyes were glaring at the silver, and Jin was shocked and quickly confronted. Silver drink.

“Big brother, this is my own decision, don’t get involved.”

“Huh… I knew you guys will always cause trouble after another…” Takumatsu glanced at Yin, then said softly.

“Shut up!” Jin stared at Takumatsu. He knew the character of this guy. If he fell into trouble at this time, Yin Ke would be really dangerous.

“The silver-haired bastard of Rain Shinobi Village…you…” The most unexpected thing was the full moon… His eyes looked at Yin incredulously, and he deeply understood the other party’s loyalty to Dragon Key… It’s because of this… the full moon felt unexpected… his heart seemed to be throbbing like never before…

Maybe it’s something called friendship…

But this time, Yin didn’t seem to care about this name, but kneeled quietly in front of Long Key with his head lowered, waiting for the hair to fall.

For the first time, there seemed to be tears in the eyes of the full moon… He who had never thought of having friends… now…

“His Royal Highness…I am willing to be loyal to you…” took a deep breath…Full Moon no longer has the hesitation before…It is better to say that all this just now gave Full Moon the courage to make up his mind.

“Because of that guy?” Long Yao rolled his eyes, looking between the silver and the full moon with a strange expression.

“Uh… I already planned to be loyal to you… This… is an unexpected gain…” Ghost Lantern Man Yue smiled helplessly… But there is one thing he hasn’t said yet… it’s your Highness. The look in your eyes is quite wrong… It’s definitely not the kind of relationship you think…

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