Finally Come

Chapter 770

Chapter 771 Capture One Tail Six【gogo! come on! 】

The seven hundred and seventy-first chapter captures One Tail six [gogo! come on! 】

(4D chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The White Secret Skill Jin Song Shi Renzhong (S Upiyi) is known as the ten masterpieces of the ancestors of the brave puppets. It summons the masterpiece of the puppet master Bunzaemon-Jin Song Shizhong, and manipulates the essence of the puppet technique freely. The puppets, known as the “number of ten fingers”, can perform the operation of [one finger, one puppet] just like literally, and are known as one machine as a thousand! Physical exercises, ninjutsu, projectiles, etc., to use all the mechanisms hidden in the puppets require super advanced technology, and they can also exert more powerful power through combination.

“Stop talking big words, it’s enough to kill you.” The thousand-generation mother-in-law moved her ten fingers slightly.

“Wow, it is actually the strongest puppet technique among the puppets,”

“Yeah, it’s incredible to be able to control ten puppets at once.”

“As expected to be a thousand-generation mother-in-law, this legendary masterpiece of Bunzaemon, the ancestor of the puppet master, will definitely kill the Sasori of the red sand.”

There were bursts of exclamation and cheers in Sand Shinobi Village, especially those puppet masters, who could understand the power of this trick, and they couldn’t help but be shocked by this trick.

Ordinary puppet masters, even if they can control one puppet, even if they are qualified, two are geniuses, and three are elites. They can control more than three puppet masters at the same time, which is countable in the entire history.

And to control ten puppets at once, only the ancestor of the puppet master Bunzaemon and the current grandmother of the thousand generations. They believe that even if the Sasori of the red sand is very good at puppets, he cannot be better than the current grandmother of the thousand generations.

“Controlling ten puppets, you are so amazed and ignorant. It seems that you should be able to see and see.” Sasori of Akasago scorned, and immediately pulled Xiao’s uniform, the uniform fell off, revealing his mechanical upper body.

“This is…” The mother-in-law of the thousand generations stared at the red sand-no Sasori who looked like a mechanical body. At this time, the red sand-no Sasori also threw out the cloak, the young mother-in-law was even more shocked.

“Impossible, how could it be possible to maintain such a look, and the body is a puppet at all, what is going on?” The grandmother of the thousand generations shook her head and asked Sasori of the red sand.

Sasori of the red sand said flatly in his eyes: “Didn’t you find that this is the greatest puppet Technique?”

“Human puppet Technique, that’s the case.” The thousand-generation mother-in-law looked at Sasori of the red sand with sadness, and didn’t expect to have really come this far. Why?

“It seems that you really can’t go back to the past, so let me end it all by myself,” the mother-in-law of the thousand generations said slowly.

“To end all of this, it depends on whether you have the strength, Red Secret Skills and Hundred Machines Performance Scroll 3 Red Secret Skills and Hundred Machines Performance”Scroll 3 Red Secret Skills and Hundred Machines Operation Scroll 3 Red Secret Skills and Hundred Machines Operation: The puppet master measures the strength by the number of puppets that can be manipulated. The number of fingers is only ten fingers. Although this is already the limit, puppetry can indeed subvert the tradition. Because the nucleus in the body is connected to the group of puppets, even without finger manipulation, the will of the puppet master can also be reflected in the actions of the puppets. So hundreds of puppets can be manipulated as freely as their own hands and feet. Because it is connected to the nucleus in the body, the will of the puppet master and the actions of the puppet. There is no difference in time. These puppets are extremely powerful and can destroy a country (I don’t know if it is a ninja village or a small country).

At the end of the speech, the Chakra thread brought out one of the scrolls that Sasori of Akasawa had back behind. The scrolls were spread out in the air in front of him, and at the same time he lifted his chest.


Numerous red shadows rushed out of the scroll and rushed into the sky.

In an instant, it was like the sound of bones rubbing over the Sasori of the red sand, endlessly lingering in the ears, and looking at it, the sky above the Sasori of the red sand was full of red figures, and hundreds of red puppets were suspended in the air holding various sharp weapons.

Connected by the Chakra gushing out of Sasori’s chest.

“This…” The thousand-generation mother-in-law looked like a chicken, and the puppet masters were the same, trembling all over, looking at the sky full of puppets, their legs couldn’t help but tremble. Is this still a realm that a puppet master can reach?

Controlling hundreds of puppets at once, this kind of ability is unheard of, unseen. Comparing, now the thousand-generation mother-in-law controls ten puppets, it seems a little trivial…

“Old lady. I don’t know if your so-called white secret skill Jin Song ten people can withstand my attack?” Sasori of the red sand looked at the stunned grandmother Qiandai jokingly.

After a long time, the thousand-generation mother-in-law woke up from the shock, but her eyes were still horrified: “Unexpectedly, your puppet master has reached this point and has surpassed the ancestor of the puppet master in certain realms, but it does not mean you will win. “The mother-in-law of the thousand generations approvingly said, and then she sternly said, her ten fingers moved quickly, and the ten puppets rushed towards Sasori of the red sand.

“Huh, do you still have hope? Then let me smash your hope completely.” Sasori of the red sand does not need to move his fingers at all, he is directly controlled by his heart, and the many puppets in his air are under the command of Chakra, who is pouring out of his chest. .

The ten people who rushed to Jinsong quickly rushed, and the momentum was mighty.

The two puppet teams are finally together, fighting like a ninja, but even more ruthless and cruel.

In terms of individual ability, the Jinsong Ten People are more powerful than Baiji Opera, but whoever lets the puppets controlled by Baiji Opera have the absolute upper hand.

The ground between Sasori of the red sand and the grandmother of the thousand generations is all turned into a battlefield. Compared with the Sasori of the red sand, who is standing there calmly and leisurely, the grandmother of the thousand generations who constantly flicks her fingers is obviously a little too busy.

When the world-renowned puppet battle took place here, violent explosions continued to be heard from far away.

Obviously Gaara and Deidara had a fight.

In the middle of the night, in the sky above the barren desert.

Deidara was flying fast on a white giant bird, while Gaara was standing on a tray where sand was gathered and suspended, waving his hands constantly, following his dance, powerful sand flow rushed towards the fast-flying Deidara.But the speed was obviously slower than the flying speed of the white giant bird, and it was still unable to wrap Deidara.

Because he is fighting in the air, Gaara cannot use a lot of sand escape ninjutsu, but the terrain is very advantageous for him. There is no need to create sand. The endless desert brings him countless conveniences and saves him a lot of Chakra.

As for Deidara, it was not all evasion, but also constant attacks. Clay explosives flew out of both hands and palms, rushing towards Gaara, or rushing above the sand stream used to explode.

When the sand stream exploded, the sand stream could not help but disintegrate, but under Gaara’s efforts, it was formed by rapid coalescence. And those clay explosives flying towards him were all blocked by the sand flow controlled by him.

In other words, neither of them was able to attack each other and neither achieved substantial results.

“I haven’t achieved any substantial results for so long. It is too useless. If Hidan knows about it, I don’t know how to laugh at me, and maybe Sasori Dan has ended the battle. I can’t drag on like this, eh!” Deidara, who once again controlled the white giant bird and avoided the attack of the sand current, said to himself, and finally nodded.

Standing on the big white bird, Deidara looked at Gaara in the sky: “I said, this kind of battle is boring, so I’m going to be a little more serious.” When the words fell, Deidara took out a large ball of clay from the clay Kabuto.

Then it was fed directly to the mouth, in the normal mouth, instead of being swallowed by the mouth of the palms of both hands.

Deidara chewed the clay quickly.

“Seriously?” Gaara suddenly became wary because of Deidara’s words. Was there no one at all just now? He hurriedly controlled a few Sha Liu to encircle Deidara, but they were all avoided by the fast-flying giant bird under his feet.

Seeing this, Gaara cursed inwardly, frowning, and a huge sand shield condensed in front of him: “It seems that it can’t be stopped, but I don’t know what this thing is. Is it dust escape?” Gaara knows the gods many years ago. The dust escape used by Deidara during the battle.

But the next moment, he denied this idea, because he saw the opponent swallowing clay, which seemed to be an attack from clay explosives.

While Gaara was nervous, Deidara smiled evilly, then bowed his head and vomited out.

A large amount of white clay was spit out from his mouth, and the clay fell on the ground with a loud noise. Deidara’s air was like a bottomless pit. Clay was continuously spit out. The clay gathered and condensed and slowly changed into the image of a huge Deidara.

“What’s this…” Gaara looked at the huge Deidara tens of meters high in horror.

“Is this also an explosive?” Gaara has experienced Deidara’s clay ability firsthand. Even the explosive power of a clay grasshopper cannot be underestimated.

If this is also an explosive, he can’t believe or believe the power of the explosion, but it is certain that the destructive power is calculated in kilometers.

“Hahaha! Desperate, tremble, sublime under my art Garuda.” Deidara still stood on top of the giant bird, which hovered above the giant Deidara.

C4 (Garuda): Eat the detonating clay into Deidara’s own mouth. The bomb is in the shape of a huge Deidara, and explodes the huge Deidara, spreading very small bombs invisible to the naked eye in the air. After the enemy inhales the bomb, the whole body is equivalent to being set up with bombs. Finally, with countless small explosions, the entire organism can be completely destroyed in the body to achieve the effect of complete destruction.”Damn it, it turned out to be an explosive, it’s hard to handle now…” Gaara had a thought of turning around and fleeing.

“Why do you want to escape? If you dare to escape, I would dare to use this trick in Sand Shinobi Village. At that time…oh…you know…” Deidara threatened when she saw that the other party seemed to have the idea of ​​running away. Looking at the other party, in fact, I am still worried, don’t play big by yourself, if Gaara is directly decomposed into atoms, how can I go back and explain.. Long Key doesn’t say anything.. Nagato who offended before going out will definitely tear himself up. .

“Damn it.” Gaara didn’t expect the other party to be so shameless, unethical, but helpless.

He couldn’t escape unexpectedly. Since he was like this, he certainly couldn’t stand in the air and become a living target. He quickly swooped down and stood on the desert in an instant. By this time Deidara had already controlled the giant Garuda and walked towards Gaara.

Although it is used to walk, the body with a height of tens of meters, each step is more than 20 meters, and the speed is not slow.

“Get me up.” In the desert, Gaara yelled, and the calm desert became choppy. Numerous sand flows rushed to him, wrapped him, and quickly formed a huge sand ball that was spinning fast and still increasing.

It perfectly protects Gaara. The diameter of the sand ball is more than 100 meters, and it is still increasing. At the same time, before the sand ball, facing the approaching Jialuo Lou, a huge sand wave wants to surge.


The sand waves slapped on Garuda, making him back a few steps, but then he walked with difficulty in the swarming sand current, moving towards the huge sand ball.

“The distance is enough.” This is, in the high altitude of absolute safety, Deidara gave a sneer, and placed her right hand in front of her with a tiger print, and shouted: “Art is explosion, explosion.”

When the words were over, the huge Garuda quickly expanded and instantly turned into a huge inflatable ball. The next moment it burst, there was no earth-shattering explosion that Gaara worried about, but turned into nothingness, and the entire huge Garuda turned into nothingness. For nothingness, nothing is left, nothing is destroyed.

In the sand ball, Gaara was puzzled by the reason why Sand Eye paid attention to the outside situation.

In the high altitude, in front of Deidara’s right eye, there is a high-precision telescope, which can clearly see countless white nano-level explosives, covering the entire sand ball. With a cruel smile, he let out a deep cry: “Explode!”

There was still no earth-shattering explosion, but the ball of sand continued to decrease, as if swallowed by an invisible space, not turning to ashes or scattered, but disappearing strangely.

“This is?” In the sand ball, Gaara naturally discovered this situation, horrified, and hurriedly controlled the desert under her feet, preparing to add a sand ball mask, but when the sand flow gushed from the ground and merged into the sand ball, it was also mysterious. disappear.

If anyone has a strong enough sight, such as Mangekyō Sharingan, he can find that countless nano-level explosives are constantly holding and destroying everything, and those sand particles are turned into nothingness in the explosion that ordinary people can’t detect.

“Damn it. What the hell is going on?” After Gaara tried so hard, she couldn’t let the sand flow into the dwindling sand ball.

Seeing that the huge sand ball keeps shrinking, it is now only a dozen meters in diameter, and it disappears completely within a dozen seconds.

Facing the mysterious disappearance of the sand ball, Gaara did not know what happened to the outside world, but he could understand that this was an attack from the opponent, an undetectable attack. It was because he didn’t understand and couldn’t detect it, so he was afraid.Gaara would rather face the earth-shattering explosion than this mysterious attack.

“Damn it, is there no way?” Gaara panicked when the sand ball disappeared immediately and he had to face the mysterious attack directly with his body.

Gritting her teeth: “Damn it, only the ability to use One Tail to guard the crane, roar!” Gaara roared, and her whole body swelled fiercely. Transformed into a huge behemoth, One Tail Shouhe.

“Wow haha, great, it’s finally out,” Deidara looked at the huge monster excitedly in the sky.

And at this time, One Tail guarded the crane, roaring: “Damn Jinchūriki, actually wants me to face a strange attack, damn, I’m not finished with you, huh? It’s okay?” Naturally, he now controls the body of the tail beast. It is the consciousness of Shouhe ontology.

In Gaara, he also knew what was happening outside, so he scolded when he came out, but then he found that there was nothing.

At that time, because Deidara controlled the quantity very well, all the nano-level explosives exploded. He was afraid that Gaara would be broken down into atoms in the explosion. At that time, he was sadly reminded, so he calculated the quantity. Just suitable.

“Just kill it directly with the dust escape. Dealing with the trash in this tail beast is a matter of minutes.” Deidara looked down on One Tail Shouhe in his heart, and closed his hands slightly, and the mysterious energy body in his hands quickly condensed.

It’s about to separate the identity here.

The battle of the puppets in the distance is still fighting in the sky in Rehe.

The sound of fighting, blasting, breaking, and crashing, but there is no painful cry, loud cry, the puppet has no emotion or consciousness.

During the battle, puppets were destroyed at all times. Most of them were puppets controlled by Sasori of the Red Sand, but the puppets of the thousand-generation mother-in-law also slowly suffered losses, casualties. In such a tense and high-intensity battle, the forehead of the mother-in-law of the thousand generations was already wet with sweat.

The battle is still going on, time passing by.

The ground was filled with countless puppet remains.

The scene of hundreds of people fighting just now finally disappeared, leaving only more than forty red puppets and three of the ten people from Jinsong. It can be seen that the battle is fierce.

At this time, the only remaining three people who were close to Songshan, a group of three people, quickly gathered together, one standing side by side and standing on the shoulders of the two, in a triangular shape, the thousand-generation mother-in-law muttered: “The Three Treasures are sucked out.”

The Three Treasures Suction: The wind of the three machines’ combined palms absorbs everything and destroys it: a combination technique of three of them in [Near Song Ten People]. The three puppets form a triangular formation, which can be activated by opening the mechanism [Buddha] [Dharma] [Monk]. When activated, a violent tornado will be generated, absorbing the target into the middle of the array. The absorbed matter will be completely compressed in the middle of the array, and then shot out from the back of the array. A violent tornado can absorb dozens of puppets into the middle of the array at one time, and smash them completely.

A huge tornado violently appeared, enveloping most of the puppets controlled by Sasori of Red Sand. The powerful suction power was not something puppets could resist. Numerous red puppets sucked into the formation and disappeared.

Over 30 puppets were wiped out in a moment, and there were only four puppets left on the side of Sasori of the Red Sand.

But Sasori of the red sand won’t let his puppet disappear in vain. With the four of them not being attacked by the tornado, naturally they won’t let go of such a good opportunity, and quickly rushed behind only three of the ten Jinsong people who used the seal technique, and waved their hands. In the weapon, the only three remaining were destroyed.

The fierce battle just now quieted down instantly.

All the puppets of the mother-in-law of the thousand generations were destroyed, and there were only four puppets left on the side of Sasori in the red sand, but it was a bloody battle with puppets.

“Mother-in-law, your puppet technique has failed.” Sasori of the red sand controlled the remaining four puppets and rushed towards the mother-in-law.

“Hmph, you didn’t win either.” These ordinary puppets are not yet the opponents of the thousand-generation mother-in-law, they are quickly crushed, and there is not one left. The two powerful puppets have all been destroyed.

“Really… then let you see my treasures…” Sasori’s eyes suddenly cooled down after hearing the other person’s words… took out two scrolls from the ring.

Both are in light blue style, one has a three written in it, and the other has a four written in it.

“Come out! My current collection!”

boom! boom!

After the two sounds of smoke and dust, two puppets floated to the left and right of Sasori.

The moment I saw these two puppet faces… the whole Sunagakure people were all boiling…

“That… which one can’t be wrong… That is the Third Kazekage lord…” An old ninja looked at the face of the puppet of Third Kazekage in horror, and how brilliant the third Kazekage sound was… I didn’t expect it to be in the end. It ended up like this.

“That’s Lord Fourth Generation, Sasori…you fellow!” Baki is very familiar with Fourth Kazekage, and even Baki is the most trusted recognition by Fourth Kazekage. Seeing that the person he longed for became this look, Baki gritted his teeth. Watching Sasori roar.

“That’s… Dad…” The company who saw Fourth Kazekage… Temari and Kankuro were shaking uncontrollably.

“Sasori… you actually… didn’t expect that the disappearance of the third generation master back then was done by you… and, even the fourth generation master… Sasori… you…” The figure couldn’t help taking a deep breath..

Shatie and Jinsha…. Sasori is right… His group completely blocked each other…

“What do you know… If it weren’t for me to kill Fukage, can the Ninja Wars happen… The plan behind will not be completed…” Sasori looked at Sunagakure’s people with disdain… Fukage? Is it great? After today, I have three in my hand.

“Is that so… You know the organization… so long ago…”The mother-in-law of a thousand generations feels deeply powerless… Akatsuki is so terrifying… even so many years ago…

“Wow quack, Sasori Dannah, are you too slow?” There was a joking voice, and Deidara appeared next to Sasori.

Deidara’s teasing and teasing voice, as well as the puppets of the Third Generation and Fourth Generation that just appeared, brought the thousand generations mother-in-law and the many Sand Shinobi Village ninjas to panic.

“Damn it, Lord Third Generation and Lord Fourth Generation…” The ninjas of Sunagakure couldn’t help feeling unspeakable fear.

“It’s over, this person came back to show that Master Fifth Generation is also, we’re over.”

“It’s impossible to win at all, what should I do? Sand Shinobi Village has no future.”

In the Sand Shinobi Village ninja crowd, the eyes are full of despair, and the despair spread to the entire Sand Shinobi Village.

“What’s the flustered? We haven’t died or defeated yet?” Temari reprimanded dissatisfied, but he was also panicked in his heart.

“As long as we work hard and call other Shinobu villages, I don’t believe that the whole world can’t resist…” Temari’s words of encouragement for everyone stopped abruptly.

Because her eyes were occupied by huge monsters, her body trembled involuntarily.

And those Sand Shinobi Village ninjas who had added a little courage and confidence because of Temari’s words, the next thing made them even more desperate and horrified. Confidence and courage collapsed instantly.

A huge figure emerged from the sky behind Sasori of the red sand, slowly in the vast night, and numerous torches above the sky, illuminated by the fire, revealed its figure.

The huge white western dragon hovered over the Sasori human road in the red sand, with a wingspan of 100 meters. What shocked them even more was the behemoth caught by the white western dragon’s claws.

“One Tail Shouhe?”

Sand Shinobi Village ninjas instantly recognized the identity of the monster captured by the huge white western dragon. It is the only One Tail beast owned by Sand Shinobi Village, One Tail Shou crane, and the monster in the fifth Kazekage. And now he was caught by the giant western dragon motionlessly.

Looking at Deidara standing on the head of the western dragon in a daze, he subconsciously looked around, trying to find the location of their leader Gaara at this time, but he was nowhere to be seen.

In fact, when they saw One Tail Shouhe, they understood it, but they were unwilling to admit it. Even if there was a glimmer of hope, they were unwilling to believe in such a result. But after seeing the Fifth Kazekage for a long time, the only hope left in their hearts was lost. Nothing.

“One Tail Shouhe? One Tail Shouhe was caught by the opponent like a dead thing and did not move. What about Master Fengying?” A Sand Shinobi Village asked in a daze.

“do not know.””Isn’t Fengying the Jinchūriki of One Tail Shouhe? One Tail Shouhe was caught completely, then Fengying-sama…”

“Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible, Master Fengying is very strong, absolutely impossible, this is all fake.”

“But the other party is Akatsuki,”


A series of blows made the Sand Shinobi Village ninjas full of fighting spirit, standing there with decadence and stupidity, talking to themselves, like crazy.

“Deidara, are you an idiot? I asked you to catch One Tail Shouhe, not for you to return to dawn with the behemoth One Tail Shouhe, but for you to return to Xiao with the body of Jinchūriki.” Sasori of the red sand watch Watching the huge One Tail in the sky guarding the giant crane, he reprimanded with dissatisfaction.

“Oh, Sasori Dan, what’s your tone? Don’t you think I’m showing off?” Deidara on the dragon’s head looked down dissatisfied, and the line of sight was blocked by the One Tail guard crane. In desperation, he could only increase his tone. Said: “I don’t know what ninjutsu the damn kid used. At the last moment of the battle, he left with One Tail Shouhe. Of course, he died directly after leaving the tail beast, and I, Master Deidara, directly seconds. One Tail Shouhe.”

“If you bring back the little ghost without the tail beast, let’s not talk about Lord Key, I will blame him if he does not kill him. In desperation, I can only bring back the huge body of One Tail Shouhe in a coma. In order to take him away, I have consumed a lot of Chakra and clay to make such a masterpiece. If you are not shocked, forget it, and even reprimand me, is it reasonable?”

Deidara’s series of complaining words left Sasori of Akasha with nothing to say.

“Forget it… let’s go back first…” Sasori looked at Deidara speechlessly. The last two of them sat on the big dragon, and the big dragon flapped its wings and flew away.. Only a group of dumbfounded people remained. The Sunagakure ninjas standing still.

Wherever Sunagakure is, it is filled with countless powerlessness and despair.

“Oh my God, what did we do wrong? Did God really give up our Sunagakure? What did we do wrong, and lost another Fengying!” Baki couldn’t help looking at the corpses all over the Fengying Building. Holding a headache and crying, he can be said to have worked hard for Sunagakure’s show, but what he got is such an ending, how can he not be heartbroken.

“Teacher, don’t worry, we have to trust Gaara, he is our Fifth Kazekage!” Kankuro looked at his sad teacher and offered comfort, but his heart is bleeding. Gaara has changed a lot this year. He wasn’t so indifferent to his older brother, and he slowly accepted the younger brother he had feared the most.

Who would think that the indifferent relationship between the two brothers just turned to warm up and Gaara disappeared as a younger brother.

“Master Third Generation and Master Fourth Generation did the same back then…” Baki thought of his other two Feng Ying, his teacher Third Kazekage also disappeared like this, and disappeared mysteriously in the village like this, although Sunagakure It is already known that Third Kazekage is no longer auspicious, but they still have illusions and still believe that their most powerful Third Kazekage is now somewhere, until Konoha collapsed after the plan, even Fourth Kazekage was also a dead end. Slowly, they completely cut off this hope, and now they found that their Third Kazekage and Fourth Kazekage were actually made adult puppets.

“Report your lord…” A Sand Shinobi was hesitant to speak, which made Baki who was annoyed while watching was very annoyed.

“When is the time! It’s still like this mother-in-law, let’s talk about it, we need to find Fifth Generation to stabilize the situation right now!” The disappearance of Fifth Kazekage made Baki completely lose his sanity, and Sunagakure really can’t stand it anymore. In less than four years, Sunagakure was killed by two consecutive wind shadows. This has dealt a big blow to Sunagakure’s international image, not to mention one of them is currently Sunagakure’s biggest strategic deterrent weapon.

“My lord, there is no clue at all…” Shinobu who reported the situation also looked sad. The old Shinobu village has been shaken by successive blows over the years, and the compensation to Konoha made the economy worse. Sunagakure’s finances are spent on food. In the past year or so, Sunagakure had just made some progress and met Fifth Kazekage and was arrested by Akatsuki directly.

Baki’s feelings of anger were soon suppressed. He knew that anger was useless, so he could do something meaningful instead of complaining here. “There must be a ghost, or who could let Akatsuki in so easily? They must be dug out. The village will not let go of these assholes! This group of traitors!” Baki fisted fiercely. The clenched tightly. ..

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