Finally Come

Chapter 768

Chapter 769: Capture One Tail IV [gogo! come on! 】

The 769th chapter captures One Tail four [gogo! come on! 】

“Damn it, it’s arrogant.” Deidara’s arrogant tone and gesture completely angered the ninjas of Sand Shinobi Village. Seeing the leader of Shinobi Village was so ridiculed, even if you are OK, this is too much. Especially now in Sunagakure! Do they mean not to be angry?

“Gaara, give an order. Let’s attack together. I don’t believe it. The two of them alone can withstand the entire Sand Shinobi Village.” Temari looked at Deidara angrily and suggested to Gaara.

“Able to resist, don’t forget that Sasori of Red Sand is a puppet master. What the puppet master is best at is group battles, and Sasori of Red Sand is the outstanding one among the puppet masters. It can already be comparable to me. Now so many years have passed, I don’t know how high his level is, or even surpassed the ancestor of the puppet master.” The grandmother thousand generations showed a heavy color in his eyes, but he knew his enchanting grandson very well. .

“No?” The surrounding Sand Shinobi Village ninjas exclaimed.

“Hey hey, mentally retarded Fengying, I didn’t hear you just talking to you, let you leave with me? Didn’t you hear? Are you dumb? Do you want to fight here, it doesn’t matter, anyway, how many casualties are Sand Shinobi Village? I don’t have anything to do, don’t blame me then.” Deidara was a little angry looking at ignoring herself again and again.

“Gaara, what should I do?”

“You join hands to deal with Sasori of the red sand, this so-called blue dragon Deidara of dawn, leave it to me, rest assured, I will solve him.” Gaara is still very confident in his own strength, especially in the past three years, the strength has increased Soon, he reached the Kage-level powerhouse a year ago, and he is also a true favorite of heaven.

“But…” Temari was still a little worried, after all, the opponent had defeated the powerful presence of Third Tsuchikage.

Gaara didn’t give Temari and the others a chance to persuade them. He jumped directly from the line of sky. In the air, the sand quickly condensed into the tray under his feet, leading him to fly quickly to Deidara.

“Sasori Dannah, I’ll go play first, and leave the rest to you.” Deidara looked at Gaara flying over, smiled coldly, and then quickly controlled the big white bird under her feet and flew in the opposite direction of Sand Shinobi Village, away from it. At that point, Gaara followed closely.

The two quickly disappeared into the eyes of the Sand Shinobi Village ninja, disappearing into the vast night.

“Deidara is going to solve your Fengying, then let us not be idle, let me see how far Sand Shinobi Village has fallen, and hope not to let me down too much.” Sasori of the red sand sneered, looking at Sand Shinobi cruelly Village ninjas, arouse their entire army on alert.

“You want to protect Sand Shinobi Village to prevent the possibility of a sneak attack by Akatsuki members in the dark. Sasori of the red sand will leave it to me alone.” This is the grandmother of the thousand generations who prevented the Sand Shinobi Village ninja who was preparing to attack the Sasori of the red sand. Our mother-in-law’s status in Sand Shinobi Village is very high, comparable to Gaara’s existence.

“Millennium mother-in-law, but your age.” Temari is a little worried. He understands the strength of mother-in-law. But after all, she is so old now, participating in the battle, and especially the strong like Sasori of the red sand, she is afraid that the mother-in-law of the thousand generations will be overwhelmed.

“Don’t worry, I can’t die, and only I can resist the strength of Sasori of the red sand. If you go, it is simply to die.” The mother-in-law of the thousand generations smiled confidently, but what was in her heart was the idea, and only he could know it.


“Don’t be it. I did a lot of wrong things before and I couldn’t make up for it. I watched my grandson defect. Since I can’t get him to correct his evil, I must do it so that he can’t harm anything in Sand Shinobi Village.” With a firm look of seeing death as home, he jumped down from the sky. On the ground, he shook his head with Sasori of the red sand.

“All alert,” Temari respectfully looked at the back of Chiyo’s mother-in-law, and ordered the Sand Shinobi Village ninja.


“I really can’t help myself.” Sasori of the red sand walked forward slowly, walking slowly, and the mother-in-law of the thousand generations also walked forward slowly. The two walked opposite each other, and the distance kept getting closer.”Really? Don’t forget your puppetry but I handed it over to you.”

“People are so old and so naive. Are all apprentices inferior to their teachers?”

“I don’t know about others, but you, I know very well.”

“Oh, yes, I am really confident. As for the puppetry you gave me, I have already abandoned it. It’s too weak, weak and pitiful.”

“At that time you didn’t learn home by yourself,”

“Huh, the innocent old woman, the frog at the bottom of the well. In this world, only the art of adults is the real art. I got the true transmission of the eternal art of adults… no one can stop it!” Obviously, I have a cold personality and have always been elegant. Sasori of the red sand is showing people, but as soon as the dragon key is mentioned, Sasori’s eyes emit a strong light..

What came out of those eyes was incomparable worship and fanaticism.

“Sasori…you…how do you admire someone so much…” The thousand-generation mother-in-law looked at Sasori who showed that expression and couldn’t believe it… In her impression, Sasori is extremely proud… He will never show such an expression.

“What do you know… Your lord, he… is God!” Sasori glanced at Chiyo with disdain, the enthusiasm in his eyes became even crazier, saying this sentence, the words almost all Akatsuki members have said.

“Have you been brainwashed… unexpectedly turned my grandson into this, and the old man will definitely find him to settle the account.” The thousand-generation mother-in-law was a little dignified. She also heard about the god-like leader of the Xiao organization. She thought it was reincarnation. Six Paths is an extremely terrifying existence, so I thought… there is a more terrifying leader of Akatsuki,

Judging from Sasori’s expression…what is the strength of the opponent?

“Only you? Old lady? Hahaha.. Tell you.. Even if everyone in our organization is combined, they are not the opponents of adults, huh! Stupid, you will never realize the glory of dawn!”

“Everyone?! What on earth do you want to do… The target has hit the tail beast…” Looking at Sasori, it didn’t look like a lie at all, Chiyo was really scared this time…

“Stop talking nonsense, today is your death date.”

“Oh… Sasori… I did too much wrong before.. Today I will personally recover my fault.”

After a distance of hundreds of meters, the two stopped at the same time. The conversation ended. The harsh cold wind was blowing in the desert. In the worried eyes of the ninjas in Sand Shinobi Village on the first line, the thousand-generation mother-in-law changed her old state at an astonishing speed. , Rushed towards Sasori of the red sand.

“Puppet master, I actually want to fight in close quarters, as expected, the more I am going back.” Looking at the mother-in-law of the thousand generations with her hands attached to the green Chakra, she obviously wanted to use Healing Jutsu up close.

In the palms of both hands, there was a mysterious burst out. He whispered in his mouth: “Scroll 1 Flame Prison Array”

Scroll 1 Hell Array: When Sasori’s body is a puppet, use the fire scroll to eject flames with strong melting power and temperature from the palm pipe. With the Chakra produced by [nuclear], you can control the size of the fire pillar as you like. When it is enlarged, the opponent can be welded and traced, and the opponent can only become a living target for being slaughtered by a strong flame; when it is enlarged, it is like a direct fire cannon: steel and rock can be turned into instantly Molten water.

A strong flame burst out from the mouth of Sasori’s right hand in the red sand, and screamed in a straight line toward the rushing grandmother.

“Damn it, what’s the matter? You can actually use ninjutsu so quickly,” Seeing howling coming, exuding high temperature, obviously extraordinary flames, the grandmother thousand generations had to change their combat methods while stunned, and quickly avoided. , Do not walk forward in one brain.

The flame burst at the place where the mother-in-law Qiandai stood, and the intense flame melted the ground into magma. ..

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