Finally Come

Chapter 765

Chapter 766: Capture One Tail【gogo! come on! 】

Chapter 766 Capture One Tail【gogo! come on! 】

There is only a dark yellow color in the eyes, and there is no end in sight.

This is the largest desert in the Kingdom of Wind, the famous place of death, and the desert where Sunagakure is located.

At noon, the white sun was shining brightly in the top sky, so dazzling that I dare not look up.

Between the heavens and the earth, there is a scorching glow of neon gas, and it suddenly feels like a dream and illusion.

The temperature of the air is already close to fifty degrees. This is the only place in the world where it is impossible to even rain. It is the dry pole of this world.

The endless land of yellow sand. Perhaps only one or two piles of dense bones can prove the traces of life that once existed.

In this boundless sea of ​​sand, there are two figures walking slowly.

The black red cloud windbreaker wraps their bodies tightly, and the hats cover their faces. It is easy for others to think of words such as mystery, loneliness, desolation, coldness, and even death.

The stride that seems to never change the slightest, with a certain unique rhythm; he just walked in a certain direction like this, behind him, a long and long string of footprints that are gradually disappearing, But it seems to be able to spread all the way to the distant horizon.

Sunagakure, although Gaara had a different experience from the original, he still became a wind shadow.

“Isn’t there yet, Sasori, but that…” Unlike Sasori, Deidara, who grew up in Iwagakure, has seen boundless loess, but has never seen such a desolate environment… all day and night, here and there. In the land of yellow sand, I can’t tell the direction, and I don’t even know what time it is now.

Going further, Deidara felt that she would go crazy.

“Huh, I’m really impatient. It’s already here. The sunagakure line of sky is ahead.” Sasori just glanced at his companion and didn’t bother to take a second glance, and then looked at the familiar and unfamiliar building in front of him, feeling very flat.

Immediately afterwards, Sasori’s hands stretched out from his cuffs, and a strange pattern was formed.

“Sasori, but what are you doing?” Deidara looked at Sasori who was inexplicably knotted with some curiosity.

Sasori gave a strange smile: “Although I have left Sunagakure, there are still my people in the village.”

“Uh… my head hurts!” Yura in Sunagakure suddenly clutched his head and gritted his teeth. Such pain caused him to stop the pen in his hand while working in the study.

“So, it turns out that Sasori-sama is back. It’s time to meet him!” After a long time, the headache was over, Yura seemed to think of something, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and Yura immediately put down what he was holding. Work ready to welcome Sasori’s arrival.

Yura is a super spy, Gaara, it’s hard not to die.

Two big red clouds on a black background stood in front of the majestic city gate, looking at the city gate almost 20 meters high made of two square stones, “It’s so spectacular!” One can’t help but admire the human abilities. Such a majestic building is comparable to the Hokage Rock in Konoha Village.

The face of the red sand Sasori hidden under the hat flashed a faint smile: “Yes, it’s magnificent. I used to admire it, but I haven’t come back for a long time. I really miss it. , Hum.”

Looking up at the narrow passage that was nearly a hundred meters long behind the gate, the smile on Sasori’s mouth became colder, because he saw Yura, and Yura had already arrived. “Wait for me, wait for my present, Fifth Kazekage! With you, I will have three puppets of Fengying.”

Hearing Sasori’s excitement, Deidara flipped the title of Byakugan…Wind Shadow Killer, Sasori really deserved it.

“Sasori Sama!” Yura looked at Sasori who appeared in front of him excitedly. Once the memory awakens, he is Sasori’s most loyal subordinate.

“Take us to find where Fengkage is.” Sasori didn’t say much.

Under Yura’s leadership, the three easily sneaked into Sunagakure, and Yura told Sasori all of Gaara’s living habits, and even Gaara’s activities such as meetings in the past few days were fully revealed.

Sand Country, Shinobu Headquarters, Fengying Office.

Gaara leaned on the back of the chair tiredly after finishing a day of hard work, and let out a long sigh. He could already understand his father Fourth Kazekage. This seat was really tiring, not only for the village. Zhan exerted his best efforts to fight against those elders. He had only served as Fengying for more than a year, and he couldn’t compete with these deep-rooted assholes. In many cases, he was just a stamping machine.

It’s a pity that he is the Fifth Kazekage. Even if he has great grievances, he can’t show it to the villagers. For the stability of the village, he has to compromise with these grandparents.

Over the years, Temari and Kankuro have moved him, so he is no longer as indifferent and easy to kill as he used to be, and try to be close to the people.

The group of elders naturally did not want to see a wind and shadow loved by the villagers, so that they could only share their interests. They sent people to walk in the village and gossip to attack Gaara’s prestige.”Want to get someone loved by everyone? It seems that hoping to be understood by others is really a disgusting feeling.

It’s better to make people afraid of you than to make people understand you, what a stupid kid. Sasori sneered in the dark.

“Let this feeling of hope of being understood by others make you go to hell, Fifth Kazekage…”

A waiter knocked on the door, and after getting permission, he pushed in and served hot tea.

Gaara took the tea and smiled gently at him, this is his way of expressing gratitude.

The waiter still flattened the tray, leaned back, closed the door, and returned to the shadow outside.

After a day’s work, drinking a cup of hot tea has gradually become Gaara’s habit. This habit was once his father’s habit. The reason for this is to commemorate his father. His ass decides his head. When sitting in this Fengying seat Only later did Gaara realize how sad his father was.

“The waiter who came today seems to be too silent, maybe there is something troublesome, I have to find some time to find him to find out.” Gaara thoughtfully, the tea in the cup has slowly entered his throat.

“Do you think that as a Fengying, no one will come to murder you? Will you never remain vigilant and vigilant? As a shadow, it’s really a failure…” The cold eyes flashed in the dark, smug. Smile.


With the sound of the cup falling and cracking, Gaara’s hands trembling, she stood up, big drops of cold sweat seeping from her forehead. “Poisoned!” Gaara understood in an instant, and at the same time realized that the current Fengying Office must be in danger.

This is Sasori’s masterpiece! Sasori of Akasago carefully analyzed Gaara’s activities in the past few days and chose this moment. At this moment, no one will disturb Fukage, and even if there is, Yura can block it.

“Is it an assassin? Or a traitor? Did the waiter do it just now? No wonder it feels a bit weird.”

Gaara wanted to use Chakra to resist the toxins and prevent the toxins from attacking upwards along his hands, but the poison was unusually powerful, almost like the cunning Lion Majesty, looking for the gap between the Chakra defenses. What made Gaara even more desperate was that he was even more desperate. I can’t speak, no matter how open my mouth is, I can’t speak.

If this is useful, Third Kazekage will not die in the hands of Sasori of the red sand! The toxin on Sasori’s tail is so easy to solve!

This is Sasori’s unique poison, a neurotoxin, an endotoxin that is toxic or destructive to nerve tissues. It can cause myelin sheaths in peripheral nerves, brain, spinal cord and other tissues to produce fatty changes. The toxin has worked.

“With such poison, the enemy is not a simple character, what should I do…” Gaara felt the danger of life staying on the edge of a cliff for the first time.

The door was pushed open silently, and someone walked in. In the faint light of the sunset, Gaara saw that it was the waiter who brought the tea just now.

This time he finally raised his head. His face was blank but expressionless, and it was difficult to see anything from it.

“Is it your poison?” Gaara said, looking at the person in front of him.

The person in the dark nodded slightly, as an answer to Fengying’s question.

“Why? Why do you want to do this?”

In the dark, the person seemed to be laughing, although the dry laughter seemed to be the sound of two pieces of hard objects rubbing together.

“Fifth Kazekage, do I need to ask why what I did?”

This voice is obviously not owned by his former servant, Gaara is so strange to this voice.

Sasori of the red sand took off the robe of the attendant, and a figure wearing a red cloud on a black background appeared in front of him.

Gaara’s eyes shrank violently at that moment, and he clearly recognized the person in front of him.

dawn! It was the Akatsuki organization! Maybe he didn’t understand this organization three years ago, but after becoming Fengying, after knowing some things, he deeply understood how terrible Xiao was.

The attendant before was actually Third Kazekage who had already been made into a puppet!

The person in front of him was Sasori, the genius puppet master who was once proud of the country, but he was just a teenager when he left more than a decade ago.

Everything in the world is relatively balanced and fair. If you want to get something, you must pay the same amount. Then, the sacrifice of Sasori of the red sand must be huge and terrible.

Sasori smiled softly, “Are you surprised? For my body, this is a proof of immortality.”

Gaara’s entire body had already begun to tremble slightly, Ying’s robe was completely wet with sweat. “I’m very surprised. Not only did you make Third Kazekage a puppet, you actually made yourself a puppet.

You really don’t need any reason for anything you do. All those who are familiar with you are probably used to it, but I didn’t expect that you will come back again, genius puppet master, Sasori. “..

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