Finally Come

Chapter 751

Chapter 752 Strong Aid【gogo! come on! 】

The seven hundred and fifty-second chapter strong aid [gogo! come on! 】

“Taking Naruto away is the supreme order given to me by Akatsuki from our organization.” Itachi looked at Jiraiya, whose appearance changed drastically, and couldn’t help thinking about other countermeasures, how can we reveal more information, and then we don’t need to take Naruto away. .

Itachi understands that even if it is a Jiraiya, even if it is Sage Mode, he and Kisame can deal with one of them, and the rest is definitely not their opponent. Before many Konoha’s helpers come, spend some money. The price is determined to take away the other party.

In other words, now is the time to drag. When Konoha’s reinforcements arrive, even the two of them will not be able to defeat Konoha’s power. After all, if there are too many ants, they can kill the elephant. Wasn’t Raikage dragged to death abruptly during the Ninja World War?

“Kisame, Sage Mode is invincible, wait for enough time and wait for that mode to end.” Itachi gently conveyed such a message from the ring to Kisame.

“Evasion is not my style, but let’s listen to you for the time being.” Kisame pretended to think for a while before answering.

Hmph… I already knew what you had in mind, but this time I didn’t really intend to bring back Nine Tails Jinchūriki. It’s just Master Key to test your attitude, Itachi, you are really disappointing. …But in this case, your ending is already doomed.

For Itachi, Long Key has always held a rather strange attitude. This time is considered the last choice for the other party. The position of Xiaozhi Suzaku. If Itachi is really willing to do it steadily, Long Key can do it. Regardless of the previous suspicions, it was clear that Itachi’s thinking was different from that of Long Key.

“Is the goal Nine Tails? You protect Naruto. I will take care of these two people.” Jiraiya shouted at Jōnin on the side. The body began to bend slightly. The muscles of the original humans began to thicken, and the skin appeared like a toad. The pimple on the epidermis looks a little nauseous.

This is a feature of Mount Myōboku Sage Mode, which can be half-frogged. The advantage of this is that it has a strong jumping ability and a huge body strength. In short, it is very strong in close combat.

“Sage Art. Super Big Ball Rasengan!” It popped out quickly like a bullet, and at the same time, there was an extra-large Rasengan with a radius of more than ten meters in his hand.

At the same time, the two Toad Sages on the shoulders, using Wind Style and Fire Style on the left and right, completely blocked the retreat of Itachi and Kisame. If they retreat, their speed is definitely not as good as Jiraiya. The speed at this time.

“That’s amazing! Isn’t this uncle such an amazing person? He deserves to be a member of the silver-haired trio.” A group of Xiaoqiang stared at Kamui’s Jiraiya, like Naruto, with a pitiful smile at this time. When I saw Rasengan of such a terrible size, I realized that there were always such powerful people around him.

“Since you have entered Sage Mode, you can’t beat it by numbers. I think this trick can inflict heavy losses on the opponent. It is worthy of Lord Jiraiya.” Even if Jōnin is so knowledgeable, it is the first time that such a large Rasengan has seen it.

However, Itachi and Kisame didn’t mean to dodge. The two of them were thoughtful people. After working together for many years, they saw Itachi standing behind Kisame and Kieyin started, but Kisame shook Samehada with a weird look. Smile.

“Do you want to harden it?” Not only Jiraiya thought so, but others were also a little strange. How could such a Rasengan condense a more powerful attack in a short time.

This is also an advantage of Rasengan, no need to seal, powerful and fast.Next time… I saw that the cloth bag on Samehada of Kisame was torn open at this moment, revealing a weird body that looked like a huge wriggling black fish.

The big mouth in the front of Samehada was stirring, as if seeing something delicious, I saw Kisame waved heavily at Rasengan. In Jiraiya’s surprise, Rasengan in his hand was cut in two. This is Chakra condensed. The thing that was strangely turned into two halves.

Then, Jiraiya found that not only he could not re-consolidate Rasengan, but also that the blade showed a strong adsorption force, and the Chakra on his body was slowly decreasing…This is the Chakra of Xianshu…

“Not good…” Jiraiya didn’t have time to retreat… The Itachi on the other side had finally vomited a huge fireball.

Looking at the fireball, Jiraiya secretly yelled badly. He didn’t expect that the opponent could crack Rasengan in such a short time. He didn’t think of any retreat at all. He thought that even if the opponent escaped Rasengan, he would retreat. The other side is…

And the two sides have been blocked by Wind Style and Fire Style, it’s really self-inflicted and you can’t live…

Seeing that this time it is me who is going to be hard-wired, but fortunately, Sage Mode’s body wants to be tough. If it is in normal mode, it is estimated that it will be burned by this fireball, and it will be half-crippled if it is immortal.

Kisame frowned and glanced at the Itachi behind him. His original intention was to let the Itachi use Amaterasu behind him. For this reason, he completely liberated Samehada. If he got Amaterasu, Kisame was completely sharkized, Kisame was sure. Even if Sage Mode is raided in this situation, 90% will end up with hatred.

“I have used Tsukuyomi twice in a row.” Itachi naturally knew what Kisame meant. In order to prevent the opponent from guessing his own mind, Itachi used a more reasonable explanation.

Just when the fire ball was about to hit Jiraiya, and Jiraiya even crossed his arms to form a ball ready to bear, a blue-violet light beam suddenly appeared, directly splitting the fire ball in half.

“Yo.” With a slightly trivial and frivolous voice, I saw a big guy with the same silver hair as Jiraiya, who was nearly two meters taller than Jiraiya and almost the same as Kisame over there.

“Who is this person?” While a group of Xiaoqiang breathed a sigh of relief, they couldn’t help looking at the side strangely…it seemed familiar.. No, it was familiar. It’s better to say that the other party has a temperament similar to Jiraiya. …

The temperament of the same name as a comedian…

“This is… in this case… Since this is here… then the advantages and disadvantages are quite obvious…” After seeing this figure, Kakashi’s group, although they were a little surprised why the other party appeared in Konoha, But they all secretly rejoiced, it seems that there is no pressure this time.

“What? Who am I.. It turns out that it was you…” Jiraiya was a little wondering why he wasn’t injured. After letting go of his arm, he saw a face that he was quite familiar with. The pressure in Jiraiya’s heart was suddenly reduced and he buckled. Booger, looking at each other with an indifferent expression.

“That’s how you repay your savior, Konoha’s silver-haired bastard.. Empty way..” Silver’s head went black, and he rolled up his cuffs just to punch him.

“Dare to say, the silver-haired bastard of Rain Shinobi Village… your eye saw that I need you to save it, huh? It’s been a long time since I shook my hand?” Jiraiya laughed haha, and was about to go and shake hands with him. Anyway, this guy and Kirigakure’s guy are indeed good friends.. Well, in a sense…

Maybe it’s the friendship between artists…

“Don’t touch me.. Your hand just picked your nostril… It’s disgusting.. You guy…” Yin looked at the other side with a disgusting expression and reached out his hand. ..

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