Finally Come

Chapter 748

Chapter 749 The Fourth Generation Legacy【gogo! come on! 】

Chapter 749: Fourth Generation’s legacy [gogo! come on! 】

“Excellence also has troubles. With power, you will gradually be isolated by the people around you, and people will become arrogant, even if you have great hope at the beginning.

Sharingan has made our clan the supreme blood succession limit, but your body does not belong to our clan, how long can you hold on?

See, the true power of Sharingan. ”

The half-squinted eyes suddenly widened, and an extremely powerful pupil power burst out from Itachi’s eyes.

“Close your eyes, never look at his eyes! Don’t open your eyes until you hear my prompt!” As if realizing something, Kakashi hurriedly yelled at his surrounding companions, and at the same time he closed himself. She closed her right eye, leaving only the left eye of the three-gou jade constantly turning.

It is rare to see Kakashi so nervous, several Asuma swallowed and quickly closed their eyes.

“Just don’t look at his eyes?” Guy said so, and then didn’t close his eyes, but prepared to attack without looking at the other’s eyes.


Kakashi suddenly felt that the surrounding scenery had changed. There was no one beside him, and he didn’t know when he was nailed to a suspended cross, and the background of the surrounding world became scarlet.

“This is Tsukuyomi’s world…Here, everything is at my disposal. Although it is an illusion, it does not cause real damage, but the pain received here is real. The next seventy-two Just stay here if you are young.”

As he said this, Itachi had an extra sword in his hand and pierced Kakashi’s chest without hesitation.

Kakashi’s eyes widened suddenly, just like what I said earlier. Although it is a spiritual world, the pain received here is absolutely real. The pain just now is a real feeling of being pierced through his chest.

I don’t know when, the figures of Itachi all around suddenly increased, and beside each Itachi, there was a Kakashi nailed to the cross.


At the same moment.. Hundreds of Itachi’s Dachi began to attack. At this moment, Kakashi felt hundreds of times the pain, not only the mental pain, but also the visual shock.

In the desperate space, seeing hundreds of people being treated like this, there was no one way to do it. Even the tremendous pain made him unable to speak, and his consciousness gradually began to blur.

I don’t know how long it took, but Itachi’s movements stopped, and only Kakashi’s gasping was left in the entire space.

“Now there are seventy-one hours, fifty-nine minutes and fifty-nine seconds left.”

Itachi’s calm tone made Kakashi’s heart trembled, just a second? But obviously the feeling just now was so long…

Before he could think about the weirdness of this space, the next moment Itachi’s offensive began again, and the huge pain irritated Kakashi’s whole body. At this time, how could he carelessly consider other things?Puff through…..

In the real world, Kakashi’s eyes are not slowing down with a tired look. The mental torture just now made him almost collapse. His knees unnaturally knelt on the ground, coughing, and gasping deeply, because the stimulation was too great. He almost couldn’t breathe.

“What’s wrong with Kakashi? You just fell to the ground after saying that.” Guy asked in shock when he saw Kakashi.

So long has passed in that weird space just now, is it only a second in reality? It is a terrible illusion.

“Oh? You didn’t have a nervous breakdown or fainting because of Itachi’s trick? But then, Itachi, it’s not good for you to use this trick too much.” Kisame on the side looked at Kakashi in surprise, he naturally knew Itachi did Tsukuyomi’s trick just now, so I was surprised that Kakashi didn’t faint.

Itachi did not speak, but the eyelids of his left eye trembled uncontrollably. Obviously, the use of Mangekyō’s tricks would also cause him a lot of pain.

“I’m going to kill you! Uchiha Itachi!” On the other side, Sasuke didn’t know when he was sober, his eyes were angry, and he rushed towards Itachi again.

Itachi glanced at Sasuke lightly, evading Sasuke’s fist lightly, his body slightly bent, his right knee was heavily pressed against Sasuke’s abdomen, his right hand pinched Sasuke’s neck, and raised it to his eyes. Looked at each other.

“Why…why…I clearly practiced so hard…the gap has not changed at all from that time…why…”

Sasuke looked at all this in disbelief, murmured something in his mouth, the huge gap made him feel desperate.

Seeing Sasuke in such pain, not only Xiaoqiangs, but Jōnins also couldn’t bear it.

“Go and save Sasuke, otherwise… he will die…” Kakashi said quickly, who was a little confused, and the guys reacted and rushed over.

“Don’t want to affect this good show… Water Style. Water style.” Kisame smiled evilly. The incident between Itachi and Sasuke gave him a sense of satisfaction in killing, and, As a teammate on the surface, he naturally has to do something.

Unexpectedly, the current appeared out of thin air, and the radius of a kilometer suddenly became an ocean of water.

“This kind of horrible Water Style… horrible Chakra…” Several Jōnin stared at all this in amazement… and only Konoha’s Second Hokage Senju Tobirama can do it in places where there is no water source. To the point.

Several Jōnins protected Xiaoqiang from the impact of the current, and Itachi had to temporarily put Sasuke down and walk aside.

“Rasengan!” This trick Water Style is just to change the terrain, and then use it in conjunction with the latter Water Style. The power is actually not very powerful. After finishing all this, Kisame just wanted to continue printing, and saw a gray hair. The ninja came towards him, and Kisame quickly dodged.

“Who! Sneakly.” Kisame sneered and said not far away after dodging.

“The dream girl of the young woman Konoha, the famous author with great ambition, Mount Myōboku Toad Sage, Jiraiya appeared!” First jumped forward several times with one foot, and then made strange gestures with both hands, and the tone of the mouth was quite similar. Surprisingly, he flicked his hair and shouted his name.

“Who is this person? Looks like an idiot.” The group of Xiaoqiang who didn’t know Jiraiya looked at them with disgust, while several Jōnin had black lines on their faces.

“Pervy Sage!” Naruto hurriedly shouted when he saw Jiraiya.

“It’s not Pervy Sage, it’s Toad Sage, how many times do you want me to say it.” It seemed that there was no nervousness at all, and Jiraiya retorted Naruto. ..

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