Finally Come

Chapter 714

Chapter 715 Terrible Dead Bone Pulse [gogo! come on! 】

Chapter 715 The Terrible Dead Bone Pulse [gogo! come on! 】

As soon as Kimimaro was on the court, Orochimaru’s eyes flashed, and some of them looked at Kimimaro intently.

“What’s wrong, Master Fukage seems to be very interested in the child of Rain Shinobi Village.” Sarutobi seems to point, obviously wanting to provoke the relationship between Rain Shinobi Village and Sunagakure, but no matter what, Takumatsu’s attention is still due to this. Turned around.

“No, I’m just looking forward to whether he can beat Gaara.” Orochimaru changed the subject and decided to pass.

However, it makes Takumatsu and Yuanfei a little strange. How can you see that Gaara’s strength does not need to be Kimimaro, but from Fengying’s tone, it doesn’t seem to be that simple? They all focused on Gaara.

Gaara was also looking at the blue cloak Fengying on the high platform at this time.

Why… why would he rather pay attention to this stranger in Rain Shinobi Village than pay attention to me! It was just a glance… The resentment in Gaara’s eyes became stronger, and the murderous aura became more abundant, as if it was about to explode at any time.

And Kimimaro has always been a cold grind, unshakable by Gaara’s aura.

“This kid is the one back then?” “Well, there should be nothing wrong. Has it grown to this level.” Kakashi glanced at each other, and they thought about it. In a store in Rain Shinobi Village, it was The child, who was only a few years old at the time, could kill without hesitation.

After that, a lot of people were involved, and even the incident of Miss So-and-so’s seafood delicacy shop appeared, which caused the prestige of the silver-haired trio to spread.

“Ms. Kakashi, you must organize the one called Gaara, he really can kill!” Naruto and several Xiaoqiang came over and shouted, thinking that they had met Gaara in the aisle before. What they said, they all understood that Gaara was an extremely dangerous person, and Naruto’s brainless scream also attracted the attention of many people nearby.

But they don’t care about death or not. The nobles came to watch it. If someone died, wouldn’t it be more intense and more enjoyable?

“Don’t worry, that kid was already a qualified ninja when he was four or five years old. If it is dangerous, the real danger is that he is called Gaara.” Kakashi shook his head. He thought of Kimimaro. At that time, the murder didn’t have a trace of emotion.

A qualified ninja? Everyone looked at each other. They understood what it meant. As Kakashi said, a qualified ninja is going to kill! And it’s a determined murder! If you say this, you will kill without hesitation at the age of four or five? Everyone took a breath, and Naruto also trembled, and said no more, no matter who these two are, one is more terrifying than the other.

“Starting to fight,” Shiranui Xuanjian said quickly, looking at the two who were both’exposing’ and showing’yin’ murderous aura, and at the same time, they retreated violently. Till far away.

He understands that these two people are not the same as ordinary people, and there will be a strong fight, so he doesn’t need to stand too close.

Kimimaro and Gaara stood more than ten meters apart, holding each other, the crazy shouts of countless spectators in the stands also slowly disappeared, and they held their breath and looked down to welcome the next feast.

The two of them didn’t talk nonsense, the cork on the giant gourd behind Gaara disappeared strangely, and the small sand slowly flowed out along the mouth of the gourd. At the same time, he blocked his right eye with his hand and looked at Kimimaro coldly with his left eye. Suddenly, an eyeball made of sand appeared in the sky, which was very strange.

And Kimimaro stomped the ground with his right foot, explosively, and’agitated’ bursts of dust. At the moment when the dust rose, he still rushed to Kimimaro’s body, clenching his right fist straight to Gaara’s face. He fought, but was blocked by countless fine sands rising on the ground.

Looking at the sand shield that he had broken up in front of him, Kimimaro glanced at Gaara contemptuously. Gaara’s “Sand Shield” was in his battle with Xiao Li, and Kimimaro had already disarmed his defenses.Kimimaro is already ready to take the approach of breaking the ten thousand knots by force.

On top of the fist, the sand shield that stood in front of Kimimaro’s fist and Gaara exploded with violent force, and the gathered sand particles changed into countless fine sands scattered in the air.

“What…” Gaara looked at him with some incredible fists that were only a foot away from him. He didn’t believe that a normal punch could be so powerful.

boom! Kimimaro’s powerful fist hits Gaara’s face “door”.

Gaara, who was hit by -kun’s strong fist, showed strange cracks in her face, although there is a possibility of cracking, it seems that he is a clay pot person.

“What a fast speed, what a powerful force.” Seeing that Xiao Li had to use eight ‘door’ armors to break through the opponent’s sand armor, he was actually shattered by the opponent’s breakthrough punch. So much of the power contained in the ordinary boxing just now is not inferior to when Xiao Li opened the eight’doors’, Dunjia three and four’doors’?

There was a hint of horror in Guy’s eyes.

Kimimaro looked at Gaara’s cracked face, which was flying upside down. As soon as he speeded up, he came to the spot where he was flying upside down in a low altitude, and the fine sand left in the place also automatically rushed towards Gaara, trying to protect him.

Kimimaro, who came under Gaara, supported the ground with both hands, kicked on both’legs,’ hitting Gaara’s back, flying upside down in the low air, he was kicked into the air by Kimimaro without the ability to resist, and flew straight into the air.

The sand current that came long overdue had to rush towards Gaara, who was flying into the air.

Kimimaro glared hard at the ground, jumped away, and quickly rushed to the top of Gaara. It slashed hard and hit Gaara’s abdomen without defense.

Gaara, who was on the rush, immediately changed its trajectory and hurriedly fell to the ground.


Gaara fell to the ground sadly, splashing dust, and the ground beneath him lying on the ground was like a spider web, full of cracks.

Kimimaro, who was in the air, swooped down, clenching his right fist, and the strong wind entangled his fist. With the power of falling, as well as the power of oneself, the two are one.

He stepped on Gaara’s body and hit Kimimaro’s head fiercely with his fists. There was no idea of ​​mercy at all, a death move.

The people in the viewing platform were a little stupid. The ninjas were also stupid. The celebrities were also stupid. Temari and Kankuro were also stupid. I thought it was a close battle, but it was too dramatic, right? Lean directly to one side.

Especially Konoha Xiaoqiang, they have seen Gaara’s powerful strength with their own eyes, and now they don’t even have the qualifications to backhand, so they can’t help but swallow their saliva. Seeing Kimimaro stepping on Gaara, they can’t help but shout: pervert.

And Third Hokage looked at Takumatsu with a weird look, and then at Fourth Hokage. The two fighting now are Sand Shinobi Village ninja, Fourth Kazekage’s son, and Rain Shinobi Village ninja.

Now it is obvious that both of them are thinking of killing each other. Third Hokage is deeply afraid that the two will affect the relationship between Rain Shinobi Village and Sunagakure, but Takumatsu and Fuekage have finally changed their faces. As plain as water, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

And Kimimaro looked at Gaara at his feet.

“Life-saving ability is good,” Kimimaro said faintly at Gaara, watching Gaara cracking slowly, like a broken clay pot, with air in the middle and fine sand slowly flowing out. ..

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