Finally Come

Chapter 697

Chapter 698 Illness is not the hell way of the mentally ill [gogo! come on! 】

Chapter 698: Neuropathy, not mentally ill, hell road 【gogo! come on! 】

“Okay, Kabuto, it’s not like me. After you meet Hi, you will know what kind of person he is.” It seems that he has said too much, Orochimaru straightened his body and stopped. Complaints about Absolute.

“Uh, yes, Master Orochimaru.” Kabuto said so, but he shook his head violently. If he could, he would never want to see this so-called hai for the rest of his life. Even people like Orochimaru have been cheated like this. Didn’t I even have a bone left in the past?

“When talking about the other members of the Xiao organization, you don’t need to talk about Jade Girl. You should be clear. As an art puppet maniac, Qinglong is not better there. The whole art explosion maniac, the two of them are really amazing. They are talking about Santai. He and Beidou, a wealthy lover likes to collect hearts, and another likes to kill and torture each other to offer sacrifices to the evil gods. They are also a perfect match. Nandou is talking about killing and feeding knives all day long, and Suzaku has a facial paralysis, cherishing words like gold. The clansmen are not merciless when they are killed. They are talking about zero burial. This guy is the most abnormal except for Hai. He instills God’s thoughts all day long, and he is a patient with secondary disease.”

“When talking about the Six Paths of Reincarnation, Tenshindo has a cold face, and his personality and zero burial are a bit like people who don’t care. However, Tenshindo doesn’t say something strange like zero burial. The animal dao always has a nonchalant face. These two were normal at first, but as long as they were together, they would shame each other. Two magical battles. In the first time, Tenshindo deliberately put a few shadows on the battlefield of the brutal road, which was already a little strenuous, and the second time. God war, Brute Dao directly attacked Celestial Dao with Summoning beasts, saying that it was missed.”


Who are these people? Kabuto’s heart was bursting with tears. No wonder Orochimaru-sama said that if his strength is insufficient, he might die immediately.

“The remaining Ashura Dao Master Odin, I dare say that as long as you meet him once, you will never encounter someone who has a temper worse than him in your life. Alas, the real people in the Akatsuki organization are only hungry Kidō, Baihu, and Me.” Orochimaru sighed.

Orochimaru-sama, you can’t go there normally, Kabuto’s mouth twitched when Orochimaru said that.

“I heard that there is another master of Hell Road?” Kabuto suddenly remembered that there seemed to be one missing, and asked quickly.

“You said hell road 1….I am not very clear about what he said. It seems that I have never seen any abnormal behavior or behavior in him, but once again I saw Lingzang that he turned black when I saw him. Think about it carefully. It’s definitely not normal to be able to make the facial paralysis like this one. Later, I heard Hai said that the hell path seemed to be a little nervous, but in a more general way, it’s a neurosis.”





The scene seemed a bit awkward.

“En? Kabuto, were you talking to me just now?” Suddenly I felt something was wrong. Orochimaru asked Kabuto quickly. Kabuto was a little confused just now by this pile of information. After hearing Orochimaru’s words, I found out that the conversation just now was the third. Personal voice.

“Who, come out.” Orochimaru hadn’t noticed before, but now that he was vigilant, he discovered that there was a chakra in his northwest direction, and the opponent didn’t seem to be hiding now.

Kabuto was also standing next to Orochimaru with a vigilant look. Although Orochimaru had relaxed just now, he couldn’t find the enemy even if Orochimaru wasn’t serious. His strength was by no means bad!”Uh1…” Kabuto looked at the people coming out in front of him in a daze, and then looked at Orochimaru with embarrassment on his face.

Because the person who came out from there was wearing a black robe with a big red cloud on his face, with a mask on his face, the mask was painted with burning green hell fire, and his identity was unknown.

“1……..” Hell Road was standing opposite Orochimaru, a pair of Rinnegan stared at Orochimaru without letting go or talking, just watching so quietly, A few minutes later, Orochimaru also started to feel a little embarrassed.

“It’s Hell Road 1….What a coincidence, what’s the point of coming here?” After all, you just said bad things about others behind the scenes, and this is basically the same thing as everyone in Xiao, except for the hungry Kidō and Xiaonan. Speaking of it, but Orochimaru pretended to be an okay person, and Kabuto who was watching was stunned.

Lord Orochimaru, you are really too 1…………too shameless 1…………

“I need to correct a very serious question for you. It has something to do with what you just said.” It seemed that Orochimaru didn’t mean to answer, and the calm and powerful voice of Hell Road came over very seriously.

So serious? I don’t seem to be angry anymore. After all, I heard that the Six Paths of Samsara is one. Orochimaru was a little surprised. He was already thinking of using something to bribe Hell Dao to tell him not to say what he said today, otherwise he would go back when the time comes. Targeted once by everyone.

“I am mentally ill, not insane.” Helldao nodded seriously and looked at Orochimaru and said.

“You said, I’m listening, what are you talking about?” Orochimaru thought he had a hallucination.

“I am mentally ill, not insane.” Helldao said again, and this time, even Kabuto on the side could not help but smoked with Orochimaru.

“What’s the difference?” Orochimaru felt a little embarrassed.

“Of course there is! The difference is huge! Empty road!” Hell Road seemed to be a little excited.

“I know, I know, you’re mentally ill, can’t you count me wrong? What about the others?” Orochimaru wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and now he somewhat understands why Zero Burial doesn’t see the hell road. The way it looks, feelings are a nerve, not a mental illness.

But some of the other words just said have been heard and it is not good to spread them out, so Orochimaru is actually asking what conditions hell do need to forget what he said just now.

“Well, the gods asked me to assist you. I will not directly intervene. I will only do it when there is an accident. After all, this is your personal business. This is the Summoning Beast Scroll from where I came from. You can borrow one or two.” Hell Road took out a scroll, Orochimaru took it with some surprise and immediately reacted.

“You said this was brought by Hai?” “That’s right.” “Oh, then you take it back, I don’t want it.”

Orochimaru quickly handed the scroll back, but that guy was so kind without asking for any conditions? Orochimaru would never believe it.

Kabuto, who was next to me, kept pursing his mouth. How fucking he was, Hell Dao was also puzzled.

“This was ordered by the gods, and Hai just changed hands and gave it to me.” Seems to understand something, hell road understanding seems to have nodded to Orochimaru.

“Oh? Is that so? Then trouble you, give it to me.” Orochimaru was a little surprised, and then he snatched the scroll without waiting for Helldao’s consent. Kabuto on the side no longer knew what expression to face. ..

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