Finally Come

Chapter 530

Chapter 531 God’s Miracle Three Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Chapter 531 God’s Miracle III [Seeking an evaluation of flowers! Ask for a monthly pass! 】

“Oh… I didn’t expect it to be you…”

The unexpected sound from the back of Jue made the Five Shadows who walked in front of them a little surprised. They seemed to have discovered it five years ago. The Akatsuki organization seemed to have some other purpose for the princess of Rain Shinobi Village. I saw this today. In this situation, it seems that there are really some things they don’t know.

“Since you know it is me, are you planning to surrender?” Long Yao smiled slightly, looking at Jue, but the seal on his hand did not stop, and a fireball rushed in the direction of Jue.

“Although it is you, it is not so easy to kill me.”

Pretending to be a little dignified, facing the fireball, he just waved his hand slightly, and something like a wooden board appeared in front of him. The fireball scorched the wood a little, but did not penetrate it.

Others have noticed that Jue’s tone is different from before. Facing them, absolutely seems very sure that his gang can’t kill him, but facing Long Key, he said that killing is not so easy.

Sure enough… Has this strength reached an unfathomable level…

“My goal has been achieved. To be honest, except for that one, I don’t think anyone will have a chance of winning against you, except for that. Goodbye, Miss.”

Who? Although he was already on his way to leave, but who was not a strong person in Five Shadows, he heard the words of Jue, is that the leader of Akatsuki?

Missy? They didn’t pay much attention to this title, thinking it was just a title for Dragon Key like the world.

“Want to go, it’s not that easy.”

After a while, Long Yao’s figure disappeared.

As Jue left, those White Zetsu clones were slaughtered one by one by the remaining ninjas.

“Unexpectedly, I can’t feel the trace of these two people at all. That’s it for Ukage-sama. The guy with the black and white face is by no means easy!” Sarutobi looked at the people around him with some seriousness.

“The ability of Wood Style… The mysterious and unpredictable space can be explained. It seems that that guy is really different from First Hokage’s Wood Style.” As an older generation guy, Liang Tianping Onoki knows the terrible Wood Style.

“Don’t delay any more time, with the Princess Palace going down, that Xiao organization will never go back to report, then, the rest is our battlefield! Everyone is going forward with all their strength!”

The impatient Raikage was dissatisfied with the current speed for a long time. At the moment, he accelerated first. The remaining shadows nodded and followed them together. Raikage said nothing wrong. The most important thing now is not to consider these issues, but theirs. The goal once come.

Destroy this terrorist organization!

On the other side, in the direction of Long Yao, it seemed that he had already traveled a long distance.

Long Yao stopped and looked at the empty place ahead. Long Yao waved his hand and shouted: “Okay, no one is gone.”

“Oh? Your lord just now, you scared me to death… I thought you were really coming…”

On the deserted land, a figure slowly broke out of the ground, and his expression was a bit nervous.

Long Key’s expression was flat, and he looked at Jue while knotting his seals and said, “If I’m not serious, wouldn’t I be seen by those guys? They are all sophisticated guys.”

Juegang was relieved to see the Yin tone card in Long Yao’s hand, and he became nervous again.”My lord?! What are you doing?”

“Fire Style. Extinguish the fire!” “Wind Style. Spiral Shuriken Technique.”

Jue’s eyes widened slightly, because these two techniques didn’t go toward him, but the empty space beside him, and he immediately understood Long Key’s behavior.

“My lord is wise…” “Stop flattering…”

———————————split line————— ——————-

Rumble… a huge roar, even though it was far away, Wu Ying still heard this sound. ,

“Really… terrible destructive power…” Raikage couldn’t help but feel a little cold looking at the smoke rising from the distance behind.

“It seems that there is absolutely no problem with your Highness… The front is almost here, let’s hurry!”

Sarutobi was relieved when he heard the figure behind him. They were all able to see the strength of Long Key.

“Master Mizukage, it’s Master Full Moon!”

A sharp-eyed Kirigakure ninja saw these three silver-haired people standing still uphill.

“Why are they in a daze? Nothing will happen, go over and take a look.”

Mizukage said so, and quickly walked over with the rest of the people.

“Jiraiya…you guys…this is!?”

Wuying and his men slowly approached the uphill. Sarutobi just wanted to say something, but the sight in his eyes made him get all the words stuck in his throat, his eyes staring wide, unbelievable. Looking at everything in front of me.

If it was said that the divine battle many years ago, the meteorite that obscured the sky and the sun in the reincarnation Six Paths made Wuying understand for the first time how powerful Rinnegan’s power is, then they are not sure whether they are right now or not. ‘Alive’.

A meteorite, no, it should be said to be a planet, but people in this world have no idea about the universe. Naturally, they don’t know what the term planet means. However, this does not prevent all this from subverting their perception of the world. Cognition.

“This…Where are we…”

Sarutobi’s tone was trembling, as he watched the sphere in front of him that could not be described in words floating quietly in the air, faintly, the mountains and trees above the planet, the rivers and veins could clearly reflect in their eyes. Among.

This is simply a world! A scaled-down world!

And there are ten small spheres around like satellites. The stars around the planet in the middle, like guards and believers. Although slow, they can see that those small spheres are not static. moveable.

What made everyone feel a little palpitating was that although the planet was beautiful, the ruins on the surface seemed to make people think of something.

“This… Could it be that… this is…” Sarutobi seemed to have thought of something, and there was this fear in his eyes.

“Here… Loulan!”

Sarutobi took a deep breath… and let out a word that shocked everyone.

Gu Loulan… This is the ancient country of Loulan that suddenly disappeared during World War II? ..

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