Finally Come

Chapter 499

Chapter 500 The Seventh Annihilation Ask for a monthly pass! 】

The five hundredth chapter exterminates the race seven [seeking flowers evaluation! Ask for a monthly pass! 】


“Dad! .. Mom!”

As soon as he entered the room, little Sasuke yelled. Finally, he saw that in a half-covered room, there seemed to be a person standing there, and a faint moonlight shone inside, which looked a little strange.

“Mom and Dad?!.. Are you… brother?”

Seeing his father and mother lying on the ground, at first glance, Sasuke still had some doubts, but seeing the blood flowing on the ground, Sasuke even a child understood that by this time his parents should be dead.. Look at that back Facing himself in a dark position… Sasuke felt familiar.

Hearing what my brother said… Itachi’s head looked back slightly.

“Brother! What the hell is going on!”

I saw that it was my brother’s face. Although I noticed that Itachi’s eyes were no longer as gentle and warm as before, but now Sasuke is in a state of being in a state of being innocent, unconsciously wanting to rush to seek comfort.


“It hurts…”

Sasuke’s small hand covered his face, and his footsteps stopped. He almost fell, and then looked at the Itachi in front of him with some doubts.

My brother used his shuriken against himself just now?

Wait a minute…Why is this cold…Is this guy really a brother?

“What are you doing… It hurts!” Sasuke complained.

Suddenly… he found out, those eyes in the darkness, looking at him, staring at him.. There is no trace of emotion, so bloodthirsty…

Sasuke once went hunting in the wild. At that time, he saw a wolf biting a deer. Now his brother’s eyes are almost the same as the original wolf’s eyes…

I haven’t experienced war, and I didn’t even graduate from school. When Sasuke saw this situation, the whole person was caught.. Seems to understand something, Sasuke’s face suddenly turned pale.. He didn’t know. So scared to underestimate what…

“That’s how you see it.. My stupid brother… In order to gain strong power… I killed them… They are just my tools to gain power…”

Itachi’s tone was cold and intoxicated, and seemed to be excited that he had gained Mangekyō’s power.

Those blood-red eyes, looking straight at Sasuke…make Sasuke feel scared..feeled scared..This source…is not someone else, but his most dependent and beloved brother before..

“Liar… liar…”

Although I didn’t want to believe it, it was the first time Sasuke saw this kind of Itachi… and, with the bloody facts in front of him, Sasuke didn’t believe it. Sasuke was still a child, so naturally he wouldn’t think about other issues.

“very scary…”

His mouth and body were trembling…Looking at the person in front of him who came from hell, he was not his brother at all.. It was so terrible, Sasuke stood up straight and ran out quickly.At the moment when Sasuke ran out of the door, Itachi’s previous crazy expression disappeared, and he became very sad. From the moment this brother was born, he was the most important person in his life, and now, Sasuke has no reliance on it anymore. , The self who used to be most dependent on, now wants to further push his favorite brother into the abyss.

“It seems that the Uchiha clan is the last one left. Is it your brother, Itachi, how about it… If you can’t get your hands down…” There was a erratic voice. I don’t know when, Long Key stood on Itachi’s. By his side, Itachi seemed to have become accustomed to Dragon Key’s mysterious figure, or itachi had no intention to be surprised now.

“You are not allowed to shoot him!”

Hearing Long Key’s words, Itachi became visibly nervous, and then seemed to find that his tone seemed a little wrong, and then said lightly: “He is a container for my strength test, haven’t we already said it before? To be stronger He must or, even if he dies, I won’t join you!”

“Is that true, Itachi…”

With a strange tone, Hearing this, Itachi’s mind became a little nervous, but he believed that he would not be seen, and Sasuke was really not a threat, even his brother seemed to them to be nothing more than one. Little people…

“Well… it’s up to you… your own business is settled, and you will meet at your destination.”

After taking a meaningful look at Itachi, Long Key slowly walked out, and then jumped onto the roof, as if he was not interested in the next thing.

Long Key really wanted to use his spatial ability to get rid of it. However, for that kind of spatial ability, except Akatsuki knew that Long Key possessed, other ninja worlds would think of the princess of Rain Shinobi Village, so he had to give up.

Seeing the reincarnation Six Paths in front of him disappeared, Itachi couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. If the other party really wants to attack Sasuke, he really doesn’t know what to do, resist? Is it possible… it seems that none of the people who came this time belonged to me..

And if he really did that, everything he had done before was wasted… Shisui’s death, the death of his parents, the death of his lover, and the annihilation of his clan… I have endured the humiliation and everything will become splashes now.

Sasuke, who was constantly fleeing in the street, murmured all kinds of terrible words on one side, his eyes revealed the panic and fear, one inadvertently tripped over a small stone.

I raised my head, but saw the person I didn’t want to see the last.


The blood-red triangle windmill turned slightly, and a pair of eyes fixed on Sasuke…

Suddenly, Sasuke realized that the picture in front of him had changed… he came to a familiar and unfamiliar place. The people fell to the ground one by one, the corpses were everywhere, the picture turned around, and he went to his home again…

“do not want!!!”

But there was no way to stop it. Inside the room, his brother still stabbed his parents… Sasuke saw the moment his parents died…

The picture changed again. Sasuke returned to reality. The huge anger made him forget the fear, and he took a kunai directly and slashed it at Itachi, but it was useless. Itachi just kicked it casually. Kicked Sasuke out.

“Stupid brother…

If you want to kill me, resent and curse…

Then live ugly…

Keep evading and avoiding, just to live.

Then one day when you have the same eyes as mine, come in front of me…”

Desperately speaking, Sasuke saw his brother’s unsentimental Mangekyō Sharingan in the last moment of coma… I don’t know if it was an illusion… he seemed to see his brother crying…

But how could it be… this murderous demon…

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