Finally Come

Chapter 464

Chapter 465 The Attack of the Eagle Eye II [go! go! Come on! 】

Chapter 465: Attack of the Eagle Eye 2 [go! go! Come on! 】

“It’s Damn it guy!” A scarlet flashed in Harvey’s eyes. He could join the church’s most elite unit, teasing the army, ah… no, it’s the fact that the Crusaders don’t understand the reason for what Nick did.

With a shot directly at a camera in a corner of the room that is normally impossible to detect, Harvey’s mood seems to be getting more and more irritable.

“Harvey, don’t do anything that embarrassed Your Highness.” Mike on the side looked at Harvey not stopping, and grabbed Harvey’s arm. Even Harvey had to stop with great force.

“I see, let go Mike!”

After struggling to no avail, Harvey sighed.

Looking at these two combinations, Long Yao knows how to arrange the two people together. Harvey’s communicative skills are very good, and he can usually handle a lot of things, at least when there is no runaway, and Mike is very good. Calm, which makes Mike very dislike talking.

But once Harvey has something emotionally wrong, Mike can stop Harvey’s behavior for the first time, which can be said to be a very good combination.

“Huh?” The explosion suddenly remembered, and Long Yao opened his eyes.

“It seems that something has happened to them. This kind of explosion is about three hundred meters east of our side. How should we be your Highness.” It is indeed Mike, a combat expert, who explained the direction and direction of the enemy’s attack. distance.

“What’s the matter with us, I am a little bit expecting their casualties.” Harvey doesn’t have any good feelings about you, but S.H.I.E.L.D. Harvey is looking forward to their casualties.

“Harvey is not wrong, it has nothing to do with us.”

Mike and Harvey didn’t speak.

“But.” With a turning point, the two servants knew that their Highness might have thought of something.

I have supreme power. My right eye is sealed with the eternal Mangekyō’s reincarnation Byakugan, which is the power bestowed by Altria, the heir of the Great Demon King Guysa….Hahahaha… Cough cough cough…

If you can… Long Yao wanted to say that, but he felt that people in this world might not understand his great power. Long Key decided to conceal his own eyes of great power…

Wait…it’s not right…I don’t have such a secondary second setting in this world…

“I have…” “…………”

Harvey Mike: “?”

Habitually, I almost said what I was thinking just now…

Long Yao’s expression stuck, and then he ignored Harvey and Mike and walked out. It didn’t seem that he wanted Harvey and Mike to follow.

Mike: “What did your Highness want to say?”

Harvey: “I don’t know, it looks like it has some great power.”

Mike: “Ah, if it’s your Highness, it should be a great power.”

Yeah… it’s great, the power you never know, the eternal look at it, the reincarnation of Mangekyō Byakugan…Puff…

Leaving aside Long Key’s great power, Hawkeye came here as planned. In Loki’s plan, being caught was one of them. Only by entering the opponent’s circle first can you fully know the enemy’s strength, the enemy The location, and the enemy’s plan.

For the giant sky battleship, too many offensive troops are not good. One is a rescue mission this time, and second, only a small number of elites can sneak into the attack to cause the enemy to cause the greatest chaos.If you really send more troops, whether you can get close to this spaceship is still a question.

“The left wing turbine of the spacecraft is under attack, and we are descending!”

“Leave it to me, Captain, do me a favor.”

Tony put on the armor looked at Rogers, Rogers nodded, and the two rushed out the door.

“Loki!” Thor, who came in front of Loki, watched the gate of confinement had been opened, and Loki was preparing to walk out of it.

Thor immediately rushed up to pounce on Loki. Who knows, Thor threw himself into the air, but Loki he thought he was holding was an illusory shadow.


With a sound, after Thor entered, the open door closed again, and Loki slowly walked out from the side and looked at Thor mockingly.

“They said that even if we Asgardians were locked up here and fell down, there would be no way to survive. I’m curious, brother… what do you think.”


Seeing his brother’s evil smile, Thor was a little discouraged… Knowing what kind of person Loki is, he still fell into the other’s trap.


“Stop, please!”

Just when Loki wanted to press the button, Coleson, the black agent who had invited Tony to participate in the Avengers project, suddenly walked towards Loki with a yellow-ray weapon.

“Do you like it? We developed this weapon from the destroyer you sent to the earth. I don’t even know the power of this thing. Do you want to try it.”

Loki in front of Coleson slowly raised his hands at this moment.

“No!” Thor shouted angrily.

Coleson looked at the blade passing through his chest in shock, and then looked at Loki in front of him as a phantom. It turned out that Loki in front of him was just a clone…

“Hahaha…” Loki, who was smiling more wildly, walked to the console under Thor’s grief-stricken extension, and turned on the spaceship’s switch.

Loki pursed his mouth and looked at Thor, as if saying not to look at me with that kind of pitiful eyes, and pressed it down without hesitation.

“Oh.. It seems to be quite tall…&”

After sending Thor away, Loki didn’t seem to be sad at all. Was it because of Thor’s confidence that he would not die, or because the two had no feelings at all?

“You are determined to lose…”

Just when Loki turned around and was about to leave, Coleson’s panting figure made Loki turn his head and look at him curiously.

“Really?” Loki gave an evil smile.

“Because of your nature.” Coulson said laboriously.

“Your so-called heroes have fallen apart, and your main combat spaceship seems to be about to fall. What else should I worry about?”

“You have no faith.”

It was only Coleson’s answer that all of a sudden, Loki’s face turned gloomy from a smile. ..

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