Finally Come

Chapter 449

Chapter 450: Arrival【go!go! Come on! 】

The 450th chapter arrives【go!go! Come on! 】

“It seems that the cooperation between our two sides has ended here. We have been hiding things from the beginning, sooner or later.”

Is the American supremacy partisan thinking… also… If it is really for world peace, why not share it if you find the Rubik’s Cube? If you have all the talented scientists of all the people on earth together, maybe you can really study something from the Rubik’s Cube. .

But what the other party said is, could the earth unite together? Impossible. As far as Longyao’s view of the world is concerned, Russia and China will never sit back and watch the Rubik’s Cube in the hands of the Americans.

Suddenly, Long Yao pretended to be surprised, looked at the computer screen, and then smiled at the corner of his mouth. He looked at Nick with a very strange expression and said, “It seems that you have gotten into a terrible person.”

“What did you see?!” Nick said in surprise.

“There is too little information, but you must be studying what kind of energy body like space, this kind of energy body attracts that existence, that person, no… should not be regarded as a person anymore, it may be some kind of ancient record that exists on the earth. The god in, maybe this thing is his originally, he just wants to take it back.”

Nick frowned. He was wondering whether what Long Key said was true or not. He obviously felt that what Long Key said was a lie, but some of it should be true. The other party could not know about the Rubik’s Cube. , So light and light can speak the energy body of space, which means that there is absolutely a lot of water in the truth on the other side.

As for the gods? Nick has always been unbelieving. Perhaps the person in front of me is because the Vatican belongs to the future Pope and wants to promote the thoughts of the gods… But that mysterious person…

When Nick thought of the figure of the big red cloud on the black background, he unconsciously felt a little inexplicable fear. Does the other party really belong to the category of humans? And if what the pope heir in front of me said is true.

correct! He thought about… the black-bottomed, red-cloud-big jun said before he left, it seems that the Rubik’s Cube is temporarily placed with you, and the meaning is expressed as if the Rubik’s Cube is his own, and he didn’t think there was anything before. , But at this time, Nick believed what Long Key had said, but he still had some unbelief in his heart.

It’s really hard to lie…Modern people’s thinking… is trouble… and still has the kind of firm belief in the country that has great trust in the country, Long Yao frowned and looked at Nick…

“You say that because you want me to tell you the whole story. Unfortunately, this is impossible.”

Nick replied after some thinking. It is true that telling the other party that the existence of the Rubik’s Cube allows him to contact him may trace the identity of the red cloud on the black background that day, but the price is too great. Knowing that the Rubik’s Cube exists, it may be what it will become.

They want to get power from the Rubik’s Cube, but they don’t want to trigger a world war ahead of time. Just like Hydra back then, Nick certainly knows that at the end of the war’s central goal, no matter how powerful the United States is, it is impossible to fight the entire world.

“It’s really stubborn, Mr. Nick, you are becoming more and more curious like this. Well, although I don’t know what you are studying, don’t attract any strange people at that time. Otherwise, it’s dangerous. It’s not just you. Now… let’s go…”

Of course the other party doesn’t know that he already knows the Rubik’s Cube, and Long Key also knows that the other party cannot tell him. Just like in the original plot, why didn’t S.H.I. Where did Loki go when the danger broke out?

Some things will not be persecuted and will never be shared with others. This is human selfishness.

But the purpose of the dragon key is not here. Now it is useless for him to get the Rubik’s Cube. He must wait until the humans have defeated and destroyed the device connected with the Rubik’s Cube. At that time, the Dragon Key can be completely captured.”Director… In case the Vatican investigates something, do you want us to do it now…” After seeing Long Key and the three going out, an agent wanted to kill it now, so he proposed to Nick.

“Do you want to start a world war?” Nick glanced at the agent, only a word to dispel the other person’s thoughts.

Nick didn’t want to kill the opponent, but the opponent is the future heir to the pope. If he kills, he can’t use a simple reason to explain to the Vatican.

You could have thought that even if someone came from the Vatican, you wouldn’t see anything, but you didn’t expect someone like Long Key to come, and even defeated their purpose in one word.

“Harvey… Harvey?!”

Nick remembered, the vatican executioner of the Vatican, called a demon-like man… Is this kind of person just following the man and obeying his orders… It seems that the remaining big man is definitely not ordinary. People.

“Sir?” The agent hurriedly asked as he watched Nick suddenly shout.

“It’s okay, the Vatican will find out sooner or later. It’s a matter of time. Before that, put all other things aside, and everyone will study the Rubik’s Cube with all their strength, and it must be completed before the news is released!”

Since it is only a matter of time before the truth is known, they must first complete the research on the Rubik’s Cube.

On the other side, Long Yao and Harvey Mike walked out, Harvey said angrily: “What an arrogant American…&”

“His Royal Highness, what is the purpose of my coming here?” Mike was puzzled.

“Oh? Do you think we are here for any purpose, not just because we happen to be near New York?”

Long Yao smiled and looked at Mike.

“His Royal Highness, you won’t come here specifically for such a boring thing,” Mike said..

“It’s a pity, they seem to attach great importance to that secret, our goal has not been achieved.” Harvey also agreed with Mike. Dragon Key is not such a simple person. Although the time to follow is very short, they can also experience it. Dragon Key City Mansion is one or two.

“No, Harvey, you are wrong, our goal has been achieved.”

Long Yao walked out of the base and looked at the night sky…

“The night tonight is so beautiful…”

Harvey and Mike looked at each other, the purpose has been achieved? It seems that they really don’t understand what their gods are thinking…

That’s right, Long Key is such a mind, that Nick is too old and cunning, since that’s the case, it’s better to pass time a little.

They don’t have time to prepare for other things. They put all their energy on the Rubik’s Cube. In this way, not only will the Thanos army arrive earlier, S.H.I. . ..

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