Finally Come

Chapter 34

Chapter 34

Chapter 34 I am a man…

Looking at the water dragon getting closer, Xiaonan just looked at Obito’s mask, and he was suddenly curious about Obito’s appearance.

Hearing his voice, he should be very young, he should be about the same age as oneself, anyway, it shouldn’t be the kind of old man.

The voice is so good, is it for a woman? Well, it should be, this soft and warm feeling…Is it an older sister or a younger sister?

If it’s a woman… Thinking of this, Xiao Nan glanced at his chest and felt the temperature coming from Obito’s chest…

Much younger than me…Xiao Nan thought proudly.

Looking at Xiao Nan who was thinking about it in his arms, Obito was a little bit ridiculous.

What time is it now, still thinking about these things…

The more Xiao Nan thinks about it, the more curious it becomes… Anyway, it’s about to die. It doesn’t matter if you look at it…

Without thinking, he stretched out to Obito’s mask and took it off…..

The mask fell from Xiao Nan’s hand to the ground…

Xiao Nan’s eyes and mouth grew slowly… what a beautiful person this is, with white lips and red skin, with a hint of rosy, gentle and clear eyes, and she was a little surprised to see herself at this moment.

Now Xiao Nan doesn’t have the proud idea just now….Although the person in front of him and the breasts are indeed inferior to him, but the face that even fairies can sullen all the people in the world would be eclipsed in front of’her’. Coupled with the tall figure and waist-length blue silk, anyone who sees it will have this indesectable idea.

Seeing Xiao Nan’s appearance, Obito obviously had a black line on his forehead.

Fuck, what’s the situation? Today I am wearing a big black dress with a red cloud, not a strange woman’s dress or a kimono.

The mysterious temperament in me, the look in Haki’s eyes…Can’t you still tell that I am a man?

“I’m a man…” Obito explained slightly embarrassed.

“Huh?! The man? But how can this be… the man is so good-looking…”

Is it my fault to look good, bastard… Obito thought sadly.

“Looking at it this way…”

Xiao Nan looked at Obito again and found that it was completely different again, a standard beautiful man, whether it was bright eyes or a sharp face.

It feels totally different from just now.

In fact, Xiao Nan was confused by preconceived concepts…

Obito looks….. It’s really neutral, how can I say it. I can’t tell the gender at first glance, but the first impression is very beautiful…..If you think he is a female , There will feel that the person in front of you immediately becomes a peerless beauty, if you think in your heart that he is a man, similarly, you will find that the person in front of you is so handsome and looks so soft.

Anyway…like a man or a woman.

That’s how Obito looks like fucking.

At this time, the water dragon at the back was almost released from Obito, and Xiao Nan closed his eyes without regret.

There was no shocking noise, only the exclamation of a few people from Nagato.

When Nagato and the others saw that the water dragon was about to touch Obito, it was like passing through a barrier, but it was not Obito behind the barrier. After entering the transparent barrier, the water dragon disappeared with a wave of waves. No trace.

“You go to the side and stand, no matter what happens this time, don’t come over. I look like you are the only one to see me, and you are never allowed to talk to others.”Xiao Nan nodded like a chicken pecking rice, he naturally wouldn’t talk about it. She was rescued twice, wearing a mask because she didn’t want others to see him.

But… Xiaonan glanced at Obito, blushing at the thought of Obito’s appearance.

It’s pretty good to get it long…. It’s decided that no one else can watch it, as long as this girl can watch it alone.

Xiao Nan seemed very happy as if he had gotten some incredible rights.

“…Ah! I remember…” Xiao Nan yelled in surprise after agreeing to Obito.

Obito thought there was something serious, and looked at Xiao Nan suspiciously.

“it’s okay no problem….”

Obito twitches a bit…what’s wrong with this girl…

Konan suddenly remembered that he had seen this beautiful person in front of him there, as if it was about a year ago.

In a forest, a handsome boy hugged a girl.

The boy’s eyes and appearance slowly met Obito in front of him. He was exactly the same person, but Obito’s hair was not as long as it is now, so he didn’t immediately think of it.

I thought that since he is the same person, he should be younger than me, but the one who hasn’t seen him in a year is more than ten centimeters higher than before and a little bit higher than her.

Xiao Nan’s height was not much worse than that of ordinary men. Xiao Nan blushed and looked at Obito, thinking that he would be a handsome man in the future.

It’s just what kind of sadness can show the look in his eyes at the time, because of that girl, then how does he persevere now?

After a lot of hardship… Xiaonan looked at Obito gently and thought.

Ah… Xiaonan, what are you thinking about, but now it’s still fighting.

I shook my head and put the strange thought on again, and looked forward again…

Obito felt that something was wrong with Xiao Nan. Have you seen yourself before? But I don’t have the slightest impression of myself.

And what’s the matter with the eyes that flooded with maternal love in the back?

Obito felt a bit cold when he was seen.

Fortunately, it didn’t take long for this feeling to disappear…

With his back to the other people, his hands slowly stretched out, and he saw the mask that was originally on the ground suddenly appearing on his hands.

Putting on the mask again, looking back at the three of them, without talking, just staring lightly, just standing still.

The weird abilities of those hands just now scared both Nagato Miyan and the remaining traitor.

Obviously it is not an illusion, so it’s unbelievable that the Water Dragon Bomb disappeared so plainly.

“Who is your excellency? It doesn’t seem to have anything to do with these three little ghosts. Why don’t you stop each other and let it go?” After thinking about it for a while, the traitor made such a suggestion.

Hearing this, Nagato Xiaonan was all in a ponder, considering the opinions of Rennin.

It is true that this battle is meaningless, and the information provided by the hesitant exchange of money is not accurate, so this mission is not counted as a failure or abandonment of the ninja.

It’s just that Mi Yan next to him shouted, “No, we took the task, and I was injured by you just now. Do these things just leave it alone?”

(Seeking flowers, evaluation votes, collection, if you think it’s okay, you can give a little reward.

In addition, if you have any valuable comments, I will seriously accept it in the book review department) ..

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