Finally Come

Chapter 334

Chapter 334 Xiaoyu Wants the World【Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 334 Xiaoyu Wants the World 【Ask a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

(Happy New Year! Happy Chinese New Year! Have you received the red envelope? ~ Ah? Is there any? Well, it’s okay, because Feiyan did not receive it either~, Feiyan has been receiving the red envelope for several years, and it will be a few years later. I’m going to give someone a red envelope {cry}

What is the new year? I guess everyone will be tired of watching this kind of words, and Feiyan will not be polite to everyone.

I hope everyone and Feiyan will be scolded together this year.. That’s right…just scolding, everyone can scold me~.

What’s the great thing about being rich, great for being powerful, great for looking good, great for looking good, great for English test, great for high salary, great for one hundred villas at home, great for traveling around the world, great for being able to speak ten languages, great, long It’s like a dragon key. It’s amazing. Hurry up~ Swear as much as you want.. Wait, what the hell is the last one…

Finally, I want to say, yes…actually it’s really amazing {shy}…..0.0)

Now that I knew that there was action after two years, everyone in Akatsuki was a little bit grappling with the meaning of doing a lot of work at this time.

“Hidan, Deidara, I can see your progress during this period of time, but this is not enough. If you really want to do something in the future, you need to work harder in the past two years. All of you are the same. , There is no end to such things as power.

Never feel any complacency because of the strength you have now, once it appears and maintains it, then your growth will end here. ”


A thing that everyone has, it is better to say that ants and insects also have power. In the food chain of this creature, it is nothing more than the difference in power.

Long Yao said this sentence for a long time, and none of Akatsuki’s members is undoubtedly not a leader in the ninja world.

With the power that ordinary people don’t have, and the thoughts that ordinary people don’t have, after gathering together, there will be some feelings of complacency, and once this emotion is slowly amplified, it becomes a fatal existence that leads to the growth of strength.

Among them, Nagato is the best.

Everyone had some touches and different feelings in their hearts after hearing this. Nagato’s eyes seemed to be startled, and he deeply felt that Long Key’s words seemed to remind him.

Are you still too complacent…

Nagato looked at which figure above, the other person’s body seemed to always be so shining and supreme in his own eyes.

Only keep getting stronger…constantly…

To keep up with the pace of dawn, right…

“Then Zhu-kun, work hard, what is our goal, fight for it!”

“No cavities?”

“What are you talking about? Huh? Deidara?”

Long Yao gave out all of his meaning in a spirited manner. He heard a small sentence with his excellent hearing, so he looked at Deidara with a ‘mild’ smile.

Deidara shrank and hurriedly said, “Conquer the world!”

“very good.”

Long Yao nodded in satisfaction, then his body turned into a whirlpool and slowly disappeared.

As the leader of a terrorist… Well, the great terrorist leader, Long Key is a leader with a clear goal.Now that the time has changed, you need to contact the five ninja villages.

And the most influential is Konoha. As long as Hokage is convinced, the next thing will basically become a matter of course.

About half a year has passed since the Nine Tails incident, and I think Konoha’s basic architecture should have almost recovered.

To be honest, there were not too many ninjas who died that time, but those who participated in the war and died were all elites. This was the most painful for Konoha. As for the villagers, it was only a little less productive from the high-level view. In fact, he doesn’t care about the death of the villagers. As long as it doesn’t affect Konoha’s foundation too much, he will die if he dies.

And the labor force who died and injured will recover in just a few years.

Konoha’s biggest loss was actually Fourth Hokage’s death and fame and the fear caused by that terrorist act.

It takes a long time to adapt.

Now that Konoha is the next stop, Long Key should be ready to do something at this time.

Alas, I should have been able to accompany Kushina and Xiao Nan when I came back this time. It seems that there is no time.

Shaking his head, his body flashed with golden light, and Xiao’s original uniform was gone, and she became a divinely white and golden head.

And the face became softer, the body became much smaller, the skin did not change much, it was still white, soft and smooth.

It’s just that the eyes and facial features have become more dazzling and delicate without the heroic energy and brilliance of the previous ones.

Changing back to the identity of the eldest lady again, Long Yao didn’t take long to arrive at Yuying’s office.

As soon as they came back, they found that the two of Jin and Yin had been waiting for a long time. Seeing Long Yue appeared, the Jin and Yin brothers quickly came over and looked at Long Yue nervously.

“There is a reason for the matter, it’s too late to say anything. Next, I’m going to Konoha. This time, Silver and I will go, Kim. Now let the people from Anbu go to Konoha and give this to Hokage, which old man.”

Long Yao took out a letter from his arms. The content of the letter was about something to discuss with Hokage. By the way, he wanted to see the style of Konoha, the leader of the five ninja villages.

The gold and silver brothers were relieved when they saw that Long Key really had nothing to do. They never asked more, because it was unnecessary. No matter what they knew, they would not change their idea of ​​loyalty to Long Key.

Jin accepted the letter, nodded slightly to Long Yao, and walked out of the office in the direction of Anbu.

“Miss… it’s been a while since you left.”

Yin looked at Long Yue suspiciously and asked.

Long Yao frowned, won’t it…it shouldn’t be long before…

“How long?”

“It’s been more than two months.”

When Long Key heard this, he was a little surprised. Logically speaking, he entered the forbidden area and then came out to discuss some things with Akatsuki for only a few hours. Even if his head fainted, it would take up to a day.

Two months? ! This time is so strange…

There is absolutely no problem with the meeting time with Xiao, so there is only one left, and that is the time in the forbidden area.

In Longyue’s eyes, the time there was even less than Xiao’s meeting, but the time there was indeed somewhat different from the outside world.

Perhaps it was for this reason, and Longyue did not pay much attention at the time, that led to a day in the cave. Two months have passed since the outside world. ..

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