Finally Come

Chapter 325

Chapter 325 Meeting Ba【Seeking monthly ticket! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty-Five Meetings Flowers Evaluation]

Sarutobi’s head hurt and looked at our dragon key.

The location of Rain Shinobi Village is too strange. Except for the country of water on the sea, on the other hand, he intersects with the borders of four other big countries.

The four of you all agreed. Now it’s okay. In case I don’t agree, you guys have a fair excuse to go to Rain Shinobi Village and also to the border of the Fire Country. Even if you bring some ninjas, there is a reason. of.

We Konoha are the big meat in your hearts. When the time comes, so many people will be happy, and there will be instant plans for Konoha and the five major alliances of the country of fire. This old bone of me does not want to be a sinner in the village.

“This is a grand event in the ninja world. We Konoha have any reason not to participate. As a film, I propose to participate together at that time. By the way, how about sharing information after I go back to sort out Akatsuki’s information?”

Although the era of peace is easy and pleasant, there are drawbacks, that is, the mentality and strength of the ninja.

Without the shackles of war, it is easy to neglect one’s own strength.

But Sarutobi seems to think differently from them.

You guys, maybe you don’t want Konoha to relax, haha, but it’s just right, we will all be there by then, what can you conspiracy? ! This is also one of the reasons why Sarutobi said that the Five Shadows will be there.

Konoha, internal fighting, is the most powerful, usually during the war, it would not be too much, but once settled down, then the internal quarrel is actually Konoha’s biggest internal trouble.

With this thought in mind, Sarutobi agreed to this suggestion. At least, the village will be stable for a long time and will not give other villages a chance.

“Everyone agrees, and everyone has discussed the meeting. Why don’t we talk about the Jōnin test meeting next? For example, the time?”

Long Yao squinted his eyes. In fact, his original plan was to show Akatsuki’s members during this meeting, but after thinking about it carefully, he finally gave up the idea.

Too rush, too late, no comprehensive plan.

After all, Rain Shinobi Village has just stabilized. This kind of thing happened. It is not a good thing for Rain Shinobi Village, so… he arranged some other things for Akatsuki. Now the organization is complete except for Suzaku.

Raikage heard the words and said with a grin: “I don’t think we should leave. You can tell this to the village. After a few days, everyone can start.”

Sarutobi shook his head and said, “Master Raikage is wrong. At least as far as Konoha is concerned, the Nine Tails incident has just passed that time, and our village still needs a rest.”

When Feng Ying heard Hokage’s words, he wanted to reject Raikage’s words and suddenly changed his mouth and said, “Hokage-sama, that’s your business. I agree with Raikage-sama.”

“No, some people in our village are a little uneasy. Even if you want to start, wait a while until I kill all those guys.”

The murderous look in Mizukage’s eyes rose. What he said was nothing but some ninjas from the Blood Succession Boundary Clan.

It was strange at first, without the control of Obito in the original book, but after all, whoever wins now has changes in personality and mood. It is enough for Shui Wuyue, and he is almost destroyed, but there is another family with a little abnormal brain, fighting. Madman, the Taketori clan!

“How long will it take Master Mizukage and Master Hokage?”

Liang Tianping touched his beard. He didn’t care much about it, time, as long as it wasn’t the time when he might not be there decades later, he could accept it.

Sarutobi thought for a while and replied, “Eight months.”

Mizukage looked at everyone cruelly and said, “A week.”Tsuchikage frowned.

In a week, he probably knows about Mizukage one or two, killing so many people, one week is enough, and some public opinion needs to be resolved. It seems that Mizukage doesn’t seem to care about these, how could it be so murderous.

“Then just two weeks later, the candidates in the village to participate this time also need to be carefully screened.”

Feng Ying is very unsympathetic and doesn’t seem to care about Konoha’s time. If this is not finished, Sarutobi’s face will suddenly look bad.

“Haha, or Master Hokage, you still don’t participate.”

Raikage said loudly.

When Jiraiya got angry on his face, he would say something. From the beginning to now, he can see how much they have been targeted by Konoha. He is annoyed by these political things, so he doesn’t touch it, but he still didn’t expect it to make people so uncomfortable. He admired how Sarutobi’s life has been for so many years.

Long Yao thought for a while, he didn’t want to do these things so quickly.

“I don’t think so. This time the Jōnin competition will be held in Rain Shinobi Village. There is no objection, right?”

Long Yao tilted his head and looked at the expressions on Wuying’s face one by one.

Although the expressions are somewhat different, everyone agrees to this plan.

It’s not a strange reason, but Rain Shinobi Village. Geographical location is one reason. Secondly, it’s okay just now, Jōnin’s test meeting, but all the five shadows of them have to be there.

Originally it was just an ordinary Chūnin exam, it didn’t matter. Now that the five shadows are all here, some other threats to the village must be considered.

Rain Shinobi Village, adjacent to the four great nations of fire, wind, earth and thunder, is the most neutral location.

Yuying and Rain Shinobi Village also have no grievances with their villages, which is a fairly fair diplomacy.

“Everyone agrees, but Rain Shinobi Village is in trouble, this money…”

Suddenly, Long Yao’s eyes lit up.

“Master Yuying, don’t worry, what we should do will definitely come out.”

Raikage said heartily, in his opinion this should have been, Hokage and Mizukage also nodded naturally.

Seeing this, Feng Ying and Tsuchikage shrank their heads.

“Why Shain and Rock Shinobi don’t have enough money? Would you like Konoha to borrow a little? Don’t worry, there is no interest.”

When Sarutobi saw it, he didn’t give up the opportunity to strike. He wanted to talk about other calculations, money? Just kidding, no matter how poor we Konoha, we have more money than you two.

“Ahem… We naturally agreed… Is it Feng Ying…”

“Uh… Master Tsuchikage said…&”

Fengying and Tsuchikage always feel that something is wrong, and nodded helplessly…

Long Yao immediately became happy when he saw it, and said happily, “That’s great. We will build a special place for the event at that time. Then we need to send some people to help, right?”

Long Yao’s happy appearance, and that innocent and lively smile, brought the atmosphere to the scene a lot more cheerful, yes…just the look.

Beautiful girl, always make me feel better, right? ..

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