Finally Come

Chapter 317

Chapter 317 Beautiful Girl Who Loves Beating People Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 317 The beautiful girl who loves to hit people [seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Raikage pondered for a long time and discovered that the golden horn and silver horn could not be alive in the world, but Cloud Shinobi Village personally saw the deaths of these two people back then, so things were a little strange.

“Master Yuying, I also hope you can give an explanation.”

Raikage’s voice is already loud, especially at this time, if you are not familiar with him, you think you need to do it.

Long Yao smiled indifferently, tapping the table with one finger and making a rhythmic sound.

“Of course they are not two golden horns and silver horns, but are they…”


“But what?”

Raikage feels a little bad.

Long Key’s eyes flashed, and the look of Raikage in his eyes blinking and blinking suddenly felt a bit funny. Are you nervous now?

“It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t matter. They are the descendants of the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn. The Golden Horn and the Silver Horn are already dead. I don’t think Master Raikage will have trouble with their descendants, right? Hmm…and Master Hokage, if you have any trouble, find them both…”

Long Key first looked at Raikage, and after seeing Raikage’s stuck look, he looked at Sarutobi on the other side.

What does Dragon Key mean by Tsuchikage? They also understand that during the First World War, during the meeting between Second Hokage and Second Raikage, the two brothers, Golden Horn and Silver Horn, suddenly launched a coup and directly killed Second Raikage, and Second Hokage also So it spread to a dead end.

“Master Yukage, I can understand. They are now the ninjas of Rain Shinobi Village and have nothing to do with our Cloud Shinobi Village.”

Raikage thought for a while, and he found that Tsuchikage and Fengying on the side had a bad attitude towards him from the beginning, and they even wanted Cloud Shinobi Village and Rain Shinobi Village to start a battle.

The princess really didn’t know what it meant, but the two bastards Feng Ying and Tsuchikage definitely had a very big conspiracy.

That being the case, it’s better to make good friends with Rain Shinobi Village, Yukage… That’s it, anyway, it’s going to happen sooner or later.

“Master Hokage, there is nothing wrong with us. You have to think about it clearly. If you really want to pursue the ancestors, then, should the Uchiha clan in your village…”

Raikage’s mind changed quickly. As a shadow, no one is as simple as it seems on the surface. Cloud Shinobi Village can be said to be the village that hates Konoha the most among the other four ninja villages. As long as there is a chance, Raikage is Will not miss any opportunity to strike.

“Master Raikage joked, the Uchiha clan…hehe, in short, Master Raikage is the case, we Konoha will naturally not have any thoughts of revenge.”

Sarutobi is scolding Raikage in his heart now, but on the surface he said righteously, but no one ignored him. This is not for the villagers. The few people present are not human-like characters, Hokage. Who do you show this attitude to?

“Speaking of which, Konoha and Ukage-sama still have a little friendship. During World War II, more ladies stopped Mr. Hanzo.”

“Hey hey hey… old man, don’t talk about it…”

Rain shadow? Sarutobi closed his eyes, and finally said with a smile, even Raikage, an unkind bastard, is already called that, so if he doesn’t call it that way, it looks a bit wrong with Rain Shinobi Village.

As for Jiraiya, watching his teacher suddenly make friends with Rain Shinobi Village, he was about to say something embarrassing to him, and his face immediately collapsed.

Hokage this guy….Feng Ying Raikage Tsuchikage all looked at Sarutobi with a black face. Even though they were quick to change their face, they were still not as good as Hokage. As for Mizukage, he seemed to have an indifferent attitude throughout the process.

Long Yao also felt that Sarutobi’s attitude had become a bit quicker, and after a shock, he smiled and said, “You’re welcome, by the way, I was not sensible when I was young. I knew it for a long time. I definitely wouldn’t do that at the beginning.”


Long Key suddenly said this straightforwardly, and directly stuck what Sarutobi wanted to say in his throat, and choked.

“Hahahaha… Hokage, laughed at me…”

“What Master Yuying said is that Master Hokage has done a lot of things to our Shayin Village in recent years.”

“Sarutobi, this is the first time I have seen you like this…”

Hokage was embarrassed, but the other three were unhappy. Fengying didn’t know how to get involved in their Shayin Village, and Raikage laughed directly and pointed at Sarutobi while smiling.

Mizukage at the far side is also smiling, but he just feels a little bit funny in comparison.

“The wretched uncle over there, do you remember me, huh? The other over there, Kakashi, right?”

Long Key turned around and aimed directly at Jiraiya.

Jiraiya was originally happy that everyone didn’t mention the battle of Sannin anymore. Now that the beautiful girl actually looked at herself, Jiraiya shook her body immediately, pretending to be upright, joking, in front of the beautiful girl , Can’t be ashamed.

Then, he found something was wrong…

This look seems familiar…

“Jiraiya, thank you Ukage-sama, how did you meet Kakashi?”

Sarutobi patted Jiraiya’s body, then looked at Kakashi, who was also puzzled, and found that Jiraiya’s expression became more and more strange…

“I go!…..”

Jiraiya seemed to think of something. Now, Long Key’s gentle smile seemed to him like a devil’s smile. He turned around quickly and was about to leave here…

“Master Jiraiya?”

Kakashi looked at Jiraiya suspiciously. The eldest lady seemed a little familiar, but she still couldn’t remember. The appearance of Jiraiya made Kakashi even more strange.

“Kakashi, have you forgotten?! The girl Konoha last time, oh old man don’t pull me, let me go, this Loli is totally unrelenting.” (See Chapter 27 to Chapter 29 for details)

Suddenly, Kakashi thought of something. He was dressed in a white kimono (they didn’t see it because Longkey didn’t wear a women’s dress at the time).

“Is it… that… the girl who beat Master Jiraiya you and Master Orochimaru?”

Kakashi’s face also became a little ill, and he even stepped back uncontrollably.

It was simply a nightmare. He was also one of the victims at the beginning, and even after waking up, he did not dare to be seen by anyone, and he was already pretending to be dizzy.

“Yes! It’s her, what are you waiting for?! Don’t run yet?”

Jiraiya became more and more anxious…

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