Finally Come

Chapter 315

Chapter 315 Talks begin Flowers Evaluation]

The 315th chapter talks begin [seeking monthly ticket! Flowers Evaluation]

Hearing Sarutobi’s words, Jiraiya trembled and stopped. Seeing his attention turned to his side, Jiraiya chuckled and said, “I am not concerned about the safety of Tsuchikage and Fengying, am I going to go and take a look.”

“Master Jiraiya…”

“As expected to be one of Sannin…”

The people in Shayin Village and Tuyin Village looked at Jiraiya with emotion. Although it is a hostile village, they did not expect that there are such good people in it.

After thinking about it, Raikage nodded and said: “Alright, we are all here, waiting here is not a thing, let’s go there together to see how the battle is going.”

Raikage’s words were unanimously approved by everyone, only Sarutobi looked at Jiraiya with a black face after nodding.

He doesn’t know what Jiraiya wants to do, he wants to see Fengying and Tsuchikage? !

Neuropathy, who is Tsuchikage and Fengying? Does it have anything to do with you? If you don’t go early or late, but when you hear a few words to take a bath, you sneak into action. It’s really shameful!

Jiraiya curled his lips and gave up his own ideas. He was also considered courageous, and anyone dared to go for whatever his work was.

“Kakashi, why even you look at me like that.”

As soon as he turned his head and saw Kakashi with white hair, he looked strangely at him and suddenly became unhappy.

Kakashi smiled and said, “I heard that the leader of Rain Shinobi Village is a young girl, and I have seen Master Jiraiya’s work.”

“Yeah, right.. I know that someone can understand.”

Jiraiya smiled wretchedly, as if he had found a confidant.

“You two, what are you doing behind? Come here soon.”

Sarutobi saw that Mizukage and Raikage had gone, and walked for a while and found that there seemed to be a little less people here. When he turned around, he saw Kakashi and Jiraiya sneakily not knowing what they were talking about, but Jiraiya’s expression really made him unable to improve. Where to think about it.

But fortunately… there is no one else here…

“I’m coming…”

“Now, Master Hokage.”

The majesty of Hokage seems to be a bit so inadequate…

A forest at the entrance of the village, the terrain here has long been invisible.

The golden sand beside Fengying looked extraordinarily dazzling under the sun, while Tsuchikage floated above the sky, and both of them had serious expressions in their eyes.

“Master Fengying’s Sands is nothing but this.”

Sands is indeed great, but taking advantage of the mouth is Tsuchikage’s favorite thing.

“Is it? Why don’t Tsuchikage-sama come down and get a closer look.”

Feng Ying smiled slightly.

Naturally, the two of them didn’t use their real strength, and the fight was just the result of the conflict in words.

On the one hand, I feel that the other party is a bit annoying, but on the other hand, knowing the strength of the opponent’s village shadow will help a little.

“Master Tsuchikage, it seems we can’t fight anymore.”

Feng Ying’s eyes slanted slightly, and Tsuchikage suddenly saw the crowd surging.

“Then, wait until the next opportunity.”

Tsuchikage and Fengying are not stupid, they both clearly understand the meaning of the two sides in their hearts. It is good to know the strength of the other side, but they will continue to fight.What Hokage, Raikage, Mizukage are all here, and seeing them both fight again, but the other side knows that their strength is not worth the gain.

Unless you bring the other three big guys together, but if you really fight like this, then maybe the scene is really uncontrollable, and there is no need to hold these meetings.

Let’s just start the Fourth Ninja War…

“Oh, why didn’t the two of you continue? How boring we stopped when we first came here.”

As soon as Sarutobi’s group arrived, they found that Fengying’s Jinsha had stopped, and Tsuchikage also landed on the ground. Fourth Mizukage looked at the two directly and taunted.

“This is Master Mizukage, why don’t you come over and Master Tsuchikage and I will let you feel it?”

Feng Ying sneered and looked straight at Mizukage.

“But it’s still a kid, is there no one in Kirigakure?”

Tsuchikage immediately understood what Fengying meant, and he followed Fengying’s words.

Mizukage got angry on his face. What he hates most is that others say that he is still a child, but he is only a child in appearance. This is also a negative effect of Three Tails Jinchūriki.

As soon as he wanted to make a move, Raikage on the side intervened: “As long as Mizukage-sama is interesting, why not come with me.”

Mizukage was taken aback, then nodded.

Fengying and Tsuchikage’s faces are not so good.

This crazy fighting mad Raikage, why suddenly jumped out like a grasshopper, what’s up with you?

However, the attitudes of Raikage Village and Kirigakure seem to be a bit ambiguous. It seems that I have to check what the two villages are trying to do when I go back.

“Ah, don’t get upset like this, everyone today sat down and talked nicely, didn’t they?”

Sarutobi saw something wrong, although he wanted to make them fight, but he also knew that he really couldn’t fight, and he was the only peacemaker.

“Hokage-sama, it’s been a long time since I saw you, young people now…”

“Where and where, Master Tsuchikage is still the same.”

Onoki looked at Sarutobi and nodded, and Sarutobi also spoke politely.

What young people… These two old people are immortal…

These disgusting words made Fengying’s hearts feel sick…

“Everyone, the eldest lady is already waiting for a few people at the door.”

Just when the bosses of several villages were talking to each other, Yin moved his body and received the news, and said directly to everyone.

“Master Yuying is here, then we should pass by too.”

Onoki said first.

“Since Master Yuying has arrived, this time the meeting can begin.”

Feng Ying also nodded.

The two of them were so, so that the brows of Hokage and Raikage were kept frowning.

On Hokage’s side, Kakashi looked at Jiraiya strangely.

“Master Jiraiya, Yukage?”

Jiraiya was also puzzled and rubbed his chin a little strangely: “I don’t know, it seems that the changes in the Ninja World are very big this time…”

With the addition of the inexplicable name of Mizukage before, it seems that the attitude towards Rain Shinobi Village is quite ambiguous.

At this moment, Raikage and Hokage’s minds are now a little confused. The country of Kawa is also adjacent to the country of thunder and the country of fire, but they still have not decided on the authenticity of the strength of Rain Shinobi Village. They are still ready to meet afterwards. Make another decision.

But the attitude of the other villages really made them feel a little puzzled. ..

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