Finally Come

Chapter 304

Chapter 304 Uncle Snake Defection Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 304: Uncle Snake Defects [Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

(I saw Lima Yuzan’s rewards again. I was really touched. To be honest, I actually wanted to give up writing a new book because I didn’t update well when I first wrote it, and I didn’t update it very much.. Don’t blame others. , But I saw the rewards. To be honest, I didn’t really see the money, but let Feiyan know about it. Someone still supported it!

So desperately, we have to watch four more today!

It seems that this is the second four-shift… Thanks again, I am really touched)

It was still on this day, still in Konoha, this day was said to be an ordinary day, but it was so for Orochimaru, but it was not so ordinary.

Still studying my own things as always, the agreed time is tomorrow, so today Orochimaru wants to study one last time.

But things are always unexpected.

This is the current situation. Looking at the Sarutobi with combat equipment in front of him, and the Anbu who keeps fighting at all times, Orochimaru’s eyes have some killing intent.

who is it? ! Who leaked it? ! Or, has it already been discovered?

“Orochimaru? I always…think…you just have some strange ideas, but look, look! Look around you, what are you doing! Do you still want to be Hokage like this?! ”

In Orochimaru’s laboratory, there are a variety of containers with various human organs. What shocked Sarutobi was that there were a large number of baby corpses!

Orochimaru looked around and didn’t care about these things. Seeing the sad expression of Third Generation, Orochimaru suddenly thought of the little things that had happened since childhood. The pursuit is different.

I once said that my dream is to learn every kind of ninjutsu in this world, besides, is Konoha a righteous -kunzi?

Don’t forget, there are many experiments in this, but the Presbyterian Church supports them. Don’t tell me that you, as Hokage, don’t know anything about it? ”

On the surface of -kunzi, Orochimaru has always been dismissive of these. He is a casual person. Once he thinks about what he is going to do, then he will do what he will do.

“Look back, Orochimaru.”

Third Generation looked at Orochimaru and left a tear…


Orochimaru was taken aback, as the Third Hokage, he actually shed tears…

However, his dreams or other things must be realized, and he can’t look back no matter what happens now, and he is not willing to look back.

But…good opportunity….

Orochimaru took the opportunity to explode with a detonator before grabbing the door and heading away.

“Master Hokage!”

An Anbu’s head looked at Sarutobi who was staying in place, and asked, he was going to pursue Orochimaru.

Sarutobi seemed to walk out of the memory, and shook his head sadly.

“Sarutobi! If you don’t kill him today, one day, he will come back and kill you!”

The Sarumon on the side yelled, knowing what a terrible Orochimaru is, so he was more anxious than the others.”Then, wait until that day comes… let’s talk…”

Sarutobi’s eyes were blank, and he looked up at the sky wall…..

Now that Sarutobi said that, the Ape Demon didn’t say anything anymore, and disappeared with a bang, while the Anbu crowds looked left and right to each other. Master Hokage didn’t order anything, so they had no choice but to Standing here together stupidly.

As Orochimaru left, the speed was getting faster and faster. After the initial sadness, this feeling quickly faded.

“There is still another place for the scroll. It must be taken away. It’s a bit earlier than the agreed time, but I don’t care about these things anymore…”

Thinking about this in his heart, Orochimaru came to a laboratory and quickly sorted out his own things and sealed them in a scroll.

“Ah…you can bring it…”

Orochimaru looked at the big head with a red cloud on the black background, and a ring with empty words, and laughed wildly, then put these things neatly on.

After putting the scroll into the ring, he left directly.

Orochimaru’s road is very remote, very remote, but with such a remote route, he saw a person he didn’t want to see the most at this time…

“Orochimaru?! How do you wear this dress?!”

Jiraiya is also so boring, just in this remote place, but it happened that he happened to run into Orochimaru…

“I have no time to tell you, an urgent task. By the way, the old man asked you to tell you that there is an urgent matter, so hurry up. Maybe it’s a task with me. You can still catch up.”

Orochimaru thought for a while, and smiled at Jiraiya with a signature smile, but he didn’t mean to stop at all. After a while, Jiraiya couldn’t see him..

“Urgent mission? Okay… Orochimaru! I’ll go… slow down, wait for me then!”

Jiraiya never thought that Orochimaru would defect, and hurriedly walked towards the village.

Just after walking a few steps, I saw a few Anbu who were also in a hurry.

“Hey, why are you so anxious? Do you have an urgent task like Orochimaru?”

After Jiraiya asked this question, he found that Anbu around him suddenly stopped, all looking at him with strange eyes.

One of the Anbu asked, “Master Jiraiya, just now, Master Orochimaru was positioned by Master Hokage as an S-rank rebel. If you see Master Orochimaru, please tell us where you are.”

“What did you say?!”

Jiraiya had an incredible face, then grabbed the Anbu’s collar and looked at the Anbu…

This speed is really fast…

That’s the strength of Jiraiya-sama… Then Orochimaru can really be killed with just a few of them… Several Anbus all leave a drop of cold sweat behind their backs…

Politics is so dark, although Sarutobi can’t bear to kill Orochimaru, but!

There must be an explanation, and these Anbus are the dead ghosts this time…

“Since… come too. My lord… please stop… what I said is true…”

The Anbu was almost dragged out of breath and hurriedly begged for mercy… The other Anbu also came up to pull Jiraiya, but their strength couldn’t pull it away…

Seeing the ninjas around, Jiraiya’s head woke up and immediately let go of his hand. The whole person was silent on the spot, not knowing what he was thinking, but that face was not good at all. ..

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