Finally Come

Chapter 299

Chapter 299 Finally Coming Flowers Evaluation]

The 299th chapter finally arrives [seeking monthly ticket! Flowers Evaluation]

A series of slap sounds kept ringing in this unknown space.

He didn’t know what he thought was going on here.


The dragon key in the blue nose finally couldn’t stand it anymore, and roared.

He figured it out, he used all his abilities, and it was useless to leave Xieming to the highest heaven, but he was not the opponent’s opponent.

He didn’t know how much strength this Odin used, but he probably didn’t use it much with Ben.

Long Yao was surprised to find that after he roared, Odin in the distance came over and was not approaching him.

Sure enough, after all, he is still the master… this Odin still dare not make heavy moves…

“Yeah.. Just be obedient…you…what are you going to do…”

Long Yao smiled triumphantly and raised his head, and looked at Odin in the distance. This look didn’t matter, but Long Yao jumped again.

“FINALVENT! (Finally Coming)”

A golden card bounced out, and Rinnegan, the nine-hook jade of Dragon Key, clearly saw a proud phoenix pattern on it.

Long Yao’s eyes whited and he almost fainted.

In the end, Odin generally feels that there is no need to waste time, and the beheading card for the final battle. The Golden Phoenix Contract Beast is the strongest of all contract beasts, and it is also Odin’s natural contract beast.

If the combat power of the Chilong just now was 100, then the phoenix we were going to face next might have a combat power of one to two thousand.

The golden card turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the sky. Then, a gorgeous phoenix descended from the sky and kept surrounding the phoenix.

Long Key secretly gathered his energy.

The power of power was added to the maximum, a golden-red light appeared on his body, and the whole figure was as dazzling as a golden-red sun.

Susanoo’s appearance changed drastically at this time, like an archangel, with wings of two colors of gold and silver on his back.

Susanoo’s appearance is even more stalwart than Susanoo who is on the ultimate body, and he stares a lot.

Finally, a sickle with a black weapon appeared in the angel’s hand, and Susanoo at this time was not three-headed and six-armed, only two hands.

Both hands held Susanoo tightly. Originally, the two spirit swords were floating behind the angel.

Odin was also a little surprised at the sudden change of his opponent. The Phoenix behind seemed to understand Odin’s meaning, and a burst of flame burst out of his mouth.

The flame is golden, a flame of a color that Dragon Key has never seen before.

However, Long Key was not afraid at all. With a wave of the Xie Ming Supreme Heaven in his hand, the golden flames met the nemesis in a disguised form, turned into a trace of black mist, and disappeared.

“This is my full strength. Think about it clearly. Even if your next move can hurt me, you won’t feel well. We don’t have to fight anymore, and I don’t want to hurt you.”

This is the first time that Long Key has exploded all his strength. The ability of time may be very powerful, but for Odin, who also has the ability of time, both are a bit tasteless.The depressed Long Key even discovered that his time ability was not even as good as Odin’s, and could not be used as his main attack ability at all.

The ability that can only consume time will be equal when the opponent’s time ability is accelerated or slowed down.

At this time, the dragon key was also shining gold, and a pair of white and faint wings appeared behind him. These wings were very light, not even enough to see clearly.

I don’t know if Long Yao himself noticed this peculiar phenomenon.

Long Yao was really thinking about it now, his current strength looks similar, but Long Yao knew in his heart that he and he were not Odin’s opponents. If it were in the real world, it would not take long for him to retreat, or even die. .

Where does this come out of pervert…

But it is also good. If you want to conquer, then the future plan is greatly strengthened.

On the surface, Long Key seemed to be on the same level as Odin. In fact, Long Key knew that even though he had used all his strength, his strength was indeed much stronger, which was to scare Odin.

Odin’s equipment will always have this probability judgment. If this probability is not high, it will naturally not continue to fight.

From the surface of the two sides, there is not much difference. Therefore, Dr. Long Yao is quite confident about his knowledge of mathematics.


Long Yao seems to have underestimated Odin…

“SURVIVE (survival mode)”

“I surrender!”

There was another mechanical sound. After a slight silence, Odin took out a card, and after hearing this sound, Long Yao was stunned.

Immediately afterwards, the cold sweat behind him screamed for surrender.

There are three survival cards, one representing the wind, one representing the fire, and one in Odin’s own place. No one knows what it represents except Odin.

The wind survival card Odin was given to the night knight, and the fire survival card was given to the dragon knight.

Survival card is a very precious combat power. After using it, the knight’s ability will multiply tenfold and increase a hundredfold, but whether it is dragon knight or night knight, there is a time limit.

As far as Long Key understands Odin, he knows that Odin has no time limit, perhaps because his ability is time, or because this thing was made by him, there is no limit.

Long Key has never been able to figure out why he wants to give this horrible thing to others. Odin’s mouth is saying that other people are too weak and it is boring to fight.

In fact, it is so. The night knight and dragon knight who have survival cards are still abused and helpless to fight back.

The left and right of Odin were engraved with wind, and the right hand was engraved with fire. Dragon Key thought sensitively, whether this fire or wind, maybe two survival cards, Odin can be used together…

Why did Long Key surrender…

It’s very simple… he saw Odin used a fire to produce 0 storage card…

The first point is that Long Key knows how powerful the survival card is. Now it was originally intended to scare the opponent, but if it is really used, it is not an opponent at all.

The second point, you can tell from the Chiryu just now. Maybe Odin can really use other knights’ abilities so that it’s not just flames. Maybe the storm’s survival card is also there, plus his own one, just one. pervert, if a few photos together…

Don’t talk about him…

Even if hundreds of Sage of Six Paths come back to life, they will be destroyed in an instant…

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