Finally Come

Chapter 285

Chapter 285 Lily! asshole! [Look for a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 258 Lily! asshole! [Look for a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Looking at the other party obviously teasing himself, Nagato’s tolerance has reached its limit.

“Water Style! Water burst!”

Kisame had already been angered by Long Key’s contemptuous eyes, and immediately yelled, spitting out a lot of water.

The water flow swept across the site quickly like a flood, but all of a sudden, the forest was originally covered by the water and turned into a river.

“Unexpectedly, it has changed the terrain and achieved this level in a place where there is no water. It is really a powerful Water Style ninja.”

Akai looked at the surroundings of the forest completely invisible, and said in horror.

From time to time, ninjas are washed away by the water.

“You leave, just leave it to me next.”

Long Yao turned his head, looked at Akai with big eyes and said.

“But…understood, Miss…”

Naturally, Akai was worried about the safety of Long Key, and suddenly found that the eldest lady’s eyes had changed. That kind of feeling was only seen in Hanzo-sama, no!

Has surpassed Hanzo-sama, this is the look that only the leader can have!

(Should you call it for the head of state? For Germany?)

“All Rain Shinobi Village ninjas retreat! Leave it to Missy!”

“Hey… Akai, this is not good, we should protect Missy.”

“We want to fight with Missy!”

Akai was helpless when he heard the words, why didn’t he think so.

“This is the order of the eldest lady. We will only hinder the eldest lady here. I really want to help the eldest lady. This time I will give me a good practice when I go back!”

“Sorry senior…”


While talking, the ninjas of Rain Shinobi Village slowly left this area.

After all, Rain Shinobi Village will still be very useful in the future. It is all combat power. Even if it is cannon fodder, it can’t be wasted… Die in Akatsuki’s hands… Long Key will feel too fucked…

But this Akai… is a little capable… a good talent.

Long Yao nodded inwardly.

Looking back, whether it is Nagato or their side, they are all superb people.

Therefore, the huge water current has no effect on them.

And the original intention of Kisame’s technique is to change the terrain and turn it into his home court.

“Since just now, you have been looking at me strangely, and then you will dug out your eyeballs when you look at me.”

When Nagato Kisame was thinking, he heard Xiao Nan’s vicious voice.

Turned to look, isn’t it? The girl on the opposite side looked at Xiao Nan with wide eyes open at this moment, looking around with interest.

“I want to say that I am a lily, it’s a pity, incest kind of thing…”

The girl seemed to sigh.

Nagato had no expression when he heard this, and Kisame was also indifferent.

This made Long Yue a little anxious on the opposite side. Someone said that Xiao Nan, but you didn’t respond at all? asshole!

Xiao Nan’s face flushed immediately, but he was incestuous. Not only Xiao Nan, but Kisame and Nagato were a little strange. Is this girl and Xiao Nan relatives?

“Your relatives?”

Nagato looked at Xiaonan and asked.

Xiao Nan shook his head angrily, saying that he didn’t know Ben.

Nagato also nodded. He met Xiao Nan since he was very young. Xiao Nan is an orphan, and his relatives have been kind to him. How could he be like this a long time ago.

Xiao Nan then looked at Kisame and Nagato and said angrily: “She said that to me just now, you guys didn’t react at all?!”

Kisame was taken aback, and said, “What did she say?”Nagato also looked dazed…

Xiao Nan suddenly became angry and said: “Lily!!!”

Miss Longyue is also amazing to make Xiaonan like this…

Hokage is also a world with stricter rules. This Lily is really ashamed and unacceptable to ordinary people.

Long Key didn’t stop him, he wanted to see what Kisame and Nagato meant!

After a while… Nagato opened his mouth and said awkwardly: “What… is… Lily?”

Xiao Nan was stunned… Long Yue was also stunned…

Looking aside, Kisame also scratched his head and looked questioning.

Xiao Nan and Long Yao both have the urge to cover their faces…

I knew it…I knew it…how could these two idiots know this kind of thing.

“Miss… Lily…”

“To shut up!”

“Uh… yes…”

By Long Yue’s side, Yin also asked in a low voice, but before he finished speaking, Long Yue roared.

Yin’s neck suddenly shrank, and he dared not say anything.

Jin on the side almost laughed. Yin was a little unhappy when he saw his big brother like this, and said, “Big brother, what’s so funny…”

“Laugh you don’t know Lily…”

“you know?”

“do not know.”


There are some live treasures on both sides… but this serious scene seems to be unhappy.

“Hundred… Lily… just… two girls… that… ah… that’s the one…”

Xiao Nan blushed once and spoke intermittently.

“What about that…”

Nagato seems to be a bit idiot about this, but still doesn’t understand…

“Stupid! That’s what I did with Key!”

Xiao Nan’s face is almost ripe…

“Oh I got it.”

“Brother, that’s the case.” “Well, I have gained knowledge.”

Not only was Xiao Nan blushing, it was a provocative thing. When these idiots said this, the usual words became a little strange. Even Long Yao’s face was slightly red at this time…

These idiots, oh… I don’t care about you…

School scum, it’s sad to read less books…

In this regard, Dr. Long Yao always has a superior attitude…

“I am going to kill you!”

After a long time, there was a roar suddenly, which frightened everyone, and saw Nagato looking at Longyue with anger and killing intent.

“Big brother… this person is a bit slow to understand…”


“Well, I feel it too.”

The self-consciousness of the Gold and Silver Brothers immediately made Nagato even more angry.

Long Yao smiled when he saw it, and the golden light in his palm slowly flickered.

“Here, Susano leads a thousand gods of chaos to rise up in rebellion–want to obtain this country! Thousand swords stand on the ground and fight against the enemy with their current walls.

──Tiancong Yunjian, draw your sword! ”

A golden light and a dark golden knife appeared in the girl’s hand, but the breath from the blade made Nagato feel a little familiar.

But because they hadn’t seen Dragon Key’s Cloud of Heaven, they didn’t understand it at all. ..

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