Finally Come

Chapter 280

Chapter 280 Shenluo Liar【Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 280 Shenluo Liar [Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Nagato’s movements were reflected in Hanzo’s eyes without any loss.

Antidote? That jade girl?

I’ve heard about this title ten years ago. Others in the Ninja world don’t know that he doesn’t know it yet. Isn’t it because of the third Kazekage pig’s head?

However, Hanzo suddenly sneered, looking viciously at the scene.

“You and I have consumed a lot of Chakra, the difference is that your help seems to have left, and I…”

Although Hanzo did not go on, the meaning was obvious.

The result is unclear.

Nagato sneered when he saw Hanzo doing this.

You who have never seen the great power of Rinnegan, and what do you know.

“Shinra! Heavenly sign!”

Taking a deep breath, both hands were raised flat, one left and the other right, and then the hands were overlapped ten times, like a Buddhist slap, the body actually grew suddenly, and he shouted heavily!


Shenluo Tianzheng? !

He also fought with Nagato until now. Of course he felt what Nagato’s appearance meant.

He quickly ordered the ninjas around him to condense a Water Barrier and a Water Prison Technique while jumping back, completely engulfing himself.

Hanzo understood in his heart that, unlike the indifferent expression before, Nagato should have lost his blood.

Hanzo’s behavior surprised the surrounding Rain Shinobi Village ninjas. The demigods in their hearts are so nervous, why not use Body Flicker Technique?

Because Hanzo understands that it is estimated that the range cannot run with Ben, so as long as the attack is blocked, the consumption of the opposite side or the time period of the operation will be free.

Using this spare time to completely solve the opponent, this is Hanzo’s current thinking.

However, looking at the many ninjas around, how many people can resist.

Hanzo couldn’t help sighing, but!

As long as you can kill the opponent, no matter how big the sacrifice is, it’s worth it.

Even Hanzo looks like a big enemy, and the other ninjas in Rain Shinobi Village naturally exhausted a lot of their own Chakra and used their own powerful defensive ninjutsu.

Just in Rain Shinobi Village, the ninjas were facing enemies, looking straight ahead one by one.

But after a long time, there was no movement at all, and the ninjas couldn’t help looking at Hanzo a little strangely.

Seeing the eyes of the ninjas in his village, Hanzo felt uncomfortable in his heart.

He himself couldn’t figure out what was going on.

Seeing that nothing happened, the defensive ninjutsu all around slowly disappeared one by one, as did Hanzo’s Water Style.

what happened? This should not be the case. Even if the opponent wants to deceive, the fluctuations in the body will not deceive, suppressing and not preparing to release. If you don’t use it, it will only make your body imbalance, and the opponent will be injured if they don’t use them.

At this moment, Nagato’s palm slowly opened, and a small silver-black sphere slowly appeared.

“Planetary Devastation, complete.”

Nagato rarely smiled, but there was no warmth in this smile.

Because behind this smile will be a bloody storm.”Planetary Devastation?! Asshole! Isn’t it Shinra Tianzheng?!”

Hanzo cursed directly when he heard Nagato’s words.

“You lie! How do you lie!”

The surrounding Rain Shinobi Village ninjas also seemed to feel that so many people were being tricked, they all looked glaring at Nagato.

The faces of Hanzo and the ninjas made Nagato laugh.

“I just lied to you, what’s the matter?”

Nagato faintly said shameless words. To some extent, Nagato’s character is really good for this kind of thing.

“I feel the underground fluctuations, witness this power! Six Paths secret technique! Planetary Devastation!”

Nagato looked at Hanzo inexplicably, then tossed the ball into the sky.

During the day the sky seemed to slowly become dimmed.

The sun and the silver-black ball overlapped together, emitting a terrifying light.

However, Hanzo understood what Nagato meant, because the sansho fish was lurking underground. He wanted to sneak an attack, but he didn’t expect to have been discovered.

People who don’t understand what is going to happen seem to have been attracted by the strangeness in the sky. Hanzo, who knows the mysterious eye ability, although he doesn’t know what is going to happen, has already maximized the flow of Chakra in himself.

Just in case, be prepared at any time.


With the first crack, the ground on the earth resembled a series of cannons, one by one, one by one, and one by one, it cracked and floated to the sky.

More than that, the ninjas were horrified to find that their bodies were also attracted, and they stuck with the clods and squeezed to the center of the sphere, turning them into pieces of meat!

With the first one, there was the second one. Slowly, the ninjas around became terrified of this kind of thing, and they yelled endlessly.

“Do not!”

Hanzo suddenly saw the sansho fish in the land being sucked into the sky along with the clods.

“No, you stop, I surrender! Stop!”

Hanzo has a special affection for Sansho fish and looked at Nagato pleadingly.

Nagato ignored it and said indifferently: “Finally, you understand, but I’m sorry to tell you that Planetary Devastation is not so easy to stop. When he is finished, it will naturally stop.”

Hanzo roared, and just about to rush forward, he found that his body was floating slowly.

Unlike Konoha’s Planetary Devastation, the Rain Shinobi Village ninja this time is far inferior to Konoha in terms of quantity or quality.

Therefore, the suction power of Planetary Devastation does not need to be divided, and it is even more powerful!

I felt myself being squeezed by the stone, and the huge sphere in the sky.

Hanzo doesn’t know how he feels at this moment…

“So…Is it because I have been doing indifferent resistance…”

Hanzo slowly closed his eyes. The priority of suction is the order of strength. Because his strength is relatively strong, it will take some time to attract him.

Although he understood that the opponent’s technique was about to end, he had no way to escape.

Feeling that his internal organs seemed to be crushed, blood slowly flowed out of the corners of his mouth.

“Hanzo-sama! Rain Shinobi Village can’t live without you!”


One of the few, Rain Shinobi Village, was by Hanzo’s side. He blew himself up with a roar, and regardless of whether Hanzo was hurt or not, he blasted the soil that had squeezed Hanzo into pieces. ..

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