Finally Come

Chapter 277

Chapter 277: The Name of Sanjiao Fish【Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 277 The Name of Sanjiao Fish [Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Nagato’s tone changed, and Hanzo naturally felt it. Rather, Hanzo’s feeling for Nagato before this change, on the contrary, the appearance of the other party now should be so ordinary.

Um? !

Hanzo’s figure flashed, and arrived not far away.

There was no explosion around, but cold sweat was left behind Hanzo.

Although nothing seems to be happening around him, what kind of person Hanzo is, with rich experience, through subtle discovery, the surrounding air, as well as dust, suddenly dispersed just now, and the central location is Nagato. .

“What did you just do?!”

Hanzo couldn’t find anything, he couldn’t help looking at Nagato with a little horror. This ability was really weird.

Body Flicker Technique…

Nagato looked at Hanzo in thought.

“Part of the power of the gods, I have long heard that Rain Shinobi Village Hanzō of the Salamander’s Body Flicker Technique is superb. It seems to be extraordinary. You have escaped the Shenluo Tianzheng. You are lucky.”

“Shen Luo Tianzheng? Could it be that?…”

Nagato was startled, Hanzo’s tone, did the other party know about Shinra Tianzheng…

“It sounds like a powerful name…”


“Hanzo, I have no time to joke with you.”

Nagato felt that Hanzo was playing tricks on him, and his expression immediately became a little angry.

This is a bit wronged by Hanzo, but he really thought so.

Universal Pull…

Nagato’s hand felt that something bad was about to happen. Before he had time to think about anything, he felt a burst of suction drawing him towards the opponent’s position, and Hanzo saw that Nagato’s hand felt more painful. None, and the position is facing him.

It’s too late to escape, no, this seems to be no way to escape.

Hanzo’s sickle was pulled directly, and the chain on it stretched out, and the blade flew directly towards Nagato. The other half of the weapon in his hand has a knife that looks like a kitchen knife. I really don’t know how such a weapon was designed. .

The other half of the weapon’s blade Hanzo was directly facing Nagato.

Nagato immediately dodges the sickle half of his body that flew toward him. Just when his kunai was about to rub against Hanzo’s weapon, Hanzo’s arm flicked, and the sickle at the back was thrown back, Nagato turned back again. , But because of dodge, Hanzo’s strength slightly retreated.

But before it was over, I saw Hanzo’s figure floating up again, and at the same time, a sickle suddenly appeared above, with the tip of the knife directly facing him, piercing his head at a very tricky angle.

As early as the first time, Nagato understood that this sudden Universal Pull seemed to be of no use to Hanzo.

For the experienced him, this may not be suitable for a surprise ability.

He closed his eyes slightly, and Shen Luo Tianzheng started again.

Puff of a hit.

Hanzo, who was a little proud, directly flew out and slammed into the body of the big tree on the side.

The body of the tree was very strong, but it was also split apart by the huge impact.The sickle on Nagato’s head and the weapon in Hanzo’s hand are connected by chains. Because Hanzo’s body flew far away, the sickle in the sky was pulled aside without even touching the range of Shinra Tianzheng, and returned to Hanzo’s. Aside.


There is always a crisis, but the mysterious Rinnegan can turn the crisis into the other’s crisis at any time. This time, Shinra Tianzheng’s strength is not small. Even Kage-level’s body has caused Hanzo to suffer internal injuries.

He covered his mouth with his hand, and looked at the blood coughed up from his mouth, stained his palm, Hanzo’s eyes stopped, and he looked at Nagato.

“The power to bounce people away may be more than that simple. There are not many people who can dodge this two-stage hit with a chain and sickle.”

Damn Rinnegan, even though Hanzo cursed so much in his heart, he actually thought about some countermeasures in secret.

This incomprehensible ability is definitely not usable casually, no matter what powerful technique has its own risks and weaknesses.

Hard resistance? Hanzo had experienced that kind of impact just now, who knows if this is the greatest strength.

I gave up this idea and decided to solve it with speed instead.

“Summoning Technique!”

“Summoning Technique!”

Hanzo thought of using poison!

When Hanzo used the Summoning Technique, Nagato’s eyesight and hands quickly also used the Summoning Technique.

A sansho fish and a huge rhino appeared behind the two at the same time.

Both of them quickly jumped onto their Summoning beasts.

“Use poison.”

Hanzo immediately gave orders to his Summoningmon.

The big mouth of the Sanjiao fish seemed to be chewing something, suddenly the big mouth grew big, and the purple weapon moved forward.

Nagato’s eyes condensed, then he jumped a distance and waved his hand.

The hooves of the huge rhino stepped on the ground, and then rushed in the direction of Hanzo.

Nagato naturally does not care about the life and death of rhinos. One is because Rinnegan does not limit the number of Summoning beasts. Second, when they were Rinnegan Summoning beasts, they were already dead and died again. Using Chakra to summon the hell road to resurrect. NS.

The purple weapon is not only poisonous, but also blocking the line of sight.

Nagato watched the place where the rhinoceros rushed intently. The strong impact caused the poisonous fog to divide into two sections along the rhinoceros’s route.

It’s just that the mist didn’t completely disperse, and more or less came towards Nagato’s position.

“Shen Luo Tianzheng”

The range of poison gas was very large. Nagato just bounced the poison gas near him, and looked at the position of the rhino in a blink of an eye, and saw that the place where the Sansho fish was originally staying had no trace at this time, leaving only a deep giant pit.

The huge rhinoceros also stood in place. Suddenly, it moved for a while, and the ground suddenly sank where the rhinoceros was. The rhino’s body was too clumsy. Although it was powerful, it was not agile, and did not have strong jumping power and movement.

From this point of view, this is also his weakness. Maybe the rhino is not slow in a straight charge, but there is no way to deal with such a sudden attack.

After the rhino’s figure plunged into the ground, the clod of soil slowly buried him, and there was no more movement.

“Sanjiao fish… Hanzō of the Salamander… That’s how it is…”

Nagato murmured something, and suddenly a figure appeared behind him.

Seeing Hanzo put both hands in front of the weapon, his body leaned forward forty-five degrees, the Chakra on his feet was very large, and the ground was pressed a little. ..

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