Finally Come

Chapter 275

Chapter 275 Killing Pays for Life【Look for a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 275: Murder pays for life [seeking monthly ticket! Flowers Evaluation]

Rain Shinobi Village, the sound of the explosion at this time has no meaning to stop.

And at the place where Jue had left, Long Key was sitting casually in the place Jue had just rested.

To put it bluntly, any kind of owner can follow him. This is true. Looking at Long Yao’s relaxed and cozy appearance, if you never see it, you will definitely underestimate a few words in your heart.

I haven’t learned this from Master Hekey, you will definitely say that.

“The explosive power of Ashura Dao really cannot be underestimated.”

The task of Nine Tails has been completed, Ashura said Odin, you can accept it at any time, but the important thing is the current Rain Shinobi Village.

Shaking her beautiful long hair casually, a girl’s unique style exudes in place.

This seems to be the habit of women’s clothing in the previous life…

If you want, apart from Dragon Key himself, outsiders will definitely not have any questions, because this is a beautiful girl!

Behind Long Yao, two sturdy men, one with yellow hair and the other with silver hair, stood silently behind him.

There was a look of helplessness on the faces of the two of them.

“Miss, is it really good that we are here.”

Finally, there can be a battle, and Jin really feels very boring here.

As for this eldest lady… the two were created naturally because they knew that Dragon Key’s true gender, but they also knew that the dragon key in front of him was physically complete, but his strength seemed to be much lower. Later, I learned that the soul is not. Complete, but it is indeed the Dragon Key.

So no matter what kind of embarrassment Long Yao’s expression, she uniformly calls Miss Long Yao (Long Yue).

Because this is the case.

How did Long Yao find out that it also changed the upper and lower thoughts in the bones of these two people, so he just gave it up.

Long Yao turned his head and looked at the silver on the side and nodded fiercely. He agreed with Jin’s idea very much, so he covered his mouth and smiled: “Sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, don’t you find it interesting.”

Ahem… The two of them have thought that Long Key had such amorous feelings. Both of them blushed. This is not a relationship between men and women, but the kind of expression that will naturally make in the face of beautiful attraction. .

Even women will be so affected by the amorous feelings just now.

“Miss… the redhead of the organization opposite, isn’t it yours, just in case…”

“What if you die?”

Long Yao said with a smile.

Gold and silver nodded.

Long Yao turned his head and did not answer, but the happy smile on his face seemed a little strange.

There was no answer, but looking at the expressions of their eldest lady, Jin and Yin already knew the answer, lowered their heads and pondered silently.

Died…just died…

That’s right, I am naturally optimistic about you… Nagato, I also naturally think that you are a very good candidate…

But if you really don’t reach it…

So, Hanzo is also a good candidate…(The thought of Donghuang….)

Although the girl’s smile was unusually beautiful, it made people feel inexplicably depressed at this moment.

————————————————– ————————————————– ———


Another person from Rain Shinobi Village was killed by Nagato…

The ninja who looked around seemed to recede slowly, Nagato’s face moved…

He knew that the Lord was finally about to appear…

Whoosh whoosh…

Sure enough, he didn’t disappoint Nagato, and saw a few figures on the roof in front of him quickly coming in front of him.

“A clear decision to avoid unnecessary deaths, Hanzo…”

Really seeing Hanzo Nagato’s mood at the moment is not so excited. People will always grow up. Since that time, his heart has become very calm, and there will be no fluctuations from then on.

The several Anbus all turned their heads to Hanzo’s body at the same time.

This mysterious and terrifying guy, do you know his village head…

“Since that time, we don’t seem to have seen it… After you were taken away by the adult, I knew that one day you will be back…but!”

“I thought that you would grow up a bit. It seems that after being deceived by me and the death of your companion let your anger dominate your emotions, it is naive after all…”

“Maybe you don’t even understand the meaning of fighting with me this time.”

Hanzo has watched Nagato for a long time. His strength is unfathomable. However, strength is not all of a person. Hanzo has already looked down on the naive Nagato.

“Do you still believe in your illusory understanding and peace…”

“I understand what you want to say, do you think I am so plain now because I am so happy that I can’t speak.”

After all, the other party underestimated himself. If it were before, it would be fine. Now he does not see the dignity of Nagato alone. As the messenger of God, it represents the dignity of God!

Never tolerate a trace of infringement!

“Cheating? This world is like this, in a sense, I also want to thank you Hanzo.”

“Oh? Thanks?”

Hanzo smiled at the corner of his mouth. This was really interesting, and he was also curious, but he believed that since he had said it, the other party would definitely explain it later.

“If you didn’t let me see the falsehood in this world, how could I really understand, what is the meaning of my existence, and how can I follow the adults.”

“I don’t blame your behavior at the beginning. You are the head of Rain Shinobi Village. What you did at the time was undoubtedly the most correct. Even if I changed to the current me, I would make the same choice.”

Nagato’s flatness, on the contrary, made Hanzo feel a subtle tension. The more so, the less anger made Hanzo more vigilant towards Nagato.

“Then what purpose did you come for this time?”

Hanzo doubted that he killed himself, there was no doubt about it, but if it wasn’t out of anger, then what kind of mood he was holding.

“Don’t make a mistake, Hanzo, I understand how naive the idea was at that time, but…”


“This is not a matter of course. It’s not out of deception. It’s just because you killed Miyan and I killed you in turn. If someone avenges you in the future, this is not a matter of course.

This is the so-called hatred. “..

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