Finally Come

Chapter 247

Chapter 247 Flying Thunder God Part Two【Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter Two Hundred and Forty-seventh Flying Thunder God Part Two [Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

(This month is about one chapter a day.

However, you can quickly hand in the evaluation of flowers in the past few days, which can be accumulated to the next month. There will be more updates in the next month. The more you evaluate the flowers, the more you add.

From the time of Nine Tails, there will be a long climax. Rain Shinobi Village has changed. The third Five Shadows Conference (Sister Dragon Moon debut!) The trilogy is basically connected together, I also want to update it quickly. Some, so I need your support to speed up my efforts!

Hope that in the beginning of November, you can see your monthly tickets, flowers, reviews, and rewards! Make Feiyan more motivated~

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Above… Sincerely, Concubine~)

“That’s really good, what is my purpose…hahahahaha…”

What’s the purpose…

Really interesting question…

Minato asked coldly, “What’s so ridiculous.”

Long Yao tilted his head, thinking that this mission was originally released by the system, he couldn’t help feeling that Fourth Hokage in front of him was so sad and innocent.

“What I have to say may be just a whim of mine, but it is better to say that I had planned it many years ago.”

As he said this, the chain slowly stretched out of the cuff.

At this time, Long Yao looked at Fourth Hokage with an indifferent expression while touching the chains with both hands.

Hearing Dragon Key’s words, Fourth Hokage put this person on a more dangerous list in his heart.

With this kind of cognition, there is this kind of dangerous thought.

The opponent must be dealt with here, otherwise there will be more serious consequences in the future than today.

“You are too young to know that Konoha used to be in some unknown darkness. Even if you become a Hokage, the guys at the upper level will not tell you everything, whether it is the past, present or future.”

Seeing through his own tone, Minato’s heart was a little irritable, and he asked, “What do you mean by this sentence.”

Long Yao waved his hand and said, “I’m really sorry, there is no future…”

Then his eyes narrowed.

“Yes… Fourth Hokage, after you today, there is no future! &”


Minato reacted immediately.

At the same time, the two figures bent forward slightly, and then rushed towards each other at the same time.

Almost both of them have the ability of time and space.

Then, it depends on whose strategy, whose speed is faster.

Minato’s left hand slowly leaned forward, and Kuwu in his hand pointed directly at Long Key’s head.

And Long Key, placed the chain behind him in an arc shape and didn’t do too much movement, but rushed towards Kuwu without fear.

“Is it still like this… how could it?!”

Kuwuyi seemed to penetrate Dragon Key’s head directly as before, and Minato couldn’t help but feel a little upset. Then, after the opponent passed through his body, the chain behind him suddenly restrained him.

“Flying Thunder God Technique!”

Minato made a seal with one hand, and immediately disappeared not far away.

And in that place, there are all kinds of kunai with technique on the ground.

What a terrible ability…

In other words, if the other party wants to retreat, he can’t stop him… and… Nine Tails is still in the village.

My attack penetrated him, but he was able to materialize again.

Attacking is equal to an opportunity for him to mix this danger at the same time. It seems that he can try this…

Minato, who had fled, was already thinking about countermeasures in secret at this time.

“Oh? The space ninjutsu that uses the marks of the technique to teleport in space, is it Flying Thunder God Technique, is it Tobirama’s technique…”

“who are you?!”Not many people know about this kind of ninjutsu and developed by the Second Generation adults, and only the people of that era..

However, how many people from that era survived.

Is it really Uchiha Madara?

“The name is nothing but a meaningless thing, so the dead don’t need to remember other people’s names.”

“Are you here again?”

Minato’s body moves quite quickly, and when Long Key moves this time, his body also immediately takes a step forward.

“call out.”

Kuwu directly threw it out and flew towards Long Yao’s head.


Minato yelled, and in his right hand there was a size that was even more unacceptable than the later Naruto Big Ball Rasengan.

Minato’s eyes condensed when he saw Long Key’s hand slowly touching his body.

It’s a success! He must be the state of the entity now!


The shuriken just passed through Dragon Key’s head, and at this moment, Minato’s figure suddenly appeared in the position of the shuriken. Then quickly hit Long Yao’s body.

“This is the second part of Flying Thunder God, remember it for me.”

Minato faintly looked at the figure below, at this moment he was somewhat determined to win.

“The Kuwu Wu was deliberate just now, just to take advantage of this time to come to this position by surprise, Flying Thunder God Technique, the second stage… has exceeded the development level of Second Hokage, Fourth Hokage, it is really not to be underestimated.”

“Since you have done something like this to Konoha, you should have thought about the end of the game. At this time, even if you beg for mercy, it is too late!”

Minato sneered at Dragon Key’s admiration.

“After all, it’s still a young man…”

Long Key looked at Minato and said lightly.

This tone has surpassed disdain, it is a kind of peak that has reached its zenith, the kind of meaning that can’t win the cold from the heights.

Disdain is an expression that your opponent is inferior to yourself, and such an expression is only to the point where it is incomparable.

Long Key has long known that Minato will use Flying Thunder God second stage, and he is still in the form of Hollow at this time.


With a loud noise, Rasengan’s power was still very strong, and the smooth grass was torn apart by the bombardment, and huge stones were blown into the sky.

“how so?!”

Minato was surprised to find that his Rasengan still penetrated the opponent’s body.

Did the other party understand his behavior from the beginning? impossible…

Or, I’m really too young.. From the beginning, the only one being calculated is myself… I’m a bit excited just now.

Minato gave a wry smile…

“What are you thinking, Fourth Hokage, now fighting.”


Long Key suddenly appeared behind him, his hands were sealed, Minato’s expression flashed, and he immediately used the Flying Thunder God Technique to transfer to the Supremacy of the previous technique.

“I knew where you would be, Fire Style, Great Fireball Technique!”

Long Key had already understood it a long time ago, but at this time it was even too late to inhale Minato. Minato’s perception of facing some melee combat was very terrifying.

Therefore, from the beginning, Dragon Key’s Fire Style is heading towards the undirected engraved technique.

“Well, it’s been put together.”

“Summoning Technique!”

Whether it’s Flying Thunder God or Dragon Key’s space ninjutsu, this kind of thing has certain restrictions.

Can not be used continuously.

And that kind of space ninjutsu of several consecutive teleports is not as simple as the technique of Kieyin’s three ordinary teleports.

It is a more complex manifestation. The consumption of Chakra is far greater than one teleportation. After a period of time, it teleports for the second time, and then it is as simple as Chakra at the third time. ..

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