Finally Come

Chapter 244

Chapter 244 Nine Tails Incident [A monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 224 Nine Tails Incident [Request a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Facing the huge Nine Tails claws, Mayuri closed her eyes, she was disappointed in this world, everything was fake.

“Sorry, Naruto, sorry, Minato.”

I left when the child was just born. My mother is very incompetent…

A trace of tears was wiped from the corner of my eyes… At this moment, a vision suddenly emerged…

“Oh? Did you come so soon… Then, I’ll beg of you later…”

Nine Tails had some doubts on her expression. The woman suddenly disappeared, so she turned her head and looked at Long Key blankly, her expressions still very sluggish.

Dragon Key ignored Nine Tails and said casually…

“What a keen intuition…”

Aside, two figures came out…

Orochimaru, Tenshindo, but Orochimaru is still wearing Konoha’s costume at this time.

“It’s nothing, we’re just one in reincarnation, Six Paths…”

Long Yao answered faintly…slowly walking towards Konoha’s direction.

Why not use space ninjutsu?

Because Longkey didn’t want to be exposed in front of Orochimaru, lest Orochimaru would see Miss Longyue of Rain Shinobi Village again in the future and have doubts in her heart.

It is easy for a person as sophisticated as Orochimaru to see something…

“Six Paths reincarnation, one?”

Orochimaru frowned…

In this case, Nagato said it once, Beast Dao said it once…

What do you mean? I became more curious about the ability of Reincarnation Six Paths.

“Then, I will also leave first, Kong Chen, wait once it starts…”

“I know… no one would care about the Book of Seal at that time…”

Orochimaru smiled evilly.

And at Konoha Fourth Hokage’s home…


“I’m so sorry, I didn’t protect you…”

“Huh?…It doesn’t matter…”

Although I was told that it was true, the relationship between Minato and her was sincere…

“Now, you just stay by Naruto’s side as a mother… and leave the rest to my dad.”

Minato was talking as he walked, and at the last sentence, his expression became cold.


Shaking off the imperial robe on his body, the big characters of Fourth Generation on the back seemed very clear.

The figure disappeared to other places in a flash…

“Minato… how do you understand my current mood… I’m sorry… at least… you must protect Naruto… as a mother…”

Mayuri looked at Naruto, who was sleeping quietly, and tears flowed uncontrollably.

For Naruto and her husband, Mayuri still has a very big affection. He doesn’t want his husband to die..

When Nine Tails was liberated, Mayuri thought that she had cleared up with Konoha, her heart was dead, but Konoha was ruined, she died, she didn’t care anymore.

However, she does not want her husband and children to be affected…

After making up his mind, Mayuri slowly stood up and walked slowly outside the house.

On the streets of Konoha.

The joy of victory has not slowed down, but has increased a lot.

The streets passing by are not full of people of different ages.

“It’s okay to go out and play occasionally, right?”A man said awkwardly towards his wife.

“What is occasional! Don’t you go out every day?!”

Regarding the husband’s behavior, the wife is somewhat helpless.

“Isn’t this the war won… Well, don’t be angry, I will bring back your favorite food.”

The man is a little pleased with the woman, the woman seems to be made sense, and said: “Hey, I really can’t help you, come back soon.”


“Thank you for your patronage! Welcome to come again!”

“Boss, you are too polite… well, I will come again.”

It’s on this street.

“Well…Isn’t it enough to finish with boxing today?”

Laziness and helplessness were thrown into the voice.

“What?! Is it such a bloodless contest again?! Are you still my eternal opponent like this? Kakashi?!”

On the other side, a watermelon-headed young man in a green tights said passionately.

Kakashi squinted and smiled: “I have to get up early tomorrow, forget it today, Guy.”

“Don’t use the task as a shield! Now, when you are officially full of passion and cannot vent, it is a great time for diligent practice!”

Guy clenched his fist and said loudly.

I didn’t pay attention to Kakashi’s sudden stop. Then he pointed to the horizon and continued to shout with excitement: “The accumulation of bits and pieces on weekdays is related to whether the task can be successfully completed in the future!”

“Hey! Listen to me! Kakashi!”

I noticed that Kakashi was missing… I took a closer look, and I was standing behind me, and immediately turned around and shouted at Kakashi.

Kakashi looked around, and said in a weird tone: “Don’t talk about this, Guy, you don’t feel something is wrong. From just now, the air has become colder.”

Guy froze for a moment, then Byakugan flipped over and furiously said, “It’s only your attitude that gets cold! Only now, come to the game! Kakashi!”

Kakashi looked up at the sky…

I always feel a little uncomfortable today…

In the home of the patriarch of the Uchiha clan…

Young Uchiha Itachi holds Sasuke, who is still a baby.

“What a strange feeling…”

Itachi looked up at the sky and said curiously.

At this time, the little Sasuke in her arms burst into tears.

Itachi was startled, and quickly coaxed Sasuke and said, “Be good… Sasuke doesn’t cry, no matter what happens, my brother will definitely protect you…”

(Sure enough, it’s Brocon!)

It really feels a bit bad…

It happens that at this time, father and mother are not at home..

In a secret office…

Third Generation Eye Sarutobi Hiruzen took a pipe and slowly spit it out… His eyes frowned and looked at the moonlight outside the window…

“Could it be that…probably not…”

In a street in Konoha…

A masked person wearing a red cloud on a black background suddenly walked out of the wall abruptly…

“who are you?!”

The people on the street looked at this strange thing and focused their goals here…

A ninja looked at the masked man in front of him, suddenly a little uneasy, so he questioned.

Long Yao’s head slowly lifted up… he looked at the whispering people around him without a look of expression.


“Kathy Yoji Nongjiz! (Summoning Technique!)”

Long Yao looked coldly at Konoha’s building, pressing one hand on the ground, and shouted. ..

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