Finally Come

Chapter 212

Chapter 212 Are you really fishing? [Look for a monthly pass! Ask for a reward! 】

Chapter 212 Are you really fishing? [Look for a monthly pass! Ask for a reward! 】

The boss was immediately happy when he heard this. The feelings are really a rich young master, and he said randomly and flatteringly: “Oh, but the old man made a mistake. Master, how can a person like you use ordinary things?”

“That is…”

Long Key nodded in agreement…sometimes he did find it quite interesting to have such a joke.

It’s like Obito in the original book. Why does it look like Deidara in front of Deidara? From Long Key’s point of view, that character should be Obito’s true character, and he can’t be faked…Long time pressure made him a little tired. …This can be considered a way to escape from reality.

“The young master is really handsome, romantic and suave, Yushu Linfeng, young and gold, brave and mighty, invincible in the world…”

Seeing that the flattery was done, the boss seemed to be more energetic. This young master is not short of money, so he will have to buy more later. This time of the war.. There are people who want to fish..

Long Yao was a little stunned: “Uh…”

The boss didn’t seem to react and said, “That’s more than that, Yuuchi No.1, lonely master, invulnerable, self-respectful, jade-faced man-kun, benevolent, no sway. The brave is fearless, the King Kong is not bad, the wise and the martial arts, the chivalry is extraordinary, These words like Yun Tian and No. 1 in the world from ancient times to the present all describe your extraordinaryness, Master!”


“Shut up!” Long Yao’s expression suddenly changed…

“Ah…” The boss is a little puzzled… what’s wrong, this is…


Suddenly came the girl’s unique sweet smile like a bell, the smile was so crisp, and there was a hint of soothing in it.

The boss understands…I guess it’s a flattering..

It is precisely for this reason that Long Key has seen some people have noticed here, and are somewhat curious, Long Key does not want to attract too many people’s attention.

As for the words the boss said…well…Long Key felt that they were very suitable for him…

Hearing this laughter, Long Key first turned his head…If it’s a ninja. Let’s find a chance to follow and press the underground to solve it.

The Dawn Plan is about to begin, and there can be no mistakes before that.

It wasn’t until he turned his head that Long Yao found out that the laughing woman…seems to know…

“Huh? You know me?”

The woman…dark blue clothes and high collar. After seeing Long Yao’s face, she was first lost for a while, and then said with a flushed face looking at Long Yao’s gaze.

Long Yao said strangely: “I don’t know…”

“I don’t know the look in your eyes.”

The woman is a little bit angry.. It looks like she is not Kirigakure’s ninja, is it one of the suitors, it’s not right… Not to say that… I might be chasing it back… I just said that I was shocked. The appearance of heaven and human beings is like a masterpiece of heaven, and you will never forget it once you see it.

“I have seen you somewhere before…”

The more you look at Long Yao, the more familiar…

Um? !

This is…Long Yao’s eyes flashed suddenly…Suddenly remembered…

So, no wonder it is so familiar, Fifth Mizukage…

It’s just this dress…

Long Yao looked at Terumi Mei in front of him up and down, and finally he was sure. It is indeed no doubt, but this dressing style seems a bit conservative now…

Is it because I was afraid that I would not be able to marry later?

The more Long Yao thought so, the more certain… he nodded secretly, admiring his intelligence…

This person sometimes forgets when he comes up with narcissism.

“Hey hey hey…what is the look in your eyes! I haven’t seen a beautiful woman!”Who is this! Looking at the eyes, I can see that I am a little hairy… I’m sure… I have never seen such a person… That secretly nod, do you think the old lady didn’t see the bastard!

Wait… Terumi Mei suddenly turned red…

Seems to have seen it before? Is that what the other party said…

This seems to be the opening remarks to strike up a conversation… Could it be that the other party…

At this time, Terumi Mei also rolled his eyes and looked up and down Long Key.

Not bad, good… to look good… to butt… uh… nothing…

This time, Long Key was a little bit overwhelmed.. He felt a little bit cold all over his body.. He said, “Hey, hey! What do you mean by me now?”

“Look at what’s wrong? You think… come on… it’s more prettier than me…”

Terumi Mei just wanted to say something…beauties, you don’t like it, take a closer look…and you really find that the other person looks like this…but it’s so much better than herself…


You also need to have a figure and a good appearance. From childhood to most, it is a long way away from other women…

Today I will lose to a man…

“You are a man?”

Terumi Mei didn’t believe it.

“what do you mean?”

Long Yao’s face suddenly sank…Old paper, Haki all over, can’t you see that I am a man? Fool!

“No… nothing…”

With the look of Long Yao, Terumi Mei felt a trace of inexplicable pressure, and her momentum suddenly weakened. .

“I said… the young master… do you still want to buy it?”

The boss is also quite helpless on the side… These two people, Terumi Mei, he knows not to mess with him. Besides, this young master is also a customer.

When the two met again, they didn’t seem to want to stop. There was no way, business-oriented and money to support the family, so they had to stand up and interrupt.

“Oh… buy and buy… of course to buy… take it! Give me the best!”

When Long Key heard it, his expression changed again, and the temperament of Young Master Kuo was back again. He didn’t know where he escaped from a large pile of money, and he pressed it heavily in front of the boss’s desk. Green…

“Kakuzu, you…”

“Master, what are you talking about?”

“It’s okay… take it… you don’t have to look for more…”



“Not bad…”

“…, bastard! Why is it so expensive?!”

“Didn’t you say you want the most expensive…”

The boss is also a little helpless…

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…”

“Don’t laugh…”

Fearing that more people would come here, Long Yao looked at Terumi Mei’s smile and suddenly became helpless.

However, the other party laughed more powerfully…

“You guy… so interesting…”

Terumi Mei smiled and said to Long Yao. ..

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