Finally Come

Chapter 174

Chapter 174

Chapter 174 Back to the Future

Arrival of the Flower and Tree Realm, an improved version of the Arrival of the Tree Realm, the scroll left by Uchiha Madara explains how to use this technique, so the Dragon Key is easily used under the Wood Style system.

Use is a breeze…

But whether this area or the amount of Chakra is too large…

Dragon Key, who has to travel through time and space, doesn’t want to capsize himself in the gutter at that time.

Therefore, this technique is mostly just a few young plants.

Small flowers, grasses, saplings and the like.

Over time, these plants will slowly grow up.

Even in the early days, the colorful glow of these plants makes people lose their eyes, and it looks like an endless sea of ​​flowers.

In fact, Long Key left many channels.

There are real and fake. Different roads are full of various poisons, piranhas, poisonous weeds, and poisonous arrow trees.

The more beautiful things are, the more deadly they are.

Looking at this endless sea of ​​flowers, Long Yao sighed in his heart.

Wood Style is indeed an incredible ability sometimes, capable of turning a ruin into such a vibrant land.

The premise must also be a complete Wood Style physique.

Therefore, it is rumored that the terrain around Konoha, the country of fire, is so fertile and vigorous, all due to the Wood Style of Senju Hashirama alone.

He believed a lot of this now.

Opening the right eye of Jiugouyu, Susanoo’s appearance will be completely changed if it is paired with Susanoo.

A completely golden giant.

It’s no longer three-headed and six-armed.

The other two artifacts are like the wheel of the gods, floating in the two weeks of Bacchus, they are said to be Bacchus, but their appearance is completely different.

The more evolved, Long Key was surprised to find that it was more like the angel of heaven in the biblical mythology.

However, it is golden armor. When it reaches Ultimate, a team of golden wings will be born on both sides. It looks very beautiful.

After Wood Style improved the entire terrain, there was only one thing left for Dragon Key.

Heavy fog, and prohibition…

The fog… has a time limit, and the Dragon Key does not need to be dense, it is just to hide the Planetary Devastation in the center of the Flower Sea, which is the Xiao base prepared by the Dragon Key.

Therefore, the output of Chakra is set to change in about ten years.

With the cover of the fog, Long Yao didn’t think that any ordinary people could cross the sea of ​​flowers to reach the central location.

As for the strong…

What are they doing so hard to cross the sea of ​​flowers?

Moreover, whether things here will be discovered by the outside world is still a big question…at best, as a spectacle…

Surrounding this sea of ​​flowers is an endless desert, on the other side there are only convex peaks, behind it is a plain with strong seasonal winds, and on the last side, there is an endless sea.

There is such a pervert environment all around, even if there is so much physical strength left here, if you don’t know someone to lead the way, you will be even more lost in the flower sea of ​​Dragon Key.

The arrangement of the plants in the sea of ​​flowers is arranged according to an ancient formation. The plants here are very aggressive under the technique of the dragon key, and the unnoticeable pollen is simply a deadly weapon.

In addition, from a distance, it is just thick fog, you can’t see the sea of ​​flowers if you don’t walk in.

As for the prohibition.. Just to be on the safe side, Long Yao set it up at the entrance. The geographical environment of the other locations is too bad, and it is simply whimsical to want to enter from there.

Then, the only import, that is, the import of Dragon Vessel at the beginning, is worthy of a good arrangement.

Naturally it will not be as simple as before the dragon veins.

Even the strong Kage-level takes a lot of effort.

There are even more powerful banning dragon keys, but I don’t think it is necessary to use them.

It’s too powerful, but people will suspect that there is something in it, there is simply no silver in this place.

This difficulty is enough.

Anyone with a strong Kage-level will come over and do boring nostalgia.

The shadows of the various villages are also good, what if they are ambushed by other villages on the way?

These can all be reasons…But after all, Long Key is a bit lazy…

I feel that these other details… just let someone who knows later know…

I am not so happy that I have created it…

“Fire formation!”

The flame formation of the Uchiha family was considered a good type of prohibition, and was used by the Dragon Key this time.

Dragon Key is very smart.. It’s better to enjoy..

Although the surrounding plants are very deadly…

But the central one is different…

The first is all kinds of beautiful gardens… Sakura flower trees, all the beautiful cut flowers of the rose jungle have been bought the seeds of life.

Ah! Who do you think created this land?

It’s me! The great, beautiful, handsome, and inspiring, artistic-cell Long Key!

If you have to ask why, Long Yao will probably be the kind of head raised to the sky, dark and arrogant, with the corners of his mouth upturned, and in the end he will answer you in a breathtaking tone.

The most decentralized of Planetary Devastation is empty…nothing…somewhat strange, but Long Yao feels that this is more artistic.

And the innermost ones are all kinds of fruits.

Grape, watermelon, banana, pear, dragon fruit, grapefruit.

One by one, orchards of different colors were formed.

On the other side, there are some brief common medicinal materials.

Coptis, wolfberry, astragalus, a series of things.

This place will definitely become a garden with everything in the future…

As for what will happen, let us wait and see.

“Huh… everything is done…”

Long Yao’s figure finally began to flash…

The surrounding space began to collapse, and black and purple light refracted from it.

Long Yao paused…Finally, he jumped in.

The light seemed to be sealed, and disappeared completely after a flash…

at the same time…

The Kingdom of Wind…Near Shayin Village…

“Third Kazekage… I’m back… this time, you can’t hide…”

A figure with a red cloud on a black background left a shallow trace in the desert… carefully discovered that the trace behind it disappeared after a short while after passing by…

“Master Sasori!”

A Sha Ren jumped out, and the Bloodline on his body meant that he must have killed someone.

“Yura, how’s it going.”

“Everything is safe.”

“Very good… let’s go in…”

The two figures disappeared into the desert in a flash.

Somewhere in the underground trading office.


“Why do you find it a little more interesting? Is it because of motivation…”

“That’s him… kill him… this bounty is not bad.”

Kakuzu is also making money as always.

The difference is…now for… it is what Akatsuki needs for development, which is a little different from the simple one before.

(Back to the future!

Think of a way to update as much as possible~

Of course, it depends on your support. The more you support, the more updates…

Will it be more…

In addition, fatteners, can you change it to automatic subscription…

In this way, Feiyan’s motivation is much greater~) ..

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