Finally Come

Chapter 168

Chapter 168 Loli Arrives

Chapter 168: Loli Arrives

Konoha Sannin had already fought Hanzo at this time.

The result is obvious. Sannin is still young after all, not the demigod opponent at the peak.

“Damn it.. What if you are going to be killed if you continue like this, Tsunade, you go, I and Orochimaru will cover you.”

Jiraiya was anxious, and after speaking, looked at Orochimaru.

Orochimaru didn’t conduct research at this time, except that his appearance was colder, he was also very decent.

After receiving Jiraiya’s eyes, he nodded.

Tsunade said grumpily, “It’s not the end yet, what run!”

If possible, Tsunade would naturally want to leave, want to see that person one side, even the last side, but since the last time he left such a letter, there is no more information.

I don’t know what’s going on with my body.

With longing, there is the motivation to live, but Tsunade’s character will not leave two companions to escape.

“Tsunade, don’t you have someone you must meet, so if the two of us do our best, we can let you escape.”

Orochimaru’s hoarse voice couldn’t help but feel tired at this time.

“Stop talking…Since we are here together, we will go back together, otherwise, how would you let me face the teacher.”

Tsunade shook his head.

Hanzo in the front is more of a pity for Sannin below. Hanzo has such a character, but if it threatens him, he will definitely kill him.

Just like the Miyan from now on.

Hanzo is very cautious, even if his opponent is a little-known rookie ninja, he will not be the slightest contempt for him.

Always choose the safest and most reliable method to destroy the opponent.

That’s why Rain Shinobi Village has always existed in such a stable manner, and its demigod name also wants to influence the world.

“The half body deserves to be a half god, and we are not his opponents at all.”

Orochimaru shook his head, there was a sense of unwillingness in his tone.

“The young man below.”


Several people raised their heads when they heard Hanzo’s voice. At this point, they wanted to say something..

Hanzo said in a calm voice: “You think I am strong, but you know how many strong people grow up sadly.”

“In the village where I was born, there is a very poisonous black mountain pepper fish.

After the death of the Sansho fish, the poison sac was implanted in my young body, so I also became resistant to poison.

Whenever I breathe, the people around me inhale poisonous gas. Therefore, people around me are afraid of me when I am young.

In order not to influence others, I was forced to wear a mask and use my mouth to breathe instead.

I can’t take off the mask easily, although that gives me an advantage in battle. But if the poison sac in my abdomen ruptures during the battle, even I will not be able to withstand the poison of the Sansho fish. ”

It turns out that the mask was worn for this reason…

A few people were silent for a while.. After listening to Hanzo, they couldn’t say anything..

“Why did he tell us about his weakness.”

Jiraiya said puzzledly after a while.Orochimaru looked at Jiraiya and sighed.

“Said it is the opponent’s weakness, but, again, isn’t it the opponent’s killer move, and, even if you say it, do you think we have won him.”

Sannin was silent for a while… No matter what Hanzo said, they are not confident to beat each other now.

Hanzo suddenly said, “When people end, it is not when they are about to die, but when they lose their faith.”

“You think I am strong… But, do you know what the existence of some strong people in this world is like.”

Having said this, Hanzo thought of Long Key.

With a lonely look in his eyes, he said: “Even if it’s me, it’s not against the other person’s look…just a look…”

“But nothing… just like you are now, even if you lose, how can your ambition disappear.”

“You guys should be Hokage’s disciples.”

“Among this young generation, you are such an outstanding group that I have seen, no matter what the result is, today, in the name of my demigod Hanzō of the Salamander, I bestow the title of Konoha Sannin on the three of you. ”

“Konoha Sannin…”

Tsunade and Jiraiya Orochimaru looked at each other and nodded..

No matter what, it is a great honor to get the title bestowed by a demigod in this world.

But no matter what, the next battle is the key.

Orochimaru thought of something else.

“Who is that person you are talking about…”

Orochimaru questioned.

Such a strong person, it is impossible to be without fame in the Ninja World.

Hanzo laughed mockingly: “It’s ridiculous to say that I don’t know his name. For your good, I hope you forgot to ask today.”

“So, next…”

Just when Hanzo was about to let Konoha go away… he felt something was wrong…

Then… the whole body was cold… I looked back… suddenly my face turned black and his face was full of horror. It seemed that I saw something terrible, even in front of Long Key.

And Hanzo’s Summoning beast Sansho fish heard this sound, and the originally straight body shrank…

“Old Hanzo…what are you playing? I want to play too!”

Konoha’s three people naturally looked at Hanzo’s incredible expression, and then they heard a little girl’s voice.

Could it be caused by the source of this sound…

Where was the expression on Hanzo’s face stuck, and he reluctantly said, “Little Dragon Moon…you…how did you come here…”

Hanzo disarmed the Summoning beast… Sanshoyu also glanced at Hanzo gratefully, and quickly disappeared, the scared expression, even if Hanzo looked at it, it was a little helpless. After all, he looked at the name Longyue not far away. Little girl.

Without the Summoning beast’s blocking, Konoha’s three people also saw each other’s appearance.

The evening breeze blew, and the breeze was light, blowing her long black hair.

The movement gracefully lifted the stray hair, the rosy cheeks were shining brightly, the eyebrows were picturesque, the skin was like fat, the brows could be broken, the magnificent beauty, look forward to brilliance, and sultry.

The girl walked step by step, her black curly hair like seaweed slipped down in front of Xiong, her skirt flapping in the wind. She stroked her lips with her fingers, her pupils half-squinted, and her expression was as evil as a fairy crawling out of the deep sea.

But the expression that an adult woman should have is just the face of a little girl who seems to be about five years old.

The girl tilted her head, stretched out the tip of her bright red tongue, pressed Tian’s lips, and smiled softly.

“Something interesting seems to have happened here, so I’m here.”

Xiao Longyue covered her lips with her small hand, and smiled softly. ..

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