Finally Come

Chapter 163

Chapter 163

Chapter 163 Super Shadow

The time and space clone is not the same as the time clone. He is like Obito cut off a part of his body and separates a part of the gods. It is different from the Six Paths clone which is just a puppet…

This trip to Rain Shinobi Village is for my own time-space avatar in the world..

Long Key’s plan is huge…

It’s huge enough to involve the entire Ninja World…

As for why the Dragon Key has to be in the Gedo Statue for so long…

Why must Rinnegan be turned on.

It is closely related to this plan.

“In order to be a god…”

Long Yao sighed…

“Master Key?”

Long Yao had been in a daze for a long time just now, and both of them did not understand Long Yao’s strange performance.

“Well, I said it before, for more than ten years, then, Shin Kuna, how did you follow Sasori during this time.”

“What?! Never!”

Just when Shin Kuna was a little anxious to say something, Sasori’s face changed drastically and hurriedly said it.

Long Key looked at Sasori’s post-feared look, and looked at Shin Kuna with mysterious eyes…

She really didn’t know what Shin Kuna did, because Shin Kuna had always been behaved in front of him.

“Master Key…Master Key…I want to be with you…”

Xin Kuna tugged Long Yao’s arm and head and shook his head at Long Yao.

“Well… it may be a long time…”

Long Yao sighed, letting Xin Jiuna stay at this time, he was not relieved.

And his time travel, now with Rinnegan, his ability is much greater, and he can do it with one more person.

“It doesn’t matter how long you can be with Master Key.”

Xin Kuna’s head was leaning against Long Key’s arm and said.

“So, Sasori, now is the time to give a task, twelve years!

Twelve years later, you need to reach the position of the valley of the end. Someone will naturally turn with you. In these twelve years, the connection channel of the ring will be cut off, so if you have backup, everything depends on you. ”

Although it was strange that the passage of the ring was cut off, and some were even worried about the safety of Dragon Key, since she was a subordinate, no matter who it was in Xiao, she had always said the same to Dragon Key’s orders.


Long Yao suddenly laughed: “In twelve years, you can do whatever you want to do, as if there are no organizational restrictions…Third Kazekage…hehe…just do what you want…”

Sasori’s eyes lit up, how did Master Key know what he was thinking, and he became more and more in awe of Long Key.

“Then, don’t let it go. Twelve years later, I look forward to how you grow up, Sasori…”

“Uncle Jade Girl, goodbye!”

Xin Kuna also greeted him and was absorbed by Long Key into a different space. Long Key himself slowly faded and disappeared on this land.

Sasori smiled helplessly, and then both eyes flashed a terrifying light.

“Third Kazekage, Third Kazekage, didn’t you say that we are going to fight together… Then, you will become my puppet and fight together forever… Hahahaha…”

And here is the dragon key…

It is the constant shuttle of space by space…

The space ability to travel is very peculiar…It does not mean that they don’t have to travel, but that their path is much shorter than that of ordinary people..So it feels like an idea that arrives in an instant.

Long Key’s current strength can basically be divided into such several pieces.

Divine Art..

Although he only has one at present, the dragon key now has completely mastered that divine technique, so the power of this technique cannot be underestimated.


This thing, like divine art, seems to be foreign, and power is more like an invisible, intangible, but real thing.


This represents more…

Susanoo, Mangekyō’s pupil technique, and even Rinnegan’s power are considered pupil techniques. Now the strength of Dragon Key can be said to be the pinnacle of Kage-level, and when using the nine-hook jade Rinnegan, his strength is really true. It has reached the point of super shadow.

Since Long Key has reached this point…

I know a little bit about the ideas of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara…

Super shadow and Kage-level peak can be said to be Kage-level…

However, it can be said that it is a completely different existence. What power does Chaoying have to assist one of its own abilities or multiple abilities, causing itself to become a existence of Chaoying.

Originally, according to common sense, only two eyes are eternal. Mangekyō’s level cannot reach the super shadow. However, Uchiha Madara’s talent Ling Ran finally arrived after many years of training and killing.

But Long Key’s eyes had not reached the peak of the eternal Mangekyō before he opened Rinnegan, so he couldn’t feel the feeling of Uchiha Madara.

At this point, he finally understood the gap between Kage-level and himself…

That is a dazzling distance between levels.


Dragon Key has not yet fully used the power.

The wheel of the gods is barely possible… to be developed.

The clouds of the sky and the two ten-fist swords have become the Master.

And even if the most mysterious Xie Ming Supreme Heaven is just summoned, the Dragon Key can’t exert much effect, even at the point of Nine Gouyu Jade Rinnegan.

Think about it, but the sky clusters used for recasting some fragments are so powerful, but now he has no ability to control.

Perhaps after completing his plan, that level of strength should be able to use the Xie Ming Supreme Heaven at this stage to do whatever he wants.

Xie Ming supreme heaven, this weapon is too evil…

If you are not careful, you may hurt yourself.


This ability can be said to be Obito’s signature ability, and Dragon Key is also considered a very powerful ability, and it has been listed as a frequently used force by Long Key.

Wood Style…

With the ability just completed by the Master, Long Key discovered that his own abilities cooperated with each other, and they definitely played more than a little bit more.

Wood Style, Dragon Key’s and Senju Hashirama’s are naturally different, because what he has now is not a copy of Senju Hashirama, but has completely become his own blood inheritance boundary.

Long Key has always been a little strange.. No matter what ability he has, as long as he uses it to a certain level, it will turn back to gold…light gold, dark gold, gold, flashing gold…

The ability of Wood Style is very powerful…

But Dragon Key is more of an auxiliary…

Because, time, space, power and magic… this is his main ability.


There is not much to say about this ability. The mysterious Dragon Key can’t fully understand its meaning. The longer the time, the more Long Key understands, and the more people don’t understand.

The remaining various gadgets similar to Onmyoji… may be very powerful elsewhere, but they are not enough to be placed in the forefront compared to what Dragon Key currently controls.

(About the avatar….

At that time, I will naturally explain….. There won’t be any avatars. It’s almost no different from NTR…..Body…That’s right…) ..

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