Finally Come

Chapter 158

Chapter 158 Wood Style Strengthening

Chapter 158 Strengthening of Wood Style Physique

After all the Dragon Keys were gone, Long Key calmed down and thought about it calmly, because even if it could be absorbed, from the previous few hours, there was no shortage of problems.

The first point is that it exists in the bodies of other Dragon Keys.

Since it is only a clone, even a clone of time cannot withstand the long-term absorption, but this dragon key has a way, because each time it is absorbed, the dragon key will also become stronger, and the next time the clone will absorb the time. Will get longer.

The second point is that even if this is the case, it takes a very long time for such absorption, which may take several months.

The Dragon Key is still available for a few months, but the problem is here. The absorption takes only a few months, but the Dragon Key has been thought about before. The Chakra that needs to be absorbed is mainly used for the Hundred Healings Mark and Wood Style. On the strengthening.

This way it takes a lot of time.

Every day’s absorption requires the same amount of time to transform into the power of time, and finally it takes the same amount of time to transform the power of time into Wood Style. These powers are strengthened.

The reason why Dragon Key needs Wood Style is simple…


It was just for this, and he felt that it was extremely difficult for his Rinnegan to open, especially his left eye.

As for the right eye, it had reached the peak of the eternal Mangekyō. According to common sense, Dragon Key has Wood Style cells on his body, and Rinnegan should be able to be turned on.

But this is what makes him different. He just has a little Hashirama cell. If other people turn on Rinnegan, it’s okay, but the genius is always different from ordinary people. His spatial eye, but also includes the phantom eye. And ninjutsu eyes, but the space is the most prominent.

Only to transform Hashirama this Wood Style cell into its own cell under the power of time, and further, to catalyze its growth through the continuous use of time, and finally completely turn it into its own Wood Style.

Unlike everyone else, it is no longer the same cell as the Wood Style clone obtained from Senju Hashirama, but completely own Wood Style cell.

Only then can his Rinnegan be turned on.

But my left eye…

Now it is only the eternal middle class, and how to improve is really troublesome.

In Long Key’s view, even Rinnegan’s abilities have different changes, just like Mangekyō, they all have different abilities and some of the same abilities.

Rinnegan, one is enough!

As long as you can suppress the Gedo Statue and achieve your own plan, what if the other Rinnegan is turned on later.

Stretching his waist, although he didn’t feel tired, Long Yao always felt a little uncomfortable with the long-term immobility.

Now I’m slowly absorbing it here, and the preliminary estimate is that it will take about 8 to 9 months. Now that Sasori has joined Akatsuki, the following is about Kakuzu’s affairs. I have about one more. It should be too late in about a year.


The traces of Chakra from the dragon key gathered on the forehead. Slowly, Chakra changed from green to light blue, and then turned to dark blue, and finally turned into gold, forming a small lotus-like cluster. On the forehead of Long Yao.

As time passed, the lotus flower slowly formed a little bit, and finally the light flashed and disappeared on Long Yao’s forehead.

Despite this, the lotus flower on Long Yao’s forehead, when you look closely, you will see a trace of dark golden light flashing past the lotus pattern from time to time, and then you can see clearly, Long Yao’s forehead unexpectedly There is a flower pattern.

“Huh… it’s done, Hundred Healings Mark will gradually strengthen.”

Long Yao exhaled a long breath.Then Long Key began to slowly transform the green Chakra into a golden Chakra to transform his own Wood Style.

As usual.

The transformation of Wood Style is always a kind of comfort and a wonderful inexplicable pleasure.

Feel it…feel it…

The joy of the cells in one’s own body is as fast as a biological evolution, and he feels comfortable with his eyes as well.

This is the so-called correlation and connection, there must be contact.

“The task of transforming dragon veins is completed…reward, time and space clone…”

Just when Long Yao was a little happy, such a voice suddenly came out from his body, causing the corners of his mouth to twitch.

Is there a reward?

“Why didn’t you say it before!?”

Long Key said angrily, in case there are some tasks that have rewards in the future, he wouldn’t do it himself!

“Host… Didn’t you say that I bother to make me go to sleep…”

The system is not so angry…there is a bit of revenge in the tone.


Long Yao patted his head regretfully.

This guy’s urine will never change…

“After all, what is it this time.”

Long Yao is very interested in the avatar of time and space.

“It’s just an evolution of a time clone, plus the ability of space, a space-time clone. From now on, you should only use one, and the space-time clone must be added to your soul or soul, even if you are far apart. , Can also be summoned, he can get a small part of your ability system from your body.

Of course, it is almost the same as the deity’s abilities. The downside is that after giving the abilities to the clone, the deity will temporarily lose its ability, but after the clone is retracted, the growth of the clone will also speed up the growth of the deity. ”

“This kind of avatar is generally used to meet a powerful enemy with money, and save it, just like an outer body, which can be reborn in another body, like a life-saving.

Or maybe it was like one of the great abilities of the ancient times, he had to retreat himself, but some things had to be dealt with, so he chose to use one of the abilities as a clone. ”

The system’s voice is delicate, and the words are very gentle. Listening to her seems to be able to make one’s mood a lot.

“Good stuff! I just need this!”

Long Yao was so excited that he originally planned to use the time clone for this plan, and then use the Hundred Healings Mark to strengthen it. Yes, the time clone will survive longer.

With this, it seems that the plan has changed slightly, and it has become more flawless.

“I’m a little curious… what is the name of the ancient man you mentioned earlier?”

Actually coincides with what he thought, Long Yao really appreciates, um, appreciate,

The system seemed a little surprised, and then looked at Long Key’s expression very strange.

“His name is Donghuang Taiyi.”

The system was silent for a while, and finally said the name slowly. ..

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