Finally Come

Chapter 149

Chapter 149 Immortal Eternity

Chapter 149: Immortal Eternity

It was a mild weather, a warm day, and it was originally a great time to take a bath on the sea on vacation.

But what happened here were all kinds of screams…

A place where the lake and the forest meet, the birds are singing happily, the fishes are playing happily, the war…that’s human affairs. In these no-populated places, animals still lead their usual lives.


There was a sound of strong wind blowing from the originally calm shore, and what followed was a transparent Uzumaki spinning constantly in the air.

The fierce aura from inside had already scared the surrounding animals away.

“Huh? It seems that the coordinates have gone a bit far this time.”

A nice and warm voice came out slowly in the space, and then two figures appeared…

One is the Dragon Key with the mask removed, and the other is the red-haired girl who has just become the Lady of Dawn, the S-rank rebel of Shayin Village, and the Sasori of Red Sand.

“Is this the power of space? It’s really incredible!”

Sasori shook his head and looked around. It was completely different from the place before, and the scenery of the mountains and rivers was unique.

In other words, this place is a very long distance from the previous place.

Sasori turned his head, still looked at his own leader with a little disbelief…

When Long Key took off the mask, Sasori was shocked and couldn’t say anything, not because of anything else, but because of Long Key’s face.

But it wasn’t Long Key’s handsome appearance. Sasori admitted that Long Key was a little too good-looking, but he had already lost what feelings about these appearances.

Sasori was shocked. It was the appearance and age of Dragon Key, who was too young from the outside!

When Sasori asked his own question, he was answered, but he was ecstatic!

Long Yao said this: “You are not pursuing the eternal way. If I have not done it myself, then how can I guide you.”

This sentence made Sasori want to understand a lot, eternal life, eternal appearance, and also explained everything about Dragon Key.

“Master Key! Those! Those machines called Gundam! Do you have any more?”

Sasori looked at the dragon key with hot eyes. He was very uncomfortable looking at the dragon key… I always felt that he really looked at the treasure…

But to be honest, Long Key really wants to make this thing. It doesn’t have to be the same. It’s best to absorb some of the above points and components and use them in a reasonable place.

For example, the flying system and wings can be added to the back of Sasori. When the dragon key said it, Sasori was extremely excited…

However, Long Key only has a general idea. After all, this thing, he only knows that it looks like this. If he wants to study it, it takes time. However, Sasori is a genius in mechanical research, and Long Key is a All-round genius.

When two geniuses study together, nothing is impossible.

It’s just… this wing part seems to be very complicated, and the details are also very cumbersome.

“Yuanfang…oh…no…Sasori, what do you think about this matter.”

Seeing that this question seemed to take time, Long Yao asked Sasori.

Yuan Fang…Who is this? Is it the name of Beidou? Or is it someone else?

“My lord, this thing must be strange!”

Sasori said seriously, too.

Long Yao raised his head and looked at the sky, and he thought about it: “If this is the case, I don’t want to study it in the future. Can I teach you the eternal way first?”

Sasori happily said: “Everything but from the adults!”Long Yao said: “I have two kinds of eternal knowledge, one is that I will eternal your life, this is the eternity in time, and the other…”

Long Yao looked at Sasori, but did not say.

Sasori seemed to understand something, and said, “Master Key has something to say directly…”

Long Yao smiled and said: “Second, you can think of one or two, turning your body into an immortal existence! You are eternal!”

Sasori did not hesitate: “I choose two!”

Sure enough… the same as the original… All the things Long Key studied before were based on machinery, and the Gundam Wing is naturally better to be installed behind him.

“You have to think clearly, do this…”

Long Yao condensed for a while.

“My lord says it’s not a person anymore.”

Sasori smiled.

“My lord, do you know what my understanding of people is.”

Long Key saw that this was an inside story. If it were in the future, he could write a piece of news about how Sasori was made.

“Appreciate further details.”

Long Yao smiled.

Sasori’s eyes seemed to think of something before, “Since my parents died, I have been thinking about what is a human being? What is life? Do we live in this world have our own significance?”

Long Yao was silent, these, the same, he also thought about it.

“Humans are nothing more than a type of life, but although humans are strong, they are also extremely fragile.”

“We are disdainful because of the weakness of insects, and will people respect him when they meet a higher life body? For example, God!”

“The answer is yes!”

“So I studied the human body, and finally…”

There was a fierce light in Sasori’s eyes.

“I made people a puppet!”

“That wonderful feeling made me understand for the first time the meaning of my life, and I found the truth of life!”

When Sasori talked about this, he seemed very excited.

“After meeting you again, I am more convinced of my truth!”

Sasori said intoxicated: “Eternal, immortal, what a beautiful word!”

“What is a man? What is a God? I see, this is not important to me, the important thing is the exploration of the truth…”

“I thought about it, and Master Key, you finally let me understand just now. Only by turning yourself into eternity can you be truly immortal…”

“And I will become a higher being, the endorsement of truth, and eternal immortality!”

Sasori seemed to get more excited as he spoke.

Long Yao was a little emotional, and sure enough, every villain has his own story, and everyone has his own hope.

“Since you have decided, then, I don’t want to stop you. Next, go to a place with me, where you can complete this immortal eternity.”

Dragon Key is going to Dragon Vessel, Sasori, or go together.

“Sasori, I want you to remember a sentence, no matter what you become, no matter what you are, what is important is your heart, you must always stay awake today, otherwise, you will really be There is no difference between a change and a puppet.”

“Of course, when I met you, I knew that I would never get lost again in my life.”

Sasori said gratefully, and bowed slightly towards Long Key. ..

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