Film And Television Company Bankrupt? I Sell Toys And Bring The Dead Back To Life

252: Dare To Ask Me For More Money! ! [Please Order In Full]

“You see I don’t have that many seats now.

Do you want your people to think about it?"

After saying this, Lin Feng in front of him was also waiting expectantly for Nai Xiao's thoughts.

Naixiao also left here at an extremely fast speed.

But he also led these people under his command.

Their goal is also Lin Feng's goal.

They also had to make the decision for Lin Feng, but at this time Lin Feng also returned to their filming location.

But no one saw Nai Xiao, and no one saw the special effects artist in the later stage.

Could it be that Lin Feng was rejected this time?

No, they also wanted to ask Lin Feng, but found that they could not say this.

Because once they say something, it will have a huge impact on them.

The same Lin Feng in front of him said to everyone.

"Please wait patiently, they came by bus.

So the time will definitely be slower than mine. "

These people also waited with peace of mind.

However, the buses of Nai Xiao and these special effects artists arrived directly.

After all, I have given these special effects a huge honor.

He also said to everyone present as always.

Lin Feng also cheered and congratulated these people for joining his crew.

Asked Lin Feng what his special effects artist's net worth and skills would be like.

It is the hardest for poor people to earn money, but for rich people like Lin Feng, it is quite easy to earn money.

Because the prices Naixiao charges now are too cheap.

He also said to these special effects artists.

Doesn't this mean that Lin Feng is a wealthy man?

I found that these people didn't think highly of me.

Here I congratulate them on their arrival, which can be said to be something that I have put on the table.

"You haven't 443 communicated with your subordinates, okay?"

However, these special effects artists now also discovered that Lin Feng was able to shoot "Ultraman Gaia" in such a place.

Moreover, these people have long thought of leaving Naixiao.

These special effects artists also ran in front of Lin Feng.

They also lick their lips.

"Everyone, please quickly bring up all the things we just made.

"You guys, don't you want to bargain with Lin Feng on your own?"

Right here, watching Nai and the special effects team behind him get off the bus.

But when these people under Lin Feng were given to the special effects artist.

Anything less and they will never help. .

Leave it to these post-production special effects artists. "

And he didn't communicate with himself here, he was a little angry.

If they don't answer, could it be that they look down on themselves from the bottom of their hearts?

They now also regard Lin Feng as the enemy.

Lin Feng in front of him was also waiting for Nai Xiao to communicate with him.

But Naixiao now looked back at the special effects artists.

Lin Feng was also a little angry, he said to Nai Xiao.

But now Lin Feng has no idea how expensive these special effects artists are.

How much money did Lin Feng give them to edit and produce the effects?

But the Lin Feng in front of him at this moment.

This is what they think, can't Nai Xiao still stop it?

If this is the case, will he be able to open his mouth to Lin Feng the lion?

Don't answer at all.

But I discovered that these special effects artists are very capable.

It doesn't meet their charging standards at all. Lin Feng, Yang Mi and others are in front of them.

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