Film And Television Company Bankrupt? I Sell Toys And Bring The Dead Back To Life

200: Fortunately I Came Early, Otherwise The Wound Would Have Healed On Its Own! ! [Please Order In

Chapter 200

Good guy!

Lin Feng called him "good guy!"

Not to mention that Lin Feng came to the Heng Film and Television Base overnight because he was bored.

All the girls are picking out gifts.

Even if you really come to film overnight, it's still normal work behavior.

Is this worth bragging about?

No wonder the entertainment industry in the hot summer is so sick.

My brother injured his finger and was rushed to the hospital.

The doctor looked at it and shook his head: Thank you for bringing it here early. If it had been a little later, the wound would have healed.

Lin Feng describes himself as an extremely responsible person, a young actor who looks up to the professional veteran actors.

Naturally, he doesn't object to hype. Even veteran actors have their moments of hype.

There is no need to hype such a nonsense thing.

He has no interest in the kind of thing where eating is trending.

Lin Feng did not stop Liu Baosen.

Lin Feng didn't know what happened to Xiao Xianrou, and he wouldn't care if he did. He went to the set with the script in hand...

Lin Feng is just one of the protagonists, and his role is not as exaggerated as expected.

The people who eat melons are feasting their eyes, and the female celebrities gain traffic popularity, a win-win situation.

There was no part for him in the evening, but there were parts for other characters.

[Holy shit! Lin Feng is not filming with the female star in the middle of the night? Is he so dedicated?!]

For example: eating.

Hot searches on certain female celebrities’ meals are also a point of interest.

Bored people can at least take a look at what she eats. There are also many photos of her on hot searches.

Liu Baosen smiled happily.

Note: I beg for a small wave of subscription support!!!

…Please give me flowers…

[Because Lin Feng’s husband is so dedicated, I must buy a ticket to support the Spring Festival movie “The Assassin”! Wow, Lin Feng’s husband is so handsome in the evening photos too!!]

During the night time period, the heat flow can be described as ridiculously high.

Without the help of the navy, their fans are no match for Lin Feng.

Those little freshmen who have hundreds of thousands and millions of likes on their blogs can have one-tenth of Lin Feng’s appeal, and the contracting companies will treat him as their ancestor.

During the day, the topic of Lin Feng's professionalism was still being discussed, and at the same time, he piled up squeamish little fresh meat at home.

The reason is simple: It's one thing to promote yourself, but you're also promoting the movie "The Assassin."

[Hype your brother! Lin Feng the dog thief is not a young Lackey who knows nothing! Which of the screenwriters, singers, and directors is he bad? There is another advantage: Lin Feng the dog thief is a practicing practitioner! Damn it! It’s easy for a group of little fresh meat!!]

Liu Baosen quickly hyped up.

It’s more about cooperation and a win-win situation for everyone.

[Hype! Obvious hype! Xiao Xianrou can’t wait to be a stand-in for the entire acting process, and he only cares about collecting money! How can he be filming at this time!!]

By the way, this rhythm is right.

Even in the middle of the night.

Hot search promotion of dedication, Lin Feng and Liu Baosen went to rest after midnight snack.

This is the right time to hype. How can Lin Feng's diligence be highlighted during the day?

[Three movies during the Spring Festival! The hype about Lin Feng the dog thief can be played with new tricks every time! If you have this time, you might as well have a few more new toys!!]

The little fresh meat dare not speak out when they are angry.

After all, no one will have trouble with money. Once you become famous to a certain level, the probability of being banned is extremely rare.

Lulu and the others are the best examples.

Fans were talking a lot, and the enthusiasm was much lower than during the day.

There were also people who couldn't sleep in the middle of the night.

There are more and more movies competing for publicity during the Spring Festival, and The Assassin is gradually lagging behind. Today, it is finally proud of itself.

This is the real top level.

Movie hype is not just about being number one on the hot search list, it also needs to be something that the audience loves.


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