Film And Television Company Bankrupt? I Sell Toys And Bring The Dead Back To Life

196: Protecting The World Is Not Only Ultraman’S Responsibility! ! [Please Order In Full]

Chapter 196

The Night Raid Team research room was filled with an awkward atmosphere.

The middle-aged boss stood alone.

The staff who followed him fell to the ground one after another.

The Xincheng team members only patted their own thighs happily.

Don't ask, just ask, you're just excited.

Damn Hundan, he actually attacked me with an electric baton. I think he must have received his retribution now.

"Members of the Victory Team, what do you mean?!"

The expression of the middle-aged boss changed drastically.

"You guys from another dimension called "490"...are you going to declare war on us?!"

The middle-aged boss is worthy of being a boss, and his words are particularly sinister.

The dimensional world declares war on their world, which means that the victorious team is the enemy of mankind around the world.

This is to put them on the fire grill for barbecue.

Hui Jian's face changed slightly, and she looked steadily at her middle-aged boss.

"What are you looking at?!"

"Do you really want to make an enemy of the Night Raid Team?!"

"Vice Captain Xixi, why don't you arrest them!!"

The middle-aged boss pretended to be dignified.

Vice Captain Xixi curled his lips, his eyes no longer showing the same respect as before.

"The members of the winning team are not the enemy."

"The surveillance here records everything you do. Once the video is exposed, no one around the world will stand in your shoes.

"I believe others will not let you go either!"

"You don't have the final say on the Night Raid Team!"

Vice-captain Xixi is so powerful that he directly confronts his middle-aged boss.

"You... you...... good, very good!"

The middle-aged boss left the research room with a face as if he was constipated.

Probably never come back.

The disappeared prophet appears again.

When the prophet spoke, Brother Zhun took out the Evolutionary Truster Transformer.

There are many scenes of Dagu and Xingzhun, and the early plot focuses on them.

How dare a middle-aged boss continue to be arrogant and domineering.

Denma's new city forced himself to stand up, "We will also deal with the alien beasts together!"

"Detected the vibration wave of the alien beast."

The reason why he studies Tiga Transformer Dagu is not for the sake of all mankind but for his own future.

Peace returns to the Night Raid Laboratory.

Vice Captain Xixi seized on his weakness.

The mid-stage plot features Rei Chisuki.

Even if the plot extends for fifty-two episodes, Ikki's transformation is still at the end of the plot.

Selling feelings?

Shinjo looked at the captain who looked exactly like Megumi Nakama and praised him.

Feelings, this movie version is all about it.

The male protagonist Ikki does not change his shape in this theatrical version.

Ultraman Tiga will not make another guest appearance in the solo series.

As long as he researches and produces new weapons, he can be promoted to the top again.

No one in the victory team dared to confront her, including the boss of the victory team.

"Mr. Xing Zhun, let's go investigate together."

Exactly the same captain, completely different temperament.

Note: I beg for a small wave of subscription support!!!

"Vice Captain Xixi is mighty."

Hui Jian is relatively gentle and gentle, but she is extremely scary when she is angry.

"Protecting the whole world is not just the responsibility of you Ultra Warriors."

The completed solo theatrical version is Ikki's personal home field, and his fighting scenes surpass those of Brother Zhun and Rei Chisuki.

The heartbeat sound is extremely clear and abnormal…………

Dagu said with a smile.

"Don't forget us."

Da Gu, played by Lin Feng 0.2, cannot have too many guest appearances, and even has to squeeze out a lot of time.

After all, it is a separate theatrical version, and other Ultraman cameos always feel a bit weird.

Everyone looked at each other and left the research room of the Night Raid Team.

What Vice Captain Xixi said is absolutely correct: he alone has the final say on the Night Raid Team.

The later plot mainly focuses on three-person battles.

Brother Zhun adjusted his black leather jacket and subconsciously wanted to fight alone.

The longer the time goes on, the more the feelings brew, and the more fans will buy into it.

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