Film And Television Company Bankrupt? I Sell Toys And Bring The Dead Back To Life

194: Want To Study Experimental Ancient Times? ! [Please Order In Full]

Chapter 194

Night Raid Research Laboratory.

Horii's words silenced everyone.

This is not the first time they have encountered alien beasts dying and resurrecting.

The two Ultra Warriors joined forces and the alien beast they killed was resurrected, which was really beyond expectations.

In particular, Ultraman Tiga's shining form has a lethality that is more terrifying and terrifying than Ultraman Nexus. two

Ultraman Nexus' potential is endless.


Advanced to the strongest Ultraman Noah form.

No matter whether Brother Zhun transforms into Ultraman Nexus, or Rei Chishu transforms into Ultraman Nexus.

They all belong to the 'super weak' Ultraman form.

A member of the night attack team, the hidden boss raised his horns proudly.

No matter how smart the members of the Night Raid Team and Victory Team are, who would have thought that the real behind-the-scenes instigator is within the Night Raid Team.

The camera deliberately freezes and hides boss 637 for several seconds.

The theatrical version hints that his identity is extraordinary, and his identity is revealed in advance in the later stage.

Mainly, the plot line of Ultraman Nexus is getting longer, and the hidden boss fried chicken needs to appear in advance.

Refer to Kamen Rider exaid series Lao Tan.

In the early stage of Lao Tan's debut, with Kamen Rider Chronicles, every episode seems to be the finale.

It is this depressing feeling that Lin Feng wants to capture.

Maybe the plot is a little too sad, and the audience can't help but enjoy watching it.

Lao Tan and his son, one is taller than the other.

"I think we should stay the same to cope with the ever-changing situation!"

Ikki spoke his mind.

As the true (bhec) male lead, Ikki transformed into a character late in the game, but he can play a huge role at critical moments.

"good idea!"

Da Gu took the words.

"We don't know where the real masterminds are, but it's not that easy for them to deal with us."

"Because the Victory Team and the Night Raid Team have trump cards that he doesn't know about."

"No matter how many alien beasts attack, we can defeat them all!"

"Is such that----"

Because Mao himself risks his life every time he changes.

Captain Xincheng + Team member Dagu = the best combination.

Xing Zhun roughly understands the fighting method of Dagu's transformation into Ultraman Tiga.

Dagu said with full confidence.

The middle-aged boss ignored the others and went straight to Dagu.

Remarks: Please beg for a small full order!!!

"He comes from another dimensional world and is fundamentally different from the Ultra Warriors in our world!

Experienced so many life and death battles, especially the battle against the evil god Gatanjie.

"What can Team Dagu study?"

The middle-aged boss said slowly, "I heard that you are also an Ultra Warrior transformer."

Everyone is an Ultra Warrior Transformer.

The Victory Flying Swallow saw them trembling.

"You don't have to worry about who I am."

It is indeed a new boss, with much more power than the previous boss.

Tap tap tap————

"Are you the Dagu team member?"

"I am Dagu, who are you??"

"What do you want from me?"

The door to the Night Raid Team's research room opened, and the middle-aged boss walked at the front of the team with his hands behind his back.

The middle-aged boss said calmly.

The middle-aged boss's tone was particularly domineering.

This can be seen from the fact that my former boss walked last.

"So I would like to ask you to cooperate with our research work."

Tap tap tap

Xing Zhun is envious but not jealous. Their goals are roughly the same: to protect humans and kill monsters.

How can I put it, it’s very grave.

Dagu's team members are very mature and stable... It's a pity that they didn't get rid of the problem of the crash.

The expressions of the good-tempered Dagu team members changed slightly.

All members narrowed their eyes slightly: new boss.

"Xing Zhun, this is a matter for the night raid team."

Dagu is much safer than himself.

Brother Zhun stood up suddenly and stared at the middle-aged boss.


Xing Zhun's own data was analyzed and collected. Although it still has research value, it is far inferior to Ultraman Tiga's Transformer Dagu...

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