Film And Television Company Bankrupt? I Sell Toys And Bring The Dead Back To Life

178: Fans: One Piece Figure, So Delicious! ! [Please Order In Full]

Chapter 178

Lin Feng returned to the villa hall with the girls.

After the filming is over, all that's left is personal time.

Jiang Shuying, Gu Linaza, and Liu Shishi kept Mother Lin’s words in mind.

It can be said that all kinds of methods are used to give birth to a child.

In short, it is Lin Feng who enjoys the blessing.

Next day·morning.

Staff from Shinhwa Toy Factory came to deliver the finished figures.

Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Vivi, Citrus City...etc., there are many character images, and there are more than a dozen figures.

Among them, Nami and Princess Weiwei are undoubtedly Lin Feng’s favorites.

The male protagonist Luffy? He’s so unfamiliar with the female protagonist!

The figure of the heroine is true love, and the figure of the male protagonist is a little behind.

Figures are divided into: scenery and PB.

The two figures are completely different in quality.

The feel of the PB figure surpasses that of the Jingpin figure, but the feel of the Jingpin figure is not too bad either.

Lin Feng played with it silently for a moment: It is not unreasonable for the price of PB figures to exceed that of Jingpin figures.

Price determines surrounding quality.

[Lin Feng: One Piece series figures are here. 】

Personal blog update.

The content is quite short but there are a lot of pictures.

The figure is currently in the trial production stage and needs further optimization before mass production.

Yanxia's manufacturing capabilities are quite terrifying, and there are almost no flaws in the samples.

Shinhwa Toy Factory gradually dominates the Shuilanxing toy industry, and the working members inside are becoming more and more regular.

Many of the craftsmen have signed up to join, and the quality of the toys has been deeply sublimated. It is not an exaggeration to call it a work of art.

For example: csm, ur.

Lin Feng developed them to be several times better than Wanbao in previous generations.

The csm and ur produced by Wandai in the previous life all had various quality problems.

Aquablue Star's csm and ur have become luxury goods in the toy industry.

Players all over the world inexplicably believe in its quality...and price.

Soft sister currency decides everything.

Lin Feng used the development experience of his previous life to develop Aquablue Star's toys to a level that did not belong to it.

The benefits of soft girl coins are more terrifying than ten thousand bags.

Other film and television companies have made trouble one after another, which is enough to show how exciting the interests of the toy market are.

Baiyang, Guangming, and Yunteng film and television companies are the most famous.

Apart from them, there are still many studios and small companies trying to get a piece of the soup.

It's a pity that no one can shake the dominance of Shinhwa Toy Factory.

Lin Feng has become a golden brand in the toy market around the world.

He only needs to place an advertisement, and countless fans will buy it, and the influence is unimaginable.

Not long after the Weibo update, there was an explosion of comments from fans.

[Holy shit! The texture of the figure looks invincible! You told me it was just a trial work? How exaggerated must the quality of the finished product be?!]

[Let’s not talk about the highest quality PB figures for the moment, the quality of the Jingpin figures seems to be several levels higher than the quality of the market figures! After looking at the Nami figures, I’m afraid my wallet will be empty again.


[The price of PB figures is soaring! Other film and television companies want to touch Lin Feng, please improve the quality first! If the quality cannot be improved, who is willing to pay for it!!]

[As a loyal fan of "One Piece", the figures are so suitable for me! They are so popular! I will buy them immediately! Whether they are PB figures or scenic figures, all are pre-ordered!!]

[Although I know that the figures from Shinhwa Toy Factory are very expensive, after looking at the updated pictures of Lin Feng Dog Thief’s figures, the finished product is not much different from the picture... I will definitely spend money to buy it!!]


The One Piece figure has received all kinds of praise from fans.

Regardless of whether it is a hot summer fan or a foreign fan, they say: their wallets are ready.

Shinhwa Toy Factory hurry up and release new ones.

No wonder players all over the world are so demanding. Every time Lin Feng updates new toy peripherals, it will take at least several months before the new ones are released.

Every day that players wait is torture.

Fans are all touting it. How could other film and television companies not know about it? But they dare not make high-quality peripheral toys.

Previously, Yunteng Film and Television Company and Guangming Film and Television Company had made great sacrifices in the quality of their toys, but the profits from the sales of the toys were so bad that even their own mothers did not recognize them.

This is why the price is cheap and the quality is poor.

Price = quality.

That's true.

The problem is that no ordinary toy factory has the capital to be so arrogant.

In the previous life, the quality problems of Wanbao toys were caused after dominating the global toy market.

Wanbao Toys, which had rivals back then, was extremely conscientious.

Lin Feng placed the figure on the other side of the office.

On the left side are various transformers, weapons and other electronic toys, and on the right side are figures, soft glue, assembly and other ornamental toys.

Lin Feng's office is definitely a holy place that countless players dream of.

Only super rich people can reach this point.

Shinhwa Toy Factory's new PB, CM, UR and other toys are available here.

emmm...the small room in the office is Lin Feng's favorite.

What boy doesn't like to memorize lines?

Kamen Rider Yagita plays on Friday.

Hojo and his actor Ling Fang are hot on the hot search rankings.

[I laughed! In the first battle, Hojo killed the Lord monster instantly with a huge amount of money. Yabi performed so powerfully. I thought he was such an awesome character... but this is what happened?!]

[Where did Hojo get the courage to compare with the glacier? The G3 armor clearly has the function of continuing to fight, but he was so frightened by the monster attack that he fled! If there are ordinary people nearby, what can he protect?!]

[The most suitable G3 equipment user is still Hikawa! Hojo is simply funny! He worked so hard to fight in the palace and squeezed out the work that belongs to Hikawa. He ran away miserably for the second time in the battle. No wonder he was not selected initially!!]

[All kinds of infighting in Hojo involve Hikawa, but Hikawa still does other work to help organize the battle! He really... I cried to death! Hikawa is indeed a G3 map decorator that Orange values ​​​​!!]

[Damn it! Why did the plot end so abruptly? I really want to see how Hojo will be punished! Relieve his anger, really relieve his anger. This kind of person is not worthy of fighting in the same organization as Hikawa!!]


The early performance of Hojo's character is not pleasant, especially against the glacier.

Fans who watched the plot of fighting and escaping in embarrassment were hooked.

[Ling Fang: Kamen Rider fans, please do not bring the characters into real life. If I personally wore the G3 armor, I think I would be stronger than Shoichi (dog head). 】

Ling Fang made fun of himself in Weibo.

The popularity of Kamen Rider Yajituo has increased again, and Ling Fang even occupied the fifth place in the hot search rankings.

Fans were amused by Ling Fang's words, saying that Xiang Yi only needed one arm to beat G3, and Ling Fang began to interact with the fans.

Popularity and traffic exploded with the tokusatsu drama, and Ling Fang received many invitations from other crews.

What’s interesting is that most of them are villains.

Ling Fang calculated the time and decided to take on many new dramas.

After all, he is just an actor who is inexplicably popular in a supporting role. It is rare for him to become popular. If he does not accept new dramas, he will not accept them.

Even if you become a professional villain in the future, you can earn enough soft girl coins to live comfortably for a lifetime.

Lin Feng was particularly surprised, but he understood after thinking about it.

After all, the Yanxia entertainment market is obviously different from other countries.

For example: Sakura Country.

Kamen Rider Exaid series 'Danlito' became very popular.

According to the market practice in hot summer, I don’t know how many dramas I can take. Some Internet celebrities are the best examples.

There aren't that many new plays for Tan Li Dou, or even just a handful.

Hot summer is very different. As long as you are popular enough and your character is not broken, there is really no shortage of new dramas.

At best the quality is mixed.

For most actors, it doesn't matter whether the plot is good or bad. Making money is the most important choice.

In the previous life, the entertainment market in the hot summer was regarded as a leek in the eyes of other countries.

The so-called blockbusters of the Free Country even gave up the local market and prioritized release in the hot summer, and a group of people praised them in various ways.

I had no idea that Free Country had a very low rating.

The Kingdom of Universe makes money crazily through variety shows, and the famous kneeling incident happened on a variety show.

The playback of Kamen Rider Yajita has ended.

Ling Fang's popularity is gradually decreasing, and there will be roles for him in the future, so there is no need to worry about no one looking for him to act.

Later, his acting skills were better, and Ling Fang would have no problem being a third-tier actor.

The shooting area of ​​Huolishaonyouwang The Movie.

As the filming gradually enters its final stage, characters such as Li Fei, Milly, Ouyang Lan and others have obtained new yo-yos.

Li Fei and Milly have more roles.

The two of them are like the protagonists in a martial arts drama, starting the 'sudden enlightenment' practice mode and accompanying Yo-Yo every moment.

As the biggest selling point of peripheral toys, there are many close-ups of yo-yos.

There are many close-ups without boring the audience, as the plot unfolds.

Such as slow motion common in movie plots.

Some movies are classics in slow motion, and a certain movie by Ah San has dozens of slow motions.

The audience watched with gusto.

Every slow motion is either showing off or on the way to showing off.

The slow motion of some movies is purely for delaying time, making the audience feel embarrassed and sick dozens of times.

"Li Fei, come on! `々!"

[Li Fei, I believe you!!"

"Li Fei, you are the best!!"

Mike, cousin Milly, Ouyang Lan and others cheered him on.

Li Fei sat cross-legged, eyes slightly closed.

With the close-up shots, the air of pretentiousness is extremely strong.



The strong wind blows the protagonist's hair.

Li Fei, who was practicing with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes, brought up the special effects afterimage with his right hand, and the yo-yo automatically fell into his hand.

The plot clips began to replay the yo-yo duel between him and Feng.

"Phoenix Annihilation??"

Li Fei whispered silently.

The yo-yo changes skills one after another in his hands, and various dazzling special effects continue to shine.

The skills are released faster and more frequently, and the realm descends. A divine dragon more than ten meters long is particularly eye-catching.

Mainly because of the good coordination in a small area, a silver dragon that is more than ten meters tall can look like it is hundreds of meters tall.

Milly, Mike, Ouyang Lan and others looked at Li Fei closely.

They know that this is the key skill to defeat the Phoenix Fire Team... They must never fail again.


The Phoenix Fire Team's stay is limited. If you don't defeat them before leaving, Yo-Yo will be taken away by them.

This is unacceptable to yo-yo players.

"Heaven! Wai! Silver! Dragon!"

Li Fei suddenly spoke out.

Endless dazzling special effects broke out at this moment, and the fancy special effects filled the air. Mike and others retreated in response.

The quality of the theatrical version is no problem, and the box office and toy revenue are enough to make Shinhwa Toy Factory a huge profit.

If the popularity and traffic are sufficient, there will be more and more Huolishaonwang movies.

It has to be said that Zhang Xing and Zhang Meng are planning to ‘hang’ the Fireboy King to death.

The future theatrical version of the national competition is staged.

It’s okay to take a photo when cutting leeks.

"Your getting stronger and stronger."

There is no fault in the actors' acting skills, as if they are really in the world of special effects.

"Li Fei, you are worthy of being my valued opponent!"

Otherwise, Lin Feng would have saved a lot of money on special effects.

"Feng, they are coming."

There are fewer tourists here. After the theatrical version is released, it is estimated that many people will come to the square to check in.

This plot is a foreshadowing left by directors Zhang Xing and Zhang Meng.

"Mike, I believe you will get stronger and stronger."

"What a terrifying skill!"

Li Fei answered with a smile.

It’s an exaggeration to say that the special effects of Fire Boy King The Movie are a fraction of those of Iron Man.

In fact, if the filming doesn't last that long, the audience and fans will eventually get tired of it.

During the selection period, the quarterfinals, the finals... and so on.

Mike spoke seriously.

Lin Feng (Zhao Li) is not here either

"Of course, I will definitely defeat you again in the national competition!"

According to their expectations: at least five or six years of filming, if not more than ten years.

The shooting area is full of fun.

Li Fei let out a long sigh.

The square is somewhere in the mythical paradise.

At present, the competitions of Huolishaoyounwang are mainly between cities, and the national competition has not really started.

Mike said slowly.

The moment he took back the yo-yo, his forehead was covered with sweat.

Shinhwa Paradise has a black technology gameplay, but it is a pity that the black technology gameplay is not suitable for the filming needs of the theatrical version.

In fact, there was only a green screen nearby to accompany them.


Note: I beg for a small wave of subscription support!!!

Pay attention to special effects costs.

After Li Fei and others finished shooting the plot, everyone went to the square where the Fire Phoenix Team was located.

Naixiao was wearing the uniform of the Fire Phoenix Team, her watery eyes looking faintly into the distance

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