Film And Television Company Bankrupt? I Sell Toys And Bring The Dead Back To Life

127: Fans Are Shocked! "One Piece" Premieres! ? [Please Order In Full]

Myth Paradise Animation Production Studio.

Li Cui, Hao Jian and other voice actors looked closely at Lin Feng.

The expression on his face was quite nervous and apprehensive.

Especially the voice actors who signed a contract with Shinhwa Film and Television Company not long ago.

If Lin Feng’s boss is not satisfied with his dubbing, things will go wrong in an instant, and they may not be able to get resources for a long time.

All voice actors are very concerned about their first dubbing performance.

Even in the first episode of Hao Jian’s animation, he guest-voiced several supporting actors.

In fact, it’s easy to understand why the voice actors are so interested in it.

The core factor: Lin Feng’s compensation from the anime “One Piece” is very high.

In particular, the remuneration of several protagonists is quite exaggerated.

For voice actors who successfully obtain a dubbing contract for a protagonist, it is equivalent to reaching the pinnacle of their lives.

An annual income of millions is enough for ordinary people to live happily.

Li Cui's 300,000 soft sister coins to buy out the contract is the ultimate goal of many people.

This means that no matter how little workload you have every month after signing the contract, you can earn 300,000 soft girl coins.

With a salary of more than three million yuan a year, no ordinary voice actor can withstand this temptation.

After signing a five-year contract, you can earn more than 10 million, and you will not only have food and drink to worry about in your life.

As long as you don't mess around, the quality of life will be great.

Lin Feng sits on the office chair.

Yang Mi, little Loli Qiao Ben Huana, one on the left and one on the right, act as his little secretaries.

emmm... Lin Feng is a lolicon, as fans all over the world know.

The other girls were sitting in the hall watching One Piece.

Familiar music and familiar anime characters come into view.

The picture quality of One Piece is not very good but not bad either. Perhaps because of the supervision of the One Piece anime, the extremely high-quality pictures are not suitable for it.

The animation viewing experience is not bad, but I can’t find the feeling of catching up on it back then.

After finishing the first episode of One Piece quickly, Lin Feng nodded slowly.

Top voice actors have their own reasons for 17 top voice actors. Their understanding of the characters, coupled with Lin Feng's narration and dubbing, can give me an 8.5 point rating.

In fact, anime dubbing is actually very strange. It is difficult to tell how good it is in the early stage. As the plot continues to progress, the audience gradually likes the voice actors' dubbing.

It’s not like there are no dubbings that amaze the audience right away.

For example: the once popular ‘Platelet’

Platelet's cute dubbing once became a hit on the Internet.

Lin Feng does not agree with this type of fire method. As time goes by, the topics related to platelets gradually decrease.

The cute dubbing is temporary, and even if a second season is released, it will not be as popular as the first season.

Platelet fire is short-term.

Voice actors can become truly popular only if they become popular along with the plot.

Fans will remember this character fondly.

For example, every time there is an event for "One Piece", Aunt Tanaka's popularity explodes.

Platelet's voice actor...attracts some otakus.

The office has been paying attention to Lin Feng's voice actor, and she was relieved when she saw his satisfied expression.

One Piece has high remuneration and will definitely go abroad. They have a high chance of becoming popular all over the world.

Who wouldn’t want to achieve such an achievement?

Lin Feng leaves the animation production office.

Although he has the title of chief director, he actually directs very few times himself and spends most of his time filming Armored Warriors.

Others don't dare to be the chief director so casually, Lin Feng can't even think about it.

Fans only recognize director Lin Feng. Although he has made few animations, his role has never been greater.

The quality of each episode of the anime is controlled by him, and the assistant director does not have the power to do so.

Lin Feng was dissatisfied that it would be difficult for anyone to come.

The first episode of One Piece ended perfectly, and the staff began to continue production.

Shadow Cave Base.

King Kai, Xizhao, and Bing'er appear.

Shadow Ba was abandoned.

The usual obedient and ugly character disappeared, leaving only his defiant and provocative Shadow Ba.

Countdown to the early boss' exit.

The angry Shadow Ba grabbed the ugly general's neck with one hand. When he was about to die, the Snow Mastiff slowly appeared.

"Just because you want to kill me?"

Shadow Ba took out the earth shadow stone and pretended to merge!"

The fifth armored warrior, Earth Tiger Man, finally appears.

Earth Tiger Man VS Snow Mastiff Man.

Shadow Ba was defeated miserably and fled the secret cave in a state of embarrassment.

The plot switches to Xu Minci chatting with Li Xiangyang.

Who would have imagined that the most awesome and unoffended being among the Armored Warriors was a child.

Armored Warriors Episode 15: Snow Mastiff Man VS Earth Tiger Man.

Armored Warriors Episode 16: Snow Mastiff Man VS Flame Dragon Man.

The battle between armored warriors rages on.

Xinnan chased the supernatural beast and was too lazy to fight the Snow Mastiff Man too much.

Beimiao drove a luxury car and watched the show silently.

Beimiao: The king of the armored warrior civil war, we haven’t talked about his appearance yet.

The Flame Dragon Man successfully killed the supernatural beast.

Xizhao was very unlucky. Because he failed in the battle with Yanlongxia, the King of Kai kindly used 30,000 volts of electricity to entertain him.


Xizhao let out bursts of screams.

Bing'er, who had always been sarcastic when talking to him, had an unbearable luster in her eyes.

Although they work for the King of Kai, they are not evil people at heart.

The filming of Armored Warrior is over.

Lin Feng is preparing to summon magical passers-by to hype up the armored warriors.

Toilet TV station Zhang Long thinks so too, and is even happy to use a professional team to help.

The higher the traffic popularity of the Armored Warrior, the more benefits it will have.

Lin Feng's hype is very helpless.

Recently, the hot topic of Shinhwa Paradise has been too high, and armored warriors and super-intelligent football have been suppressed.

Especially the maid restaurant, it appears on the hot search rankings from time to time.

Gan, group LSP.

Maid sister?

Can the maid sister transform?!

Can a maid lady have an armored warrior fragrance!?


"The uncle from Xiaopo Station is looking for me?"

Lin Feng was a little surprised.

Secretary Jiang Shuying, who was wearing black stockings, nodded her little head.

The secretary in black silk stockings blinked her big confused eyes: she didn't understand why the boss' brother's voice and tone were so weird when he called Uncle Chen Rui.

How did Jiang Shuying know the stories about her uncle in her previous life?


"Mr. Lin Feng, we meet again."

The uncle greeted me cordially.

"Please take a seat."

Lin Feng pointed to the sofa.

As the person in charge of Xiaopo Station, Chen Rui has a full workload every day, so there must be something to do if he comes in person.

“Purchasing the exclusive broadcast rights to “One Piece”?

Lin Feng was slightly stunned.

The exclusive broadcast rights of One Piece were originally prepared for Henan TV Station.

Uncle Chen Rui gave so much that he couldn't find any reason to refuse.

He Province TV Station can sell him new animation works.

The animation production team of Shinhwa Paradise is eager for Lin Fengduo to give them tasks.

The more tasks you have, the more you will earn. Who would dislike making more money by yourself?

"Mr. Lin Feng, it's a pleasure to work with you."

Uncle Chen Rui said with a smile.

"A pleasure to work with."

Uncle Chen Rui happily left with the contract in hand.

He is one of the fans of the comic "One Piece".

It is precisely because I am following the "One Piece" manga that I come to buy the anime in person.

Chen Rui still has a good business vision: the animation "One Piece" will definitely become popular all over the world.

He could not touch the interests of other countries. He had to get the exclusive broadcast rights of Yan Xia, so he did not hesitate to pay a big price.

Worth it, all worth it.

The "One Piece" anime will slowly earn back as much soft girl coins as the little website pays.

"Xiao Liu, arrange hot searches for me..."

Uncle Chen Rui wants to hype up "One Piece".


Uncle Chen Rui was stunned and took the phone with a dull expression.

Good guys, a magical passerby appears and exposes photos of battles between armored warriors.

At this moment, it is conspicuously ranked first in the hot search rankings.

[The Snow Mastiff is a real man! In the fifteenth episode, he defeated the Earth Tiger, and in the sixteenth, he defeated the Flame Dragon. Two of the four armored warriors have been defeated, and half of the progress has been completed!!]

[Wardian, I didn’t expect that the first person to transform into the Earth Tiger Man would be Shadow Ba! It looks like Shadow Ba will get his lunch box soon!!]

[Snow Mastiff Man's battle completely suppresses Earth Tiger Man, a mysterious boss appears, and it's time for Shadow Tyrant to exit. 】

[Originally I didn’t like the Snow Mastiff, but today’s photo captured him with a special touch! Support Little Angel Xizhao and defeat all the armored warriors!!]

[Looking forward to it! I’m really looking forward to this Sunday’s update of “Armor Warrior”. Lin Feng, the dog thief, really has a plot, and my expectations are high every time!!]


Uncle Chen Rui: (0.0)!!!

"Boss, do you want to compete for the hot search of "Armor Warrior"?"

The secretary in black stockings asked.

Whoever has more soft girl coins can occupy the hot search rankings.

"Steal your sister!"

Chen Rui had a speechless expression on his face, "I just came back from playing Shinhwa Paradise! I just signed a contract with Lin Feng!"

"Should I steal his hot search? My brain is crazy!?"

"Wait until the hot search for Armor Warrior drops, and then use the navy to hype "One Piece".

Secretary in black stockings: "I understand, boss."

Shinhwa Paradise·Kuga Crew.

buzz buzz

Lin Feng drove his motorcycle all the way, making difficult moves from time to time.

Several women nearby looked terrified: they were afraid that the brother they liked would be hurt.

Assistant director Zhou Zan and the other three are even more nervous than them. Lin Feng, as the core character, will definitely not mess up.

Fortunately, Lin Feng's skills were strong enough, and the motorcycle chase scene was filmed.

"Director Lin, please use a substitute next time."

Zhou Zan wiped the sweat from his face and said, "We all know that your skills are great. If you want to play slowly and find a safe area, you must not engage in dangerous actions. What will we do if you are injured? Yeah. If you don’t think about yourself, you also have to think about the wage earners who eat with you.”

Lin Feng:O_O...!!!

Zhou Zan at this moment reminded him of a character:'s Master Tang Sanzang.

Wu Dai drove a motorcycle to an uninhabited garden and transformed into Kamen Rider 177. Kuuga and Gurungi started fighting.

"Super Transformation!!"

Wu Dai, who has become more and more experienced in combat, easily defeated several Gurungi.

Some hidden corner.

Daguaba, wearing a white formal suit, stood there quietly watching Wu Dai.

Wu Dai noticed something, and immediately scanned the surroundings with his compound eyes, but found no trace of Daguba.

Kamen Rider Kuuga switched to the sublimated Pegasus form and got nothing.

Daguba's human state has incredible power, evading Wu Dai's perception and simplicity.

Unless Wu Dai forcibly transforms into the amazing almighty and ultimate form.

Daguaba obviously didn't want to fight Wu Dai at this moment. He would probably run away the moment he transformed.

Wu Dai released his transformation and drove his motorcycle back to the human city.

The shooting progress of Kuuga the Movie is a bit slow, and Lin Feng is solely responsible for the plot and script.

Lin Feng was not particularly satisfied with other people's scripts.

The popularity of "Armor Warrior" dropped slightly in the evening.



Yang Mi’s voice sounded, “The anime “One Piece” is a hot search.

"Hot search?"

Lin Feng was a little surprised: he knew Uncle Chen Rui was hyping up the show, but he didn't expect to be so impatient.

Lin Feng liked and retweeted.

Yang Mi, Jiang Shuying, Gu Linaza, Xincheng, Ichijo... and other characters all liked and retweeted it.

Fans were shocked again.

[The comic "One Piece" is being adapted into an anime? Wardian, Lin Feng, the dog thief is so fast?!】

[US1, ​​Lin Feng’s animation production speed is really fast, and other directors can’t imitate it!!]

[Although the "One Piece" comic has been released in two volumes, I am one thousand percent sure: this is definitely a super excellent animation work, support it, support it strongly!!]

[Uncle Xiaopozhan acted so fast! If he hadn’t purchased the exclusive broadcast rights [I didn’t even know that “One Piece” was secretly animated, Lin Feng the dog thief did a really good job keeping it secret!!]

[Now that the anime version of "One Piece" has been announced, I want to know: when will it start airing?! 】


Fans are talking a lot.

Lin Feng took the initiative to call Li Cha and said that new animation works would be handed over to He Province TV Station.

Li Chamo is very smart in what he does: knowing that "One Piece" was sold to Xiaopozhan, he didn't question it and quietly waited for Lin Feng to give him the answer.

With Lin Feng's personal guarantee, Li Cha finally let go of his worries.

Solve the problem of TV stations in Henan province.

Lin Feng updates the first day time of "One Piece"......

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