Film And Television Company Bankrupt? I Sell Toys And Bring The Dead Back To Life

118: Lin Feng’S New Work: Kuuga The Movie! ! [Please Order In Full]

The filming of the ninth episode of Armor Warrior has ended, and the filming of the tenth episode has begun.

Two episodes updated every week.

All members of the Armor crew have a heavy workload.

No wonder Aunt Dong in the Past Life is updated every Sunday.

Flame Dragon Man and Wind Eagle Man kill the supernatural beast.

The ugly wolf was fled from the scene.

Kunzhong took Xiaoxi to Xingfu Dumpling House to wait for her brother to take her home.

How could the plot of a tokusatsu drama give Xiao Xi La so many lines for no reason?

The brother she talks about is the upcoming armored warrior Black Rhinoceros transformer: Bei Miao.

Before Dongshan left, he found the special machine that Choujiang had dropped.

Happy Dumpling House.

The special-shooting drama turned into an educational film, with Aunt Hui gently teaching Xiaoxi to eat more and eat less snacks.

Happy Dumpling House is a magical place, and BGM becomes extra warm.

Shadow Cave Base.

The ugly general felt very uncomfortable. He lowered his head and stood there submissively.

"Shit Bucket!!"

Shadow Ba roared angrily.

"Yes, yes, this subordinate is a loser."

The ugly general quickly admitted his misplacement.

"I said you are a cesspool for excrement...not a rice bucket for rice!!"

Shadow Ba pointed at the ugly general's nose and cursed, "You are only worthy of being a rival! You didn't complete the task and I lost two generals!"

"Overlord, the mission was about to be completed, but a Wind Eagle Man appeared halfway."

The ugly general explained quickly, and then muttered: "I'm talking as if your two generals are of average strength."

He clearly had the greatest advantage in the front, but when the battle began, the two armored warriors frantically suppressed the supernatural beast.

"What did you say?!"

Shadow Ba was furious again, with a bit of shame on his face.

"Nothing, nothing."

The ugly general said quickly and quickly changed the subject of the boss: "Overlord, the matter is not over yet.

"I installed a tracker on that little girl and have determined her current location: Happy Dumpling Restaurant."

"Overlord, I will definitely capture her for you."

Chou will quickly promise.

Shadow Ba's angry expression finally softened, and the dung bucket in front of him seemed to be of some use.

Chou will take his subordinates into action again and use Xiao Xi to easily control Xin Nan.

In fact, Xinnan knew that he would be in danger, but still chose to do what the ugly general said.

When people are controlled, what Xinnan Zuba said is very poisonous, and the poisonous Chou will explode with pride.


When Xinnan was about to be in danger, a voice came.

A dazzling white LED light suddenly sounded in the distance, and a tall figure was slowly approaching.

Bei Miao, played by Bai Xuxu, finally appears.

Who! Who turned on the high beam lights! Please stop your high beam behavior!!

"Sei ah!!"

The ugly general stared, "Didn't you see that I am in class! Don't want to live anymore?!"

An ugly general is worthy of being an ugly general.

I have never won a fight, and I have never been discouraged by my talk.

Beimiao jumped on the spot and landed in an extremely windy posture, defeating the others and saving Xinnan.

Beimiao's face evoked an obvious smile, which seemed like a smile but not quite like a smile.

This scene belongs to the famous scene of Beimiao's debut: the actor himself has moved to Bengbu.

"elder brother!"

Xiaoxi looked at her brother in surprise.

Beimiao signaled Xiaoxi to leave quickly.

"Brother, you have to be careful."

Xiao Xi said sweetly.

Xiao Xi's appearance is not as beautiful as Zhao Xiaomai's, but she is well-behaved and has her own charm.

"Who the hell are you?!"

"Why do you come out so late at night to cause trouble!?"

The ugly general asked in a deep voice.


"I'm just a passing armored warrior."

Beimiao stood up slowly, with a cold and arrogant expression on his face.

"You are unlucky tonight because you arrested my sister!"

"And I am also very unlucky! Because I have to save a brainless person"々!"

Beimiao's appearance lines highlighted a sign: sooner or later, there will be internal strife in the Armored Warriors team.

"Armored Warrior!"

Chou will summon a supernatural beast.


The result is self-evident, and the Black Rhinoceros, who made his debut, easily solved it.

Chou will once again flee in disgrace.

The filming of episodes 9 and 10 of Armor has ended.

The magical passer-by did not appear.

Toilet TV personally revealed that the third armored warrior will appear this week.

The official blog has dynamically updated several high-definition pictures of the armored warrior Black Rhinoceros.

[Has the Black Rhinocero appeared? The night scene with the black-based Black Rhinocero looks so handsome!!]

[Black Rhinocero's actor looks good too. It is said that he graduated from Qingqing University and is a serious top student!!]

[Qingqing University? Gan, should the entertainment industry be so involved! The actors of Black Rhinocero must not be hated by the little fresh meat with fake diplomas for the rest of their lives!!]

[Why the damn Toilet TV spoilers! I really want to watch "Armor Warrior" early, but I don't want to wait even a second because of the boring waiting time!!]

One of the biggest highlights of Armor Warrior: the appearance of new Armor Warrior.

Black Rhinocero has a dignified and domineering appearance, which has attracted the expectations of countless fans.

Zhang Long from Toilet TV Station smiled. The popularity of the show is so high, the following ratings will definitely not disappoint.

Saturday comes quietly.

He Province TV Station started broadcasting "Super Intelligent Football" on time, and the animation plot gradually entered the later stages.

In a sense, it is not considered late.

In the fifty-two episodes of the first season of Super Intelligence Football, the main plot has not been finished at all.

Anime Season 2??

emmm...The plot of the second season exploded, and its reputation was far inferior to that of the first season.

Lin Feng is going to hire a professional screenwriter to revise the script. He is currently very busy and has too many things to do, and he has no time to refine the second season of "Super Intelligence Football".

Furthermore, Shinhwa Film and Television Company has many animation screenwriters, many of whom are veteran screenwriters with decades of experience.

As the most popular and talented director and screenwriter, they are very interested in refining Lin Feng's script.

The old screenwriter was dumbfounded when he got the script.

The script given by Lin Feng only had an outline and main line, which meant that he did not refine the script, but filled in various plots according to the main line and wrote the script.

The soft girl coins are in place, and the plot is child's play.

"Armor Warrior" starts airing on Sunday.

Fans enjoyed watching it very much.

[Holy shit! Does Black Rhino focus on defense? The black armor looks so exaggerated in terms of defense!!]

[Meteor Gun! Black Rhinoceros’ weapon when releasing his ultimate kill is so cool! Lin Feng, the dog thief, should be turned into a toy soon!!]

[Purchase all the Flame Dragon Hero and Wind Eagle Hero suits, and wait for Lin Feng Dog Thief to get the new Black Rhinoceros suit. The Black Rhino Summoner looks even more handsome than the Flame Dragon Summoner!!]

[Guys, who among the armored warriors do you think is stronger? 】

[It must be Yan Longxia! Didn’t I say before: Yan Longxia has great potential, other armored warriors can’t compare! Also, let’s get to know the protagonist’s aura!!]

[I’m not interested in who is stronger or weaker! Beimiao is really arrogant when he speaks. I bet: there will be a battle between him and Xinnan! The armored warrior team is 100% infighting!!]

Fans exchanged and discussed enthusiastically.

Lin Feng has to admire some fans: some of the plot guesses are almost astounding.

Come on, come on, I give you the pen to write.

Lin Feng touched his chin: It seems really okay??

Armor Warrior ends.

Toilet TV quickly updated the ratings data: 11.33% and 12.58%.

In the tenth episode of Armor, Black Rhinoceros made his debut, causing a small wave of ratings.

Zhang Long opened the official blog of Susu TV Station, and the ratings data was almost less than 1%.

The most important thing is that Mighty Knight is coming to an end.

The sales of toy peripherals were poor, and the ratings data dropped.

According to common sense, it should have been completed long ago. The boss of Baiyang Film and Television Company wanted to save face and suffer, so he delayed the announcement until now.

You deserve to lose so much money.

Lin Feng didn't know that his partner was gloating about his misfortune.

Sora crew.

"Director Lin!!"

"Director Lin!!"

Staff members greeted each other.

Avril Carly, Ocean Horse's secretary, walked in holding a tray with red envelopes placed on it.

Yang Mi, Liu Yifei, little Loli Qiao Ben Huannai and their children were also holding dishes.

It was originally the work of other staff members, so the girls acted as staff members when they had nothing to do.

Kamen Rider Kuuga TV has concluded, and the filming of the theatrical version has officially begun.

The staff received the red envelope.


The assistant director shouted loudly.

The first character to appear in Kamen Rider Kuuga the Movie is Sister Rose.

A pistol shot 'killed' Sister Rose.

Officials never found her body, and the search ultimately came to nothing.

Gu Linaza wore a long black dress embroidered with a hook pattern that is very characteristic of hot summer.

The most eye-catching thing is the black peony flower, which looks like an ancient queen with her cool temperament.

The scene was originally shot on the top of a snow-capped mountain, but it happened to snow heavily during the Chinese New Year in He Province.

The shooting area is in Shinhwa Paradise.

Gulinazha walked slowly forward on the white snow with her bare feet, obviously feeling that her little feet were a little unnatural.

Cold! It’s still a bit cold despite the protective measures!

Fortunately, the filming of the plot did not take long.

Sister Rose stopped in a certain area. A strong wind suddenly blew in the snowy area, and her black dress blew up. Sister Rose's straight and slender legs were revealed, and her long legs wrapped in black opaque stockings looked charming.

Sister Rose muttered something in Gurungi language, and the vision of heaven and earth gradually disappeared.

Endless snowflakes rotate and condense with inexplicable power.

Fire! Fire in the snow!!

The scorching flames boiled and burned, falling like a flame to the endless snowy area.

A figure wearing a white formal suit slowly walked out.

'."Da Cuba."

Sister Rose looked at the figure in front of her.


Daguaba raised his eyes to observe the familiar yet unfamiliar teammates in front of him, and smiled unconsciously.

As the final boss, his laughter is as innocent as a child's.

Da Guba seems to be not an evil boss, but an elementary school student as simple as a piece of paper.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Daguaba said hello.

Really long time no see.

Kamen Rider Kuuga The Movie plot time: two years later.

Although Daguaba has just been awakened, he can easily tell how long he has been sleeping with his special ability.

"Da Guba, what do you want to do?"

Sister Rose asked looking at the white devil in front of her.

Two years is neither long nor short.

Human beings have gradually forgotten Gurungi and all the nightmares that Gurungi once brought them.

Looking at the entire Gurungi Group, Sister Rose belongs to a special role. She does not kill like others.

Sister Rose has never killed anyone, and the people she has hurt the most are only one person.

The mere injury did not kill him each time.

"do what?"


Daguba face

with a smile on his face.



The snowy sky high in the sky flashed with thunder.

The electric light reached Gu Guba's face, and his innocent smile became a little scary.

The Battle of Daguaba: Life and Death.

Human City·Kindergarten.

Wu Dai, who was sleeping on his desk, seemed to have had a nightmare and got up with sweat on his face.

"elder brother?"

Wu Min noticed something strange about his brother and ran over quickly with his little feet.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" (Yes)

Wu Min wiped his sweat carefully with a pretty face.

"Hoo ho ho"

Wu Dai was breathing heavily, with an extremely forced smile on his face.

"Sister, I'm fine."


Wu Min's pretty face was full of disbelief.

"of course."

Wu Dai rubbed her little head lovingly.

Wu Min made cute little Dudu, and then went to take care of the primary school students in the kindergarten.

In front of Wu Dai, she is a child, but in front of primary school students, she is a mature and steady big sister.

While Wu Min was teaching elementary school students, Wu Dai drove away on an ordinary motorcycle.

The battle ended two years ago and the exclusive combat vehicle was returned to the officials.

Police lobby.

"Senior Jiao, can I invite you to lunch?"

There is a little fan girl in the movie and TV series, and she also has a role in the theater version.

The little fan girl is not very good-looking, but she looks very cute, at least with a full sense of CP.

Although fans think Ichijo and Wu Dai have the best sense of CP.


Ichijo subconsciously wanted to refuse, but his tone obviously paused when he answered.


Before he finished speaking, his cell phone rang suddenly.

Jingle Bell!!

Jingle Bell!!

"Sorry, I'll take a call."

Ichijo apologized, "I won't eat red with you during dinner."

Caller ID: Wu Dai.

As good friends who have fought side by side many times, the two have actually had very little contact in the past two years.

Wu Dai would bring him many specialties every time he came back from traveling.

Including: Tian Ying.


When Ichichi received the call, his expression suddenly changed...

Note: The plot of Kuuga's theatrical version is pure nonsense. Readers who have ideas can leave a message in the book review area. .

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