Film And Television Company Bankrupt? I Sell Toys And Bring The Dead Back To Life

115: Wind Eagle Sword's Wind-Piercing Thorn Patch Can Subdue Demons And Transform Into Beas

Baiyang Film and Television Company Office.

Lu Lu was pale and weak, half-sitting on the floor, breathing heavily.

The eyes that looked at Bai Yang were filled with fear.

This scary middle-aged aunt is no match for her even if she takes drugs and gets drunk.

Thinking of Aunt Baiyang's terrifying power, Lu Lu lowered her head silently.

Can't afford to offend, dare not offend.

The so-called celebrities with glamorous appearance are actually as humble as ants in the eyes of their bosses.

As a worker at Baiyang Film and Television Company, Lu Lu is very self-aware when facing the top boss.

"The ratings of Mighty Knight are about to fall below 1%~1% of the ratings?"

Bai Yang made a faint sound.

"Yes, the plate."

The secretary nodded.

Kamen Rider: Kuuga Tama was the first, and the imitated "Mighty Rider" failed to capture the essence, and the filming was shoddy. If the special effects hadn't really been spent, there would have been no 1% ratings.

Lulu lowered his head. As the leading actor, he was scolded by countless viewers.

He was afraid that Aunt Bai Yang would continue to torture him.

"Boss, the sales of the peripheral toys of "Mighty Knight" are also very poor... Do you want to stop the loss in time?"

The secretary said tentatively.

"Yes and no."

Bai Yang gritted his teeth.

"Mighty Knight", which had high hopes, lost everything.

Bai Yang wished he could stop shooting as soon as possible and stop the loss immediately, but he couldn't let it go.

Face, stopping filming abruptly is tantamount to slapping yourself in the face.

Mighty Knight itself was shot a lot, and the director and screenwriter were asked to revise the script and try to finish it in three or two episodes.

The completion of Mighty Knight protects a little more face than stop loss.

Bai Yang is an extremely shrewd businessman. How can he allow the special series to keep losing money?

Mighty Knight is finished, and she won't give up on the toy market.

Other film and television companies probably have the same idea as hers.

The reason is straightforward: the benefits of the toy market are so great that they want to take a few more bites.

Watching Lin Feng frantically cutting leeks to make money was even more uncomfortable than them losing money.

Lu Lu pretends to be dead.

The sudden ending of Mighty Knight was a huge blow to his reputation.

So what if you don’t want it to end in your heart?

Bai Yang said the same thing.

Shinhwa Paradise·Construction Site Area

Lin Feng doesn't know Bai Yang's plans for the time being.

The filming of the fifth episode of "Armor Warrior" has started, and the plot of the fifth episode happens to take place at a construction site.

The Shinhwa Paradise currently in working condition perfectly meets the needs of plot shooting.

The extra actors wear construction site attire and safety helmets.

A group of workers were bored and engaged in a nail hammering competition with hammers.


Powerful vibrations spread, and the rock beast descended.

Click click click!!!

Click click click!!!

Dense cracks appeared on the ground. The original drama did not have such close-ups.

Lin Feng specially added a lot of shooting details in order to express the violent power of the rock beast.


The expressions of the surrounding workers became horrified and panicked. Everyone got up and fled, and one worker accidentally twisted his foot.

Seeing this, the other workers gave up running and started hitting the rock beast with a shovel.

The rock beast single-handedly challenged all the workers. At the critical moment, Dongshan teleported.

"Armor Fusion!!"

Sound effects sound.

The armored warrior, Wind Eagle Man, quickly attacked the rock beast, fearing that it would kill innocent workers nearby.

Wind Eagle Man VS Rock Beast for several rounds.

The rock beast releases black smoke and leaves the construction area.

Dongshan released his transformation to save the injured, returned to the secret base and immediately started training.

Happy Dumpling House.

Cimo designs clothes for Xiaolan.

Liu Shishi plays Xiaojiabiyu's temperament very well, and Xu Minci's well-behaved and sensible character is written all over her little face.

At the end of the plot, Dongshan meets the rock beast again. It is worth mentioning that Kunzhong has also appeared.

The sixth episode of Armored Warriors begins directly.

Dongshan is very murderous and will unleash his special moves after several rounds of fighting.

[The Wind Eagle Sword penetrates the wind and stabs the posts, subdues demons and transforms into beasts, breaks through the strong wind, and stops in an instant!]

The prelude to releasing the skill is preceded by a white introduction.

This short sentence contains rich traditional knowledge unique to Yanxia.

The wind piercing skill is released, and the rock beast disappears, leaving behind a pile of coal on the ground.

Kunzhong looked at Dongshan, and kept recalling the transformation scene not long ago in his mind.

The identity of Wind Eagle Man is exposed.

As the armor warrior summoner, Kunzhong appears very early and transforms into a Kamen Rider slightly later.

The battle scenario ends.

The scene changes and Xu Minci continues to make a small floral skirt.

The filming tradition of film and television dramas: the heroine has a needle to prick her hand.

Xu Minci pricked her white little finger.

"How careless!"

Xu Minci secretly said, her little mouth pouted, looking very cute and patient.

Xiaolan is an angel, and Xu Minci is a cute pet mascot.

At the same time, a certain river.

The scene becomes terrifying and eerie, with bursts of screams and the appearance of the crocodile beast.

In the second half of the plot, reporter Xiao Song played a huge role and investigated an important clue: Yongfu Coal Field.

Reporter Xiao Song talks and acts with Meizhen.

Lin Feng watched silently.

The fairy-like Liu Yifei is actually not suitable for the role of Meizhen, even if a makeup artist deliberately dresses her up.

The fairy sister's temperament is still so outstanding. Fortunately, the role of Meizhen is very good.

Liu Yifei's performance was very good, and the audience was disappointed.

With Liu Yifei's good looks, the audience won't have much objection to her being a vase character.

The vase has a hammer opinion, and it is enough to be as beautiful as a flower.

Xinnan and Dongshan team up to investigate the Yongfu Coal Mine, and then encounter the third biggest enemy: the ugly general.

“Hmph hum_N

Waves of slightly obscene laughter rang out.

Assistant director Zhou Zan appeared wearing a black mask.

"Two guys who overestimate their abilities!"

"How dare you act like a hero here!"

Chou put his hands behind his back and said coldly, his aura becoming cold and terrifying.

Being a director is really a waste of talent.

"Then let's destroy this place together!"

Dongshan looked at Choujiang and said solemnly.

"Just you?"

The ugly general snorted contemptuously and summoned the crocodile beast.

"A smoky place means there are many pests!"

Xinnan spoke calmly.

As the first big brother of the Armored Warriors, Xinnan actually has a lot of classic lines.

The armored warriors, Flame Dragon Man and Wind Eagle Man have completed their transformations.

The two began to join forces for the first time in double queue... Oh no, they joined forces to fight against supernatural beasts.

Xinnan and Dongshan caught the crocodile beast and beat them up, and the rock beast that disappeared one after another appeared again.

I saw it releasing stone power to attack Flame Dragon Man and Wind Eagle Man.

The supernatural beasts began to link up in the jungle.

"Flaming Knife!"

"Wind Eagle Sword!"

Since ancient times, red and blue have CP, two people summon the weapon at the same time, and one person attacks the other supernatural beast.

The battle is about to end.

Armored Warrior Famous Scene: Wind Eagle Man is empty.

Crocodilemon releases black mist and disappears.

Yanlongxia was never too bold and easily defeated the rock beasts that escaped twice in a row.

The filming of Armored Warrior has been completed, and post-production has been handed over to the staff.

Lin Feng took the girls back to the villa to rest.


Fat Lailai Mall.


Li Mu saw the person in charge, Lao Li, and said hello excitedly.

"Boss, good morning."

Lao Li glanced at his son and greeted Lin Feng continuously.

He glanced behind the little boss and saw that there seemed to be more and more women following him.

The little boss is good at everything, but his personal hobbies are too Hentai.

Lin Feng went to the book signing area.

The person in charge, Lao Li, had a cordial exchange with his son.

Now his son Li Mu is his bragging rights. Through "Armor Warrior", his son has become quite famous. He can be regarded as a slightly famous actor, which is at least much better than being unknown.

Fat Lailai Mall Plaza.

The densely packed team stretched as far as the eye could see.

Wang Zhong held up his mobile phone to broadcast live.

[Oh my God! How many people came to the book signing event? I saw that the surrounding traffic was...paralyzed again!!]

[As a native of He Province, let me tell you clearly: at least 50,000 people participated in the event!!]

[More than 50,000 people attended the book signing? Is Lin Feng the dog thief so charming?!]

[Is more than 50,000 people a lot? Would you be even more surprised if you knew that there are hundreds of thousands of people unable to go to the street where Fatlailai Mall is located due to traffic problems!?]

[My home is in a community near Fat Lai Lai Mall! It’s crazy outside! There are people everywhere! Damn, I also saw a lot of fans wearing Ultraman Tiga and Kamen Rider Kuuga leather suits! What is the signature? Book sale or comic exhibition?!]

……Please give me flowers………………


The barrage in the live broadcast room refreshes quickly.

Wang Zhong read the barrage messages and then sent a message to the person in charge, Lao Li.

Book signing area.

The person in charge, Lao Li, quickly looked for Lin Feng.

"More than 50,000 people? Hundreds of thousands of fans can't get in?!"

Yang Mi blinked her big eyes, her delicate face was stunned.

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows: The book signing seemed too sensational.

"Three thousand people."

Lin Feng pondered.

At the book signing event, he fell down and everyone signed, but how could he keep signing.

"Big bad brother, what should the others do?"

Yang Mi asked in a low voice.

"It's very simple."

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and said, "Signature card."

"Signature card?"

The signature card means that Lin Feng signs his name on each character in "One Piece" and then prints it like crazy. Fans who buy the "One Piece" comic can get a signature card.

Ordinary signature cards may have little value.

The signature card prepared by Lin Feng is limited to today's event and is a PB signature card.

Limited autograph card: Speaking of which, it feels like Beer has a price.

The person in charge, Lao Li, was shocked for a long time: Who would have thought that a signature card could be played by a small boss.

Shinhwa Toy Factory staff delivered the signature card to the official flagship store on time.

Lin Feng was already prepared.

The only mistake in prediction was that I didn't expect there to be so many fans. Fortunately, there were enough signed cards printed.

The signature card is exquisitely made and has colorful light effects on the back.

On the front are the characters and signatures of "One Piece". Players can choose which one they like.

Want them all? Yes! Buy another "One Piece" comic.

I have no choice but to have a good meal, boss.

Book signing begins.

The staff slowly let the fans in line to enter.

Lin Feng signed a full three thousand talents to rest, thanks to the toy system's physical strengthening.

The book signing event is over, and the fans who are still waiting are unhappy.

The person in charge, Lao Li, used a loudspeaker to promote the benefits of the ‘signature card’, emphasizing that the signature card was a PB gift and was only available to fans who purchased comics today.

The PB from Shinhwa Toy Factory is quite valuable, and players who don’t want to get the autograph will get angry and switch surprises.

【Oh my God! There is a PB signature card? Lin Feng

How awesome!]

[Three thousand people signed the book signing at one go. Okay, I understand Lin Feng is a bit tired. Let’s end it when the event is over!!]

[Do you understand Lin Feng as a thief? I’m embarrassed to expose you! Isn’t it just a PB signature card? Oh!!]

[Cut? Cut what? You don’t want it if you have the ability? You don’t want me to call you daddy! If you want it, call me daddy!!]



The person in charge, Lao Li, is in crazy busy mode.

Some fans even purchased five or ten copies for the PB signature card.

If it weren't for the large inventory of the second volume of "One Piece", there really wouldn't be enough for players to buy it.

"Brother Boss, the fans of "One Piece" had a huge quarrel tonight."

Jiang Shuying put away her phone and said softly.

The PB signature card event is only held in He Province, and there is no prior notice at all.

As fans of One Piece, others naturally want PB autograph cards.

"That was my mistake."

Lin Feng touched his chin, "Contact Dong Ge APP to start the "One Piece" second volume signature card event.

"The total number is 500,000 copies, and the PB signature card is sold out and out of print."

It is impossible to go out of print. Next time it will be a new PB signature card.

The reason why the quantity is controlled at 500,000 is to maintain the PB nature of signature cards.

A limited edition is a limited edition, so how can it be sold without an upper limit?

The book signing event is over and Armor Warrior will continue to play as usual.

Time passes unconsciously.

Iron Man post-production is finally completed!!!

Note: Readers, would you like to add more game plots? For example: Ultraman Fighting, Kamen Rider Fighting and other games. I’m afraid most readers won’t like it when writing about games, so

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