Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2432: : Chaos Ancient Beast

Chapter 2430 Chaos Ancient Beast

The shadow **** Su Liu did not believe that the black crow egg was deceived, and Yu Xiantian also did not believe that the black crow egg was deceived.

This was not because they were stupid, but because Jian Qingyang was better than Huang Qing, so they instinctively believed that Huang Qing could not deceive the black crow egg from Jian Qingyang's hands.

Jian Qingyang was definitely unwilling to take the Black Crow Egg out. Although Jian Qingyang had a very high momentum, there were many who could match him in real strength, or even be stronger than him.

"One person leaves an arm, do you do it yourself, or do I do it yourself?"

Yu Xiantian didn't want to talk nonsense with them.

Both Li Light Rail and Luo Yunfei's faces were extremely ugly. Just about to escape, an icy voice came out and said, "Yu Xiantian, it seems that the previous battle hasn't allowed you to remember!"

In the void, a sharp and sharp figure appeared, and it was Jian Qingyang.

Behind him, there are three people who are three martial artists of Dao Enlightenment Realm.

"Jian Qingyang is here, and there seems to be another good show!"

"Before Jian Qingyang and Yu Xiantian fought a battle, Yu Xiantian was defeated and slipped away. This time, Yu Xiantian wanted to cut the arms of the two Taoists at the Heavenly Sword Gate. Jian Qingyang would definitely not sit back and watch!"

Everyone laughed as they watched this lively scene.

"Jian Qingyang, you are finally here, this Yu Xiantian actually wants to break our arm!"

Seeing Jian Qingyang appear on Li Light Rail, he felt confident.

He turned to look at Yu Xiantian, arrogant: "Yu Xiantian, yes, the black crow egg is on us, come and get it if you have the ability!"

Yu Xiantian's face condensed, and then looked at Jian Qingyang, and said, "Jian Qingyang, the black crow egg is not something you can hatch. It's really useless if you stay on your body?"

Jian Qingyang probably guessed what happened. Yu Xiantian forced his two juniors to hand over the black crow eggs, but Yu Xiantian didn't believe that the black crow eggs were no longer on them.

Jian Qingyang turned his eyes and looked at Huang Qing, who was like his eyes. Finally, his eyes turned to Yu Xiantian and said: "Yu Xiantian, the black crow egg is on me. Whether I can hatch or not has nothing to do with you. If you still want to Fight with me, I don’t mind staying with me to the end."

"However, I have to do one thing first!"

Jian Qingyang's eyes flashed across Zhang Mofan and said, "Huang Qing, after hiding for a few days, you are finally willing to come out."

Zhang Mofan smiled faintly, and said: "What do you mean by this? I have never hid before, so why come out and say it? I don't know what I am thinking about you!"

"Ask it knowingly!"

Jian Qingyang said, waved his hand, and said: "The three of you, shot together and captured Huang Qing. Two seniors, you two killed the kid and snatched the key from him."


The five nodded, and went out to Zhang Mofan and Ba Ye.

Two Daozi from the Heavenly Sword Gate in the middle stage of the Taoist enlightenment, and three casual cultivators from the late stage of the Taoist Enlightenment, joined forces to deal with the martial artist of the two Taoist realms.

"Hahaha, Xiaoba, can let five martial artists of Dao Enlightenment Realm to deal with us, we are afraid that we will become famous in the first battle!"

Zhang Mofan laughed.

"Since you are here, why not have a good fight?"

Eighth Master said loudly: "I just took Qilin Guo, and the medicinal effect of Qilin Guo broke out in my body. Now, it happens to use this battle to condense the Dao body and break through the real world!"

Yu Xiantian looked at the Eighth Master and couldn't help but said, "Could you be the genius that Master mentioned before me, Zhu Ba? It is said that you are not a human race, but a monster race. Very good, so let me see how much you really have Ability, you fight with all your strength, if there is danger, I will rescue you!"

"Huh, let's save him? You are afraid that you cannot protect yourself!"

As Jian Qingyang said, he sacrificed his weapon and directly killed Yu Xiantian.

As for Li Light Rail and Luo Yunfei, they attacked Ba Ye at the same time.

And the three casual cultivators in the later period of Taoism have used powerful methods to continuously blast Zhang Mofan.

Almost instantly, the battle situation formed a one-sided situation, Zhang Mofan and Ba Ye were completely suppressed, after all, the gap was too big.

Eighth Master's own cultivation base reached the late stage of Taoism, and his peak combat effectiveness was comparable to the peak of Taoism. There was still a big gap between Taoism and Taoism, not to mention the two Taoism in the middle stage of Taoism.

After a few moves, they were seriously injured again and again.

On the contrary, Zhang Mofan, even though he was besieged by the three late Dao Wu's casual repairs, was helpless.

However, those casual cultivators couldn't hurt Zhang Mofan at all, and the three late Daoist casual cultivators, working together, couldn't hurt a single Taoist law. If you say it, who would believe it.

Many casual cultivators wiped their eyes when they saw this scene, and said: "Am I wrong, what's the matter with Huang Qing? How can I hide?"

"The seemingly slow movements, every time in front of him, are very thrilling, but they dodge their attacks!"

"What method did Huang Qing use?"


If it were a martial artist in the late Dao Enlightenment Realm, Huang Qing might be able to use the speed advantage to avoid attacks, then Bai Liu could do it.

However, Zhang Mofan's speed was not fast, and he was besieged by three people. Even if he was fast, it was useless.

"The time is slow, it's really easy to use, it's a pity that it takes a lot of mental energy, if you continue to show it, I am afraid it will not be able to hold it!"

Zhang Mofan frowned, facing the three Martial Artists of the late Taoist stage, he never thought of counterattack, he was not an opponent at all.

If these three people were in the early stage of Taoism, Zhang Mofan would definitely be able to kill them.

"Little eight, how are you? Why don't we withdraw!"

Zhang Mofan said loudly.

The Eighth Master is already in the state of the Demon Saint's golden body, but the golden body has cracked. He, known as the indestructible golden body, has been broken in front of the two mid-level Taoist powerhouses.

However, Baye's eyes were sharp, and a chaotic aura burst out from his body. Then, his body began to swell continuously, and the golden body was directly broken.

When everyone saw this admiration, their faces were incredible: "He is a member of the monster race, he is about to change his body!"

"That body is so big!"


At this time Ye's body, the collision is getting bigger and bigger, ten feet, twenty feet, thirty feet, and finally soaring to fifty feet, a huge beast condensed.

Majestic, fierce, breathless, like swallowing mountains and rivers.

It was an ancient fierce beast, an ancient chaotic beast.

"Ancient Chaos Beast, one of the four great beasts of ancient times, is this his body?"

Li Light Rail was shocked.

At this time, Ba Ye's body is sometimes condensed, sometimes chaotic, sometimes tangible, and sometimes intangible.

A large amount of chaotic aura spread to Li Light Rail and Luo Yunfei, dragging it directly into his chaotic area, and following together to condense and chaos.

"No, ah ah ah!"

The two screamed again and again, trying to struggle out of the chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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