Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2427: : Shadow God Su Liu

"This matter will not end in such a simple way. If Huang Qing holds the key, it will be like a sweet potato. It is impossible for him to hold the key forever!"

Jian Qingyang hummed coldly.

"Jian Qingyang, Huang Qing also dumped me, and I will not let him go. If I find him, I will capture him and bring him to you. The key is mine. How about you owe me a favor?" Bai Liu looked at Xiang Jianqingyang.

He had never seen Jian Qingyang look like this.

But it's quite normal to think about it, the black egg has been snatched away, and his two senior brothers have been used.

No one can stand it anymore.

"Huh, do you still need you to kill him? He takes the key and wants to find him easily."

Jian Qingyang's eyes flickered sharply, his figure flickered the next moment, and he left.

Bai Liu smiled slightly and flew in the other direction.

Jian Qingyang's matter, he just treated it as a joke, there were still six keys that did not appear, he was going to grab the keys.

In any case, he will grab a key.

The current four keys, except for the old hunchback key, were snatched away by Zhang Mofan's tactics, and the other three keys were all taken away by the strongest.

The two martial artists of the later period of Dao Wu also have another Zhan Wuji who is ranked twelfth in the talent list.

He didn't have much interest in grabbing the key from Zhang Mofan.

Jian Qingyang kept searching on the second floor of Dongfu, and finally found Li Light Rail and Luo Yunfei.

Seeing Jian Qingyang, Li Qingyang flew over and smiled and said, "Junior Brother Jian Qingyang, we searched around and did not find Bai Liu. From my point of view, Bai Liu must be afraid of your reputation and dare not fight. Attention to our keys."

Luo Yunfei smiled and nodded, and said, "Yes, Junior Brother, this time I have really seen your reputation. In a few words, I can shock the Bailiu."

"It's nothing to shock Bai Liu, it's really powerful if Huang Qing can be subdued."

Listening to the words of the two, Jian Qingyang remained silent, but his face was extremely gloomy, and countless anger condensed in his body, which might break out at any time.

"By the way, Junior Brother Jian Qingyang, where is Huang Qing?"

Li Light Rail looked around, but did not find Zhang Mofan following him.

"Where are the black eggs and the keys?"

Jian Qingyang suffocated a word after a long time.

Although he knew that the black egg and the key had probably been cheated away, he still asked this question.

"Didn't the black eggs and the keys give you?"

Li Light Rail was slightly stunned.


Jian Qingyang came to the two of them, and without hesitation, two slaps slammed over.

Li Qingyuan and Luo Yunfei were immediately stunned. Li Qingyuan said, "Jian Qingyang, what do you mean?"

"You were deceived, what do you mean by asking me?"

Jian Qingyang let out a cold snort and immediately told them the ins and outs of the matter.

The two of them were more and more surprised when they heard the back, and then they showed anger and said, "That Jian Qingyang is disguised by the ghost lady? She and Huang Qing joined forces to deceive us?"

The two suddenly stood up, all sorts of coincidences happened before, the ghost lady deliberately left them, and then brought Zhang Mofan back, after that, she never shot.

Before, they didn't think in any direction at all. Now when they think about it, they realize that they have been cheated.

"Jian Qingyang, we really don't know, that ghost lady is too disguised."

Li light track.

"You can't be blamed for this matter."

Jian Qingyang put his hands behind his back, and said, "Even if Huang Qing snatches the key, he will be snatched sooner or later."

"Jian Qingyang, the two of us will go and take the key and the black egg. This time, if Huang Qing is not killed, our two seniors will have no face to come to see you."

"Yes, we will go now."

The two said, they were about to leave.

However, at this moment, a powerful breath fell.

This breath, like a mountain, was heavily oppressed, and even Jian Qingyang felt the pressure.

"What a powerful master is definitely not Dao Enlightenment, it is very possible to surpass Dao Enlightenment."

Jian Qingyang was calm on the surface, but in his heart, he was extremely shocked.

After a while, a middle-aged man in a black robe slowly landed and said: "Jian Qingyang, long time no see?"

"you are?"

Jian Qingyang's pupils shrank slightly and said, "You are the shadow **** Su Liu!"

"Shadow **** Su Liu? The ninth genius on the list of talented talents?"

Li Light Rail's face was shocked.

If we say that Jian Qingyang is the strongest genius of the younger generation.

The shadow **** Su Liu is the strongest of the older generation, and the youngest among the older generation.

It can be said that the limelight of the shadow **** Su Liu was not weaker than Jian Qingyang's.

"I heard that you have been promoted to the Dao Sacred Realm a long time ago, why can you enter the cave?"

Jian Qingyang asked Hehe, how did I enter the cave, you don't need to know, I came here just for the black crow egg. Give me the egg? "

Shadow God Su Liu said slowly.

"You are also for the black crow egg?"

Jian Qingyang was slightly startled, and then said: "The black crow egg is not on me."

"Not on you?"

Shadow God Su Liu said: "I've already asked, those casual martial artists said, the black crow egg was taken away by you, Jian Qingyang, I know your temperament, even if the egg is in your hands, you can't take the initiative to make it. Give it to me and I will make a deal with you like?"

"But, the egg is really not on me, even if you want to make a deal with me, I can't get it out!"

Jian Qing Yang said.

"Do you still want to take it out?"

Shadow God Su Liu said: "Do you think you can deceive me? The black crow egg is indeed very precious, and it is normal that you don't want to hand it over."

"However, this is Dongfu. I really want to deal with you. No one will know. After all, you are the leader of the younger generation, and I don't want to embarrass you."

The shadow **** Su Liu said: "A 10,000-hp Daoist Martial Arts, change your black crow egg!"

"Ten thousand horses of Taoism and martial arts?"

Both Li Light Rail and Luo Yunfei swallowed. This kind of Taoism and Martial Arts is truly rare.

Over 10,000 horses, its power is far beyond the ability of ordinary warriors to contend.

Moreover, with the strength of the shadow **** Su Liu, if he really wanted to steal the Black Crow Egg, he could just shoot directly.

However, the other party did not do this, but a very sincere transaction.

"The black crow egg is really not on me. If it is, I will definitely deal with you!"

Jian Qingyang's face was a bit ugly, who could have thought that the shadow **** Su Liu appeared just after Zhang Mofan had just cheated his black crow egg.

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