Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2418: : Black egg

Chapter 2416 Black Egg

Zhang Mofan's words made the ghost lady a little excited, and it was not easy to grab resources.

Even if you **** the key, you must have the strength to hold the key. Even if you open the door with ten people and enter the central palace, the ten people will surely fight for resources.

Therefore, without strength, it is basically impossible to grab resources.

The second level of contention is the cruelest.

Now, Zhang Mofan said that as long as he can get the resources, he will be divided into one-third of her. It is impossible for him not to be moved.

However, Gui Niangzi was still a little cautious, and asked: "Then what are your plans? I need to listen to the plan. If the plan is feasible, I can agree to cooperate with you!"

Zhang Mofan smiled and said: "Jian Qingyang shouldn't have made a move to **** the key at the moment. He is very likely to be with those martial artists of the Taoist Realm, discussing snatching the key, we will find him, and then I will figure out how to use the sword. Qing Yang is attracted away, and you can pretend to him and use his Dao Enlightenment Companion to grab the key!"

"Do you really confirm that he is with other companions?"

Asked the ghost lady.

Zhang Mofan said: "Do you think Jian Qingyang will only **** one key? He will **** many keys, even all the keys, together with his companions. At that time, all those who enter the central hall will be his people!"

"Of course, this is just my guess, what the specific situation is, I have to go and see!"

After listening to Zhang Mofan's words, the ghost lady didn't hesitate, and said: "Okay, then I will fight with you!"

Then, the two went together, trying to find Jian Qingyang's trace.

However, Zhang Mofan searched for a long time, but found no trace of Jian Qingyang.

"Where did this Jian Qingyang go?"

Zhang Mofan has a Qiongyu Holy Spirit body, and his range of perception even exceeds the ordinary Taozhen or even Taoist martial artist, but he did not find Jian Qingyang.

at this time……


The tyrannical breath exploded in vain, alarming the entire space.

This breath was earth-shaking, madly sweeping, and in an instant, ripples formed and spread out in an astonishing manner, spreading around.

In a short span of effort, it spread out for tens of thousands of miles.

You know, the appearance of the previous few keys has caused a lot of movement, but the movement is not very big, only the warriors who are thousands of miles away are alarmed.

But now this movement is many times stronger than before. It can be imagined that it is not just a key, it is very likely that two keys appear together.

"This movement is so strong, much stronger than before. I am afraid that many warriors will **** it. Let's go to see the excitement first, maybe Jian Qingyang will take action!"

Zhang Mofan suddenly raised his head, looking at the source of the movement, his eyes gleaming with unprecedented intensity.

"It's a long distance, let's rush over."

Zhang Mofan said to the ghost lady, and hurried in that direction.

His speed was also fully demonstrated, and the ghost lady was following Zhang Mofan, and she felt like she couldn't keep up.

"This Huang Qing is much stronger. Could it be that he has been promoted to the middle stage of Dao Fa? How is this possible?"

The ghost lady was shocked.

You know, Zhang Mofan defeated Yao Tiange in the later stage of Taoism, which happened only a few months ago, and now he has broken through two realms in a row.

This level of cultivation speed is too shocking.

At this time, not only Zhang Mofan, but many warriors around him were also shocked by the fluctuation and rushed to that place.

"This movement is terrifying, even more terrifying than the appearance of the three keys before!"

"Could it be that this key is still not classified?"

"Go, hurry over!"

"There must be some treasures of heaven and earth that have come out together!"

"The distance is too far. If someone gets the first step, you will lose a lot."

A lot of real-world martial artists, like a wasp, rushed from every corner and rushed to the place where the fluctuations radiated.

The movement this time was indeed too great.

Compared with the previous twelve births, the movement is much greater. I am afraid that half of the warriors will rush away.

"It's a strong fluctuation. I'm afraid it's not just a key. Let's rush over. You don't want to do anything. Just let me do it!"

Jian Qingyang said to a few people on the side.

These people are all the strength of Dao Enlightenment Realm, and they all follow Jian Qingyang, two are Dao Zi of Tianjianmen, and the other three are all casual cultivators.

In addition, Jian Qingyang, a total of six people, they plan to unite and **** at least five keys. When five people enter the central hall, they will be able to seize all the inheritance of the formation machine.

The six got up and flew over.

Among these warriors, Jian Qingyang is definitely the closest to the spread of the fluctuations, and coupled with their strong strength, they have arrived in just a short time.

But after arriving, even Jian Qingyang was taken aback by the scene in front of him.

I saw a vast wasteland, there were traces of potholes everywhere, and cracks could be seen everywhere, and in the void above, there was a key and a black egg floating.

The fluctuation of the key is not strong, the fluctuation of that black egg is very terrifying.

"That black egg fluctuates so strongly, what is it?"

Jian Qingyang couldn't help but his eyes widened.

From his insight, he couldn't tell what the black egg was, but it was absolutely extraordinary to be able to produce such fluctuations.

Moreover, at this time, many of the warriors who rushed over looked at the black egg with a fanatical color. They didn't seem to focus on the key, but on the egg.

If you can get that egg, even if you haven't snatched the resources, it's not ashamed.


Jian Qingyang flashed a sharp light, and the speed reached the extreme in an instant, his figure turned into a sword light, and it rushed directly.

In the nearby, there are nearly 30 people who have also taken action. Among them, there are many Taoist martial artists.

In their minds, there was only one thought, grabbing eggs.


Jian Qingyang waved his big hand, a sword energy swept across, and he wanted to take away the black egg directly.

"That egg is mine!"

A scream sounded, and a grim young man wearing black leather armor also rushed out, blasting a ray of light, and directly smashed Jian Qingyang's sword energy.

Seeing this, Jian Qingyang's face sank, his cold eyes glanced at the opponent, and said: "Yu Xiantian, do you want to grab that egg with me?"

This young man is surprisingly the eleventh genius on the genius list, the genius of the land of beasts, Yu Xiantian.

Yu Xiantian said: "Jian Qingyang, do you know what that egg is? Even if you get that egg, you are of no use!"

(End of this chapter)

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