Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2409: : Power of Heaven

Chapter 2408 Heavenly Power

"What the **** is going on? He can actually hurt the Dao body? The martial artist of the Dao Fa realm actually hurt the Dao body."

"As soon as he shot, he killed several Daozhen, how could this guy be so strong?"

"It's just a monster!"

Those loose repairs were completely shocked.

Zhang Mofan just made one move and killed more than a dozen Daozhen. Although they were all martial artists in the early days of Daozhen, they all happened under their noses.

Zhang Mofan looked at the hordes of real-world martial artists, and said: "In my domain, even if you want to escape, it's impossible, unless you can kill me!"

"You don't have to panic!"

The black-robed old man also rushed up and said: "When I go to fight him, you will help me from the side, so you don't have to worry about being beheaded by him!"

"Who are you? Just want to kill Huang Qing?"

One of the warriors asked.

The black-robed old man said: "My reputation is said, I am afraid that many of you know that I am the old evil sword!"


When these words fell, several casual cultivators changed their expressions.

"Old evil sword ghost, he was also a genius on the talent list back then, but unfortunately, he was defeated by Ling Xiao back then and was directly kicked out of the talent list by Tianhuang Pavilion!"

"I understand, why this evil sword old ghost wanted to kill Huang Qing, Huang Qing defeated Ling Xiao, if the evil sword old ghost killed Huang Qing, he would be ashamed!"

"The strength of this evil sword old ghost is not weak, we assist him from the side, it is really possible to kill Huang Qing!"

Those casual repairs, the eyes shine again.

There is a warrior like the evil sword old ghost, who is still in the late Daozhen, and has also been on the list of talented people in the wild. It is completely easy to deal with a warrior in the early days of Dao.

"Old evil sword?"

Zhang Mofan narrowed his eyes and said, "You think you can be on the list if you kill me? If you want to re-enter the list, which one didn't just go up after a dignified battle with the strongest on the list, even if you kill me, The talent list will not recognize your strength, and it will be more portrayal. You want to kill me, it's just a dream!"

As long as it is not Dao Enlightenment, he is sure to defeat it, unless its real combat power reaches the level of Dao Enlightenment.

However, the Daozhen Realm wants to leapfrog the Dao Enlightenment, and it is more difficult. It is more than ten times more difficult than the Dao Fa leap to challenge the Dao Zhen.

The geniuses on the list of talented geniuses, I am afraid that only the three people ranked tenth, eleventh, and twelfth have that kind of ability, because they have cultivated to the late Daozhen stage.

"Hehe, I only want a result. It doesn't matter if the talent list does not recognize me. I am already bearish now. I just want a shame. I only want people outside to know that I killed you!"

The evil sword old ghost said.

"I have never fought a warrior in the later period of Daozhen, so let's see how many catties you have!"

Zhang Mofan looked at the evil sword old ghost.

"Then let go."

The evil sword old ghost has no fear, there are so many Daozhen around him, and he wants to kill Zhang Mofan to become famous, so he has a lot of confidence.

"Then you go to die!"

Zhang Mofan's eyes became cold, his figure turned into an afterimage, and he swept forward!

At the moment when he left, a thick starlight suddenly flashed out of Zhang Mofan's eyes.

This starlight condensed a picture of the starry universe.

Celestial Realm!

"The dual realm of spirit and strength!"

The old evil sword wrinkled his brows and suddenly realized that his figure was choked.

"Break it for me!"

He only heard a low drink, and the evil sword old ghost had already got rid of this realm in an instant, so that this realm could not be blessed in his body.

The evil spirit body of the evil sword old ghost is also very terrifying, and it has honed out the evil spirit body. Although it is not comparable to the Qiongyu spirit body, it can reject all mental attacks and even contaminate it.

However, he just got rid of this field.

Zhang Mofan's figure has appeared in front of him, the ten thousand monsters slaughter the devil halberd in his hand, the fierce brilliance, 360,000 demon babes flicker, gather together, and slay fiercely. It is the sealed halberd method, the three thousand monsters. Sixteen days gang seals evil halberd.


The evil sword old ghost gave a cold snort and waved his right hand suddenly. A huge sword light instantly drove the surrounding energy, vast and mighty, as if the entire world was oppressed.


A loud noise and immense power erupted, and the shocking Zhang Mofan staggered and backed away a few steps.

"What a strong power, Daozhen's late stage, really strong!"

Zhang Mofan's arm was a little numb, and the opponent slashed him back. Even if he fought Ling Xiao, he didn't feel that way.

It seemed that this old evil sword ghost was stronger than Ling Xiao, although his realm was two levels higher.

"Huang Qing, you are a warrior in the realm of Taoism after all!"

The evil sword old ghost smiled up to the sky, holding a huge long sword in his hand, with bursts of black energy wrapped around it, bombarded out frantically, eloquently, every sword contained amazing power.

Moreover, in that sword technique, there is also a kind of evil power, as if there are countless evils roaring.

Zhang Mofan had already displayed the Eight Door Dunjia, all his power was exploded, and he waved the Ten Thousand Demon Slaughter Demon Halberd to counteract.

But with the collision with that giant sword time and time again, the terrifying power shocked, causing Zhang Mofan's arm to sting a little.

"It's such a strong power, my power has completely fallen short. If Dao Fa is urged, I am afraid that it cannot be defeated." Zhang Mofan was a little surprised.

This evil sword old ghost is worthy of being a genius who has been on the list of natural talents.

His own Dao power, combined with the seven doors of the Eight Door Dunjia, exploded, enough to dominate the real world, but he was still not the opponent of the evil sword old ghost.

What's the matter?

"Huang Qing, your strength is only this level?"

There was disdain on the face of the evil sword old ghost A sharp light flashed in his eyes, "With this level of strength, you can actually defeat Ling Xiao. It seems that Ling Xiao is not very good, because he was back then. It also defeated me, maybe I became stronger."

Baby Dragon noticed this scene and slowly spoke, "I'm afraid, his power is so strong, because he has half-footed into the realm of Dao Enlightenment, and has realized the power of the Dao of Heaven."

"The power of heaven? What is that?"

Zhang Mofan was extremely shocked.

"The martial artist of the real world of Taoism can condense the Taoist body. As for the realm of Taoism, you can truly comprehend the power of heaven and earth. This is the power of the great way to perceive heaven and earth. If this baby doesn't guess wrong, the power of heaven that he understands, It is the power of evil spirits."

Baby Long said: "He has contained this power of heaven in his power, which is beyond the realm of Daozhen!"

Zhang Mofan suddenly realized when he heard the words, it is no wonder that when he fought with the old evil sword, he felt a feeling of being surrounded by evil spirits, which made him very uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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