Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2404: : Reach 5000 horses

Chapter 2402 Reaching Five Thousand Horses

Ling Xiao is definitely a famous genius in the Heavenly Desolate Master Realm. Almost all the martial artists in the four major regions have heard of him and have seen him.

On the contrary, it was Zhang Mofan. Everyone knew that Huang Qing was ranked thirteenth in the talent list, but not many people knew Huang Qing.

Now that Ling Xiao has been defeated, and the 17th genius on the list of talented talents has been defeated, it can be said that many people are shocked.

Ling Xiao looked at several warriors nearby, his face slightly ugly.

These people didn't come early and didn't come late, but when he was repelled by Zhang Mofan, his face was lost.

Therefore, this time, he must find the place back, otherwise, he Ling Xiao is in the Heavenly Desolate Realm, and he really can't get mixed up.

"Huang Qing, it seems that I underestimated you."

Ling Xiao said loudly: "However, next, I will use this trick to defeat you completely."

"Huang Qing? That man with hat is Huang Qing? A few months ago, he was ranked thirteenth on the talent list? He actually defeated Ling Xiao?"

"That Huang Qing, in terms of strength, should only be in the early stage of Dao Fa? I defeated Ling Xiao in the early Dao Fa!"

"It was only repelled, but not defeated."


Many warriors, watching this scene, are all talking.

Among them, several Ling Xiao's admirers still believed that Huang Qing was impossible to defeat Ling Xiao.

The two are both geniuses on the list of talented talents, not to mention, Ling Xiao is still in a high level and light.

Among the islands.

The five pavilion masters gathered together, and in front of them, there were picture scrolls. In those scrolls, pictures appeared one after another, which was the scene in the east of the cave.

At this moment, the eyes of the five people were all cast into a picture of a scroll, a picture of Zhang Mofan and Ling Xiao fighting.

Pavilion Master Yuan Qing showed an unconcealable smile on his face, and said: "In this way, Huang Qing's talent does not need to be proved again. With the initial cultivation base of Taoism and Ling Xiao, he has the upper hand."

"Hmph, do you think Ling Xiao must have done his best? He does have the qualifications to be on the list, but whether he can rank 13th on the list of talented talents is still to be considered!"

The main pavilion road of Tianjian Mountain's branch pavilion.

The thirteenth ranking is determined by the patron.

As for whether Zhang Mofan really has the 30th talent, it really depends on his performance.

"Ling Xiao shouldn't let it go, keep watching!"

The old man standing in the center said: "I believe that my judgment cannot be wrong. This Huang Qing should be able to be in this position!"

At this moment, Ling Xiao's aura was also magnificent. He held the sword in both hands, and the jet black sword aura gathered out.

Everyone can feel the sword technique conceived in this sword aura.

It has reached 4,500 horses.

"Ling Xiao is going to use the Dao Dark Abyss Slash, four thousand five hundred horses of Taoism, let's retreat quickly, otherwise we will be involved, either death or injury."

"What? Great Dao Dark Abyss? Withdraw!"


Everyone retreated.

The four thousand five hundred horses of Taoism is too terrifying for a Taozhen level powerhouse to display.

Moreover, Dadao Dark Abyss Slash, the attack range was too large, when Ling Xiao used this trick, it affected many people.

"The Great Avenue Dark Abyss Slash!"

Ling Xiao gave a low cry, and the entire space seemed to evolve into a scene of an abyss, a dark blade of light, as if swept out of the abyss, and bombarded Zhang Mofan.

The blade light was terrifying, as if it had absorbed the breath of countless abysses. It was ferocious, cold, and ruthless.

It is the most brutal and cruel knife light in this world.

It is not easy to practice this Great Dark Abyss Slash. You need to go to the real abyss, absorb the breath of the abyss, and hone your sword skills before you can perform this trick.

"Four thousand and five hundred horses of Dao Fa, then Huang Qing has just been promoted to Dao Fa Realm. I am afraid that he hasn't even cultivated Dao Fa. What can he resist?"

"Yes, the martial arts he used to cultivate, no matter how strong it is, it won't be stronger than the 2500 hp Dao technique!"


Everyone talked.

The strength of the Dao Dharma realm is that you can practice Dao Dharma and martial arts, and you can crush the martial arts you have previously practiced.

Now that Ling Xiao is displaying 4,500 horses of Taoism, how does Huang Qing resist?

"it is good!"

Zhang Mofan flew up and flew, and instead put away the Ten Thousand Demon Slaughter Demon Halberd, the aura of Xu Mi's battle body was also exploding. Before he and Ling Xiao fought weapons, his own fighting spirit, layer by layer increased, and he didn't know how to take himself How much is the battle body raised?

In fact, Zhang Mofan's current power is definitely not stronger than Ling Xiao. If you want to defeat him, you can only use more powerful tricks.

"Then let you see, my Dao Zhantian Fist, what power is the Dao!"

Zhang Mofan urged the Dao Fa and fighting intent in his body, all gathered in his fists, and finally shot out fiercely.

Dadao fights the sky fist!


This punch blasted out, and everyone's faces were incredible, because they could all feel that Zhang Mofan's punch was also Dao Fa.

Moreover, it has reached the level of five thousand horses.

Before they were surprised, the horrible fist light collided with the knife light.


An astonishing loud noise passed, and terrifying waves swept around, instantly shattering the abyss scene.

At this moment, the sword light was also completely shattered, and the terrifying fist light, like a bamboo, hit Ling Xiao's body fiercely.

Fortunately, Ling Xiao urged Dao body to escape this trick.

However, his face was very ugly, because anyone with a discerning eye could see that he was defeated, completely defeated.

This Huang Qing completely defeated him with 5,000 horses of Taoism and martial arts.

"Your strength is indeed very strong, I defeated the warriors in the middle of the aisle, and it is still very easy, but the battle with you forced me to use the strongest means!"

Zhang Mofan said lightly.

Ling Xiao was suspended in the Dao body was constantly twisting in the air, but his figure trembled.

He was defeated, after all, in terms of strength, he was even worse than Huang Qing.

"Why can this Huang Qing Dao strength be able to cultivate to such a tyrannical level? With his strength, it is enough to sweep against ordinary Dao Zhen."

"This ranking is thirteen, maybe, it can be one more ranking!"

Ling Xiao didn't accept it, but he had to accept it because he really lost.

He continued to analyze the gap between himself and Zhang Mofan, and finally he came to the conclusion that the Heavenly Overlord Art had forcibly increased his power, allowing his own power to be comparable to Daozhen in a short time.

However, he couldn't figure out why Heaven and Earth Overlord Jue could improve so terrifying.

He didn't know that Zhang Mofan's strength was not at all because of Heaven and Earth Overlord Judgment, but because of the "Prime Qiankun Art".

(End of this chapter)

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