Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2388: : Promote to Dao Dharma Realm

Li Susu looked at Xu Luochen and immediately recognized him. He couldn't help but smiled and said, "It turns out that Xu Luochen, the male favorite of Chong Xian Pavilion, is so majestic that he dare to play sideways in front of my Xuan Nv Sect?"

Xu Luochen chased and killed Zhang Mofan, how could Li Susu couldn't think of the tricky, Zhang Mofan grabbed Xu Luochen's emperor's favorite, Xu Luochen must hate Zhang Mofan.

However, in her opinion, Xu Luochen was too courageous. Today's Zhang Mofan is not only an emperor's favorite, but also a genius on the list of geniuses.

"Then why are you stopping me?"

Xu Luochen said.

"This Bone-Eroding Forest is the territory of my Xuannv Sect. At present, our Xuannv Sect is performing tasks inside. Outsiders are not allowed to enter!"

Li Susudao.

Xu Luochen calmly said, "Outsiders are not allowed to enter, why did you let a man enter? That man is my enemy. I must kill him. Either you will get him out for me, or I will go in personally, otherwise , Don’t blame me for being impolite."

He could see that the disciples of the Profound Girl Palace were relatively ordinary in strength, and the only toughness was the woman in front of him, who should be the strength of Daozhen's early days.

This level of strength is nothing in front of him. Although Profound Girl Palace is tough, he is not afraid of offending, Zhang Mofan must be killed.

"We didn't let anyone in, and I didn't see anyone in."

Li Susu shook his shoulders and asked the other female disciples, "Sisters, have you seen a man?"


All the female disciples shook their heads.

"Then you just want to shield him?"

Xu Luochen clenched his fists, his expression was a bit sullen, and said coldly: "I clearly saw him enter this forest under your nose, but you deny it, so don't blame me for rushing!"

"You can try!"

Li Susu dismissed it and said, "A male pet, who is wrong, dares to run wild in front of me, Li Susu. Even if you don't rush in today, you would never want to leave like that.

"Are you Li Susu?"

Xu Luochen looked at the woman in front of him, his face changed. How could he have never heard of Li Susu, who had been in the Chongxian Pavilion for a few months, and he knew everything about the daughter country and Xuannv palace.

Li Susu mentioned it the most times.

Because Li Susu is a genius in the Xuannv Palace among the young people who entered the list of natural talents.

"It's really hindsight, why, do you think that if you are at a high level, you can defeat our senior sister?"

"Our senior sister has just been promoted to the early stage of Daozhen, but we have defeated many disciples in the early stage of Daozhen!"


The disciples of Xuan Nv Palace showed disdain one by one.

"Hmph, hum, I'm just waiting here, I want to see how long he can wait inside!"

Xu Luochen's face changed, but he didn't really show it, but waited patiently.

This Li Susu has such a prestige and has entered the list of natural talents. If he really wants to do it, he may not be able to gain much benefit, not to mention whether there are other masters in it, he is not very clear.

Seeing Xu Luochen retreating, Li Susu commanded: "You stay here, if he dares to rush, send a message quickly."

After speaking, Li Susu re-entered the Bone Corroding Forest.

Li Susu walked into the woods, looked around, and then said: "Zhang Mofan, you can come out now."

Zhang Mofan walked out slowly, smiled softly, and said, "Thank you for helping me!"

"what happened?"

Li Susu asked.

Zhang Mofan said: "Li Susu, you know very well that he also participated in the election conference, and I snatched the emperor's pet from his hand, he naturally hates me, and I also know a secret of him, he is a man of the gods , The people of the divine legacy came to be the male favorite, and it was spread out. The reputation of the divine legacy was not very good, so he wanted to kill me."

"That's it!"

Li Susu suddenly realized, "His strength seems to have reached the middle stage of Daozhen cultivation. It's not easy for you to escape from his hands."

"Tianhuang Pavilion sent an invitation, don't you plan to go?"

Zhang Mofan asked.

This Li Susu actually still has time to perform tasks here. According to reason, Li Susu is also a genius on the genius list, and he should have received an invitation.

"Xuannv Palace has just issued a task for me to perform it. After I finish this task, I will leave immediately!"

Li Susudao.

"If this is the case, then I won't bother, I'll find a place to rest, and when you finish your mission, how about we go together?"

Zhang Mofan said.

Li Susu nodded, and did not object.

This Zhang Mofan gave her a bad feeling. Of course, this feeling was only confined to friends. She was good-looking and talented. Now she is listed on the thirteenth talent list. She has no reason to object.

Perhaps, together with Zhang Mofan, he can also get some training experience from Zhang Mofan.

Immediately, Zhang Mofan found a remote, sacrificed the landscape of mountains and rivers, hid in, and began to practice in retreat.

Now, he felt that he could break through at any time.

Only half of the time had passed, and Zhang Mofan finally ushered in the bottleneck of the Dao Dharma Realm. Zhang Mofan also recast the dragon baby a thousand Yuanshi Dao Pills and swallowed them all.

With the help of this energy, Zhang Mofan was also successfully promoted from the late stage of Taoism to the early stage of Taoism.

"Finally promoted to the early stage of Taoism!"

Zhang Mofan opened his eyes, a faint smile appeared on his face.

The Dao Xin in the body also exudes a special breath. This breath is actually Dao Fa. This Dao Fa does not have any offensiveness, but it can provide energy for Dao Fa martial arts.

The reason why Dao Dharma realm experts can use Dao Dharma is because the Dao Heart in the body contains this kind of energy. Without Tao Dharma energy, even if you are powerful, it is impossible to practice Dao Dharma.

"My current strength has increased by at least ten times. Once again, let my opponent Xu Luochen be able to pinch him to death with ease."

Zhang Mofan was confident about his current strength.

After successfully promoted to the Taoist realm, Zhang Mofan did not immediately leave the customs, but took out the Taoist martial arts Great Dao and Tianquan. Since he was promoted to the Taoist realm, he naturally wanted to practice Taoism.

If the Dao Zhan Tianquan really has the power of 5,000 horses, I am afraid that this move will become his strongest martial arts, and his previous martial arts, the power can not reach the level of 5,000 horses. .

Even the Hundred Yuan Tu Sheng did not reach that level of power.

Zhang Mofan invaded his Dao Method into the book, and immediately, the cultivation method of Dao Zhan Tianquan also attacked his sea of ​​knowledge.

There was a shocked expression on his face, and said: "So that's it, this martial arts school may be more than five thousand horses!"

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