Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2378: : Talent List

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Zhang Mofan smiled slightly when he saw Yao Tiange's initiative to admit defeat, and did not respond to Yao Tiange anymore. He turned and flew in the direction of the Emperor.

"Master Taihuang, now I have defeated Yao Tiange, don't forget your promise."

Zhang Mofan arched his hands.

"You have proven your worth!"

Taihuang nodded, his eyes full of admiration.

After that, Zhang Mofan left directly, he couldn't stand the eyes of the women present.

As for Ren Qianqian, she was already in shock. It wasn't until Zhang Mofan really left that she came back to her senses and said, "Mother Emperor, Huang Qing is so good, how do you plan to train him?"

This kind of strength can definitely enter the list of talented people.

"Cultivation? Why do you want to cultivate? He is now your emperor pet, so let him practice according to the emperor pet's standards. As for other resources, he still has to rely on himself. Any genius, relying on wasteful resources, can't be strong. "

Tai Huangdao.

"Mother Queen, if nothing goes wrong, soon after the news of Huang Qing spreads, the list of talented talents will be revised again. When that happens, Huang Qing is afraid that there will be many challengers."

Ren Qianqian said excitedly.

At the beginning, she saw some warriors who refused to accept the rankings on the list. As a result, they challenged the genius talent list. Almost all of them were swept away. Dare to challenge the genius talent list, which is almost tantamount to death.

Almost all the geniuses on the list of geniuses, not one is challenged, but made some amazing moves, will be included in the list.

"This kid is indeed famous in the Desolate Lord Realm, but you have to remember that she is your favorite, understand?"

Taihuang always reminded his daughter like this.

In her opinion, no matter how talented Zhang Mofan shows, he is not considered a member of their daughter country. Only when they truly control Zhang Mofan can Zhang Mofan become the killer of their daughter country.

Therefore, she hopes that her daughter can control Zhang Mofan and control Zhang Mofan as a queen.

Moreover, their daughter country needs such a genius, otherwise, Xuan Nv Palace would really not see their palace in its eyes.

Sure enough, on the day the battle ended, Tianhuang Pavilion had already received very secret news, and there was even a scene of Zhang Mofan defeating Yao Tiange.

The Heavenly Desolate Pavilion has an incomparably special position in the Heavenly Desolate Lord Realm. It is said that its Pavilion Master is a very powerful person in the tenfold realm.

The Heavenly Desolate Talent List was initiated by the mysterious pavilion master at the beginning, and later that Pavilion Master established the Heavenly Desolate Pavilion. The main task is to collect the genius intelligence of the Heavenly Desolate Master Realm and formulate the list.

The Famine List has existed for tens of thousands of years, and it has become increasingly authoritative.

Now, after Tianhuang Pavilion got the picture of Zhang Mofan and Yao Tiange fighting, the strong man in Tianhuang Pavilion, after careful observation, felt more and more terrifying Zhang Mofan.

"This guy's methods are endless. Not only did he practice Heaven and Earth Overlord Jue, but he also seemed to be able to communicate the power of the gods and awaken the spirit of martial arts. Could it be that he is a person of the gods?"

"It is very likely that they are the people of the divine legacy, but there are also many warriors in the world who can also awaken the spirits and communicate the power of the gods. This matter must be determined."

"Of course, the most powerful thing is how he broke the Dao body? That Nvzhuang Pavilion's genius, wouldn't he deliberately let Huang Qing defeat him, how would he break the Dao body?"

"It shouldn't be. The Dao Zong martial artist defeated the Dao Zhen powerhouse. It was originally a shame. This person is enough to be like a natural talent list."


After careful consideration by the senior officials of Tianhuang Pavilion, Zhang Mofan directly entered the Tianhuang Talent List, and ranked thirteenth.

Currently, only 35 geniuses have been collected on the list of talented talents. Now, with Zhang Mofan alone, it is 36.

Immediately, Tianhuang Pavilion re-announced the list, and soon Huang Qing's name spread throughout the Tianhuangzhu realm.

Zhang Mofan's battle really made his reputation.

Even Zhang Mofan himself didn't know that defeating Yao Tiange would cause such a sensation.

At this time, he took the reward of becoming the emperor's pet, the holy water for washing the soul, and the holy liquid for washing the marrow entered a state of retreat.

With these two treasures of heaven, material and earth, Zhang Mofan is completely confident. Within half a year, he can directly break through to the realm of Taoism. The holy water for washing the soul can break through the scale of the Holy Spirit. As for the holy liquid for washing the marrow, it can even temper his Xumizhan. Body, let his own physical body go further.

In the Nv Luang Palace, Empress Ren Qianqian summoned the important generals and ministers of the daughter country, all the elites of the daughter country's palace.

"Everyone, take a look. Tianhuang Pavilion has just updated the Tianhuang list, and Huang Qingguo has really entered the Tianhuang list."

Ren Qianqian passed a list down.

"Thirteenth? How could it be so high?"

"Yeah, even if you leapfrogged to challenge the real powerhouse, you shouldn't be so high?"

"The ranking is too high!"


After seeing the generals, they were a little uncomfortable. This ranking seemed to exceed their imagination, and they went straight to the thirteenth place, which meant that there were more than 20 people in the ranking, all of which had dropped by one level.

What would those geniuses on the genius list think?

"Do you think that the elders of Tianhuang Pavilion will randomly rank and fail? This must be their deliberate consideration, just a little bit is enough to give Huang Qing a high ranking."

"How did he break the Yaotiange Taoist body?"


For a moment, everyone was silent.

"We are afraid that the rankings are too high and the trees will attract the wind."

"What's the matter? Our daughter country protects him, who dares to deal with him? As long as Huang Qing is slowly cultivated, our palace may be able to completely control the daughter country."

Ren Qianqian's heart was filled with joy.

"Well, you all retreat."

Ren Qianqian waved his hand and sat alone in the hall, in a very good mood. Zhang Mofan was the thirteenth genius on the list of geniuses, and Zhang Mofan was her favorite.

It's a little exciting to think about it!

As for the list of things, naturally, Xu Luochen will also see it. When he was on the list of talented talents and saw the words Huang Qing, his face also showed immense anger: "This Zhang Mofan actually took advantage of a battle. Directly on the list of talented talents."

Above, there is also this story of Mo Fan, which says that Huang Qing defeated the Yaotian Song of the early Daozhen in the late Dao Zong.

"How did he defeat it? Can he break the Dao body?"

Xu Luochen still didn't believe it.

Luo Zilin's face was extremely ugly, and said: "He does have the strength to break through the Dao Body. He seems to have mastered a method that can make Dao Zhen's Dao Body unable to energize. You should be careful when you encounter it in the future."

"Now that he has become a genius on the talent list, the daughter country will definitely protect him. The Xu family will kill him, I am afraid it will not be so easy."

Xu Luochen gritted his teeth secretly, feeling that things are getting trickier.

He was not reconciled, and must find a chance to kill Zhang Mofan.

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