Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2372: : Proof value

Taihuang could see that there was not a trace of lies in Zhang Mofan's words. She saw countless people and whether there were lying. She could still tell. She clearly felt the fluctuations in Zhang Mofan's words.

Moreover, Zhang Mofan's motives were also quite normal. He was forced by the Xu family to desperately want to find a backer.

"If I don't ask you, do you plan to keep hiding it, and finally wait until Xu's family finds it?"

Tai Huang then asked.

Zhang Mofan's heart was tense. Every question of the Emperor was to punish the heart. If he didn't answer well, he would most likely be killed by the Emperor.

This Taihuang has a very strong cultivation base, and his strength is likely to reach the level of Dao Realm Eightfold Dao Returning Realm, or even Dao Realm Nine Dao Venerable Realm. Such strength is too tyrannical, and he wants to kill him, Dao Realm Double Dao. Dao Zongjing martial artist, it is completely a task.

Zhang Mofan didn't hesitate, and immediately replied, "No, even if the emperor doesn't ask, and wait for a certain time, I will still speak out."

"A certain timing, what timing?"

Taihuang frowned and asked.

Zhang Mofan in front of him is definitely not simple, not only is very scheming, but also very courageous. Although her daughter is a queen, she is not very involved in the world, and it is not impossible for Zhang Mofan to use it.

"When I am really reused by Her Majesty and the Emperor, in my opinion, only when I truly show value and show enough value, I will take the initiative to tell the Queen. I believe that I have the Emperor The value of fighting against the Xu family."

Zhang Mofan said.

"Although my daughter country is powerful and controls one territory, the power of the Xu family should not be underestimated. You killed Xu Changqiu's son. With Xu Changqiu's temperament, it is impossible to give up. What do you think is your value? , Will let my daughter country risk the Xu family at all costs to protect you?"

Tai Huang said.

"If I say, I can defeat the strong in the early days of Daozhen, can there be value?"

Zhang Mofan said slowly.


Ren Qianqian on the side was shocked at first. In her opinion, Zhang Mofan was already very reluctant to leapfrog her to defeat her, and it was impossible to leapfrog the powerhouse in the early days of Daozhen.

Leaving aside the difference in strength between the two, the Daoist body of a real powerhouse alone cannot be destroyed by the Dao Sect, let alone the sect, even the Dao Dharma realm cannot be broken.

Moreover, it is even more terrifying for those who are strong in Taoism to use Taoism.

Who can become a martial artist in the fourfold realm of Taoism, who hasn't mastered the martial arts of two or three thousand horses?

And the man in front of him actually said that he could defeat the powerhouse in Daozhen's early days.

Realm of Taoism can be regarded as one of the best in any place. Generally speaking, in various sects, if you want to become a Taoist, you must also be a realm of Taoism.

Unless a genius like Jianqing Yangmuzhan, they broke the rules and became Taoists very early.

"Can you beat Daozhen?"

Taihuang's face also showed incredible.

Heavenly Desolation Lord Realm does not have such a strong person, but they are all defeated by stealth attacks. Although stealing defeats are equally incredible, they are not defeated in the true sense.

Of course, those who were defeated in a sneak attack were considered to be among the best.

It is impossible, absolutely impossible, to defeat Daozhen upright.

"Not bad!"

Zhang Mofan nodded and said, "If you don't believe it, you can find a warrior in the early Daozhen period."

In the middle of Dao Sect, Zhang Mofan was really not sure. He was able to defeat President Wan of the Heavenly Chamber of Commerce, and he was also suspected of a sneak attack. Now, he is truly able to defeat Daozhen's early power.

"Of course, I hope Taihuang will give me a promise, and I also hope that my value can be appreciated. I am a warrior from a small world and I only want to survive in the world of the desolate."

Zhang Mofan added.

"Huang Qing, I admire you very much. If you can really defeat Daozhen's early stage, it will prove your worth. But don't think that this level will be so easy to pass. There are countless strong people in my daughter's kingdom. Three days later , I will arrange a warrior from the early Daozhen stage to fight with you. If you can really defeat him, the Xu family will come to you in the future, and my daughter Congress will protect you."

Tai Huang promised.

Zhang Mofan was overjoyed and immediately said, "Thank you, Lord Taihuang."

"Qianqian, send someone to put him down!"

Tai Huangdao.

"Yes, Lord Mother Emperor."

Ren Qianqian took Zhang Mofan and left the attic directly.

On the way, Ren Qianqian suddenly spoke and said, "Huang Qing, the story you have compiled is so interesting, you actually deceived the mother emperor."

"No, I didn't make it, that's true!"

Zhang Mofan said.

Ren Qianqian was surprised: "What? That's true? The emperor thought you made it?"

"The story is true, and the motive behind it is false, because I didn't think about using your daughter's country as a backer, but wanted to go to the East Wasteland."

Zhang Mofan said.

"If you can really defeat the martial artist in the early stage of the Taoist realm, when the mother emperor pays attention, the Xu family will come to the door, and the other party will have nothing to do with you."

Ren Qianqian said: "However, the mother emperor will definitely not let you win If the emperor does not guess wrong, she will be the genius of Nvzhuang Pavilion. Nvzhuang Pavilion is our daughter country. An organization in China has cultivated many geniuses, and their talents are equivalent to the Taoism of the four sects."

"If the emperor did not guess wrong, your opponent is likely to be the Nine Flower Swordswoman, Yao Tiange!"

At present, Yao Tiange has just been promoted to the early stage of Daozhen, and he is also the strongest among all the warriors in the early stage of Daozhen. He is very talented and very strong.


Zhang Mofan nodded without saying anything.

"Don't you want to know anything? If you tell the emperor more about you, the emperor may be able to reveal some information about Yaotiange to you."

Ren Qianqiandao.

In fact, knowing that Zhang Mofan came from a small world, Ren Qianqian was very curious about Zhang Mofan’s deeds. Their daughter country, but they recruited many geniuses from small worlds. They are among the best in every world. With my own efforts, I have come to this step.

Zhang Mofan shook his head and said, "If you reveal her information, it is not fair to her. No matter how strong she is, I will defeat her."

Seeing that Zhang Mofan didn't appreciate him, Ren Qianqian snorted and said, "It's good to have confidence, don't fall aside, you are indeed powerful, and Yaotiange is also very strong. If you lose, you will be deprived of your status as an emperor. At that time, the emperor will not be able to save you."

"I won't lose!"

Zhang Mofan said.


Ren Qianqian waved his hand and stopped chatting with Zhang Mofan.

Arranging Zhang Mofan, she also returned to her bedroom, but the figure of Zhang Mofan was lingering in her mind.


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