Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 1924: : Purgatory Dungeon

Chapter 1922 Purgatory Dungeon

"Now, with the strength of the old part of the Zhang Dynasty, it is impossible to compete with your Qin Dynasty. Do you think they will come to rescue me stupidly? Don't think about it."

Zhang Mofan said.

He tried to dispel Qin Tian's thoughts. What he was most worried about was this, but this was another opportunity for him.

At least, Qin Tian would not behead him on the spot. Since he would not be beheaded on the spot, since it was beheading, he would definitely agree on a time, at least for a few months, he would not be beheaded.

The news of this beheading will surely spread throughout Zhou Yuanjie, let everyone know, and attract the old part of the Zhang Dynasty to come to rescue.

At this time, he could find a chance to escape.

"Hehe, you show such a talent, do you think those old parts of the Zhang Dynasty will not appear? Even if they will not appear, your father and mother will watch you be beheaded?"

Prince Qin sneered and said one after another: "You four, imprison him in the dungeon secretly built by this Prince. Remember, you can't let him have any time to escape."


Tian Shouyue nodded, and the four of them escorted Zhang Mofan away.

Zhang Mofan felt that he was blocked by the sacred powers of the four, and almost couldn't even run his dantian. It was almost impossible to escape.

"Master Zhang, how good would you be if you were not the prince of the Zhang Dynasty?"

Tian Shou promised: "Do you know that Prince Qin is going to reward the four of us, all of us, as a guard for you, but now, the four of us want to capture you directly in the dungeon, which is really ironic. "

You know, they are the four people that Prince Qin has cultivated. They are one of his secret weapons. It will be sooner or later that they will be promoted to the holy.

"What are you talking about? Prince Qin is going to reward the four of you to me?"

Zhang Mofan was secretly startled and seemed to feel a little surprised, but this was enough to prove that he was really valued by Prince Qin.

"Where am I going now?"

Zhang Mofan then asked.

"We are now going to take you to the dungeon secretly built by His Royal Highness. Even the emperor doesn't know about that dungeon, so don't imagine anyone will rescue you."

Tian Shou promised, and with a wave of his big hand, Zhang Mofan immediately felt the darkness in front of him. At the same time, his soul perception was completely blocked, and he could only perceive it with his own feeling.

He felt that he was carried up and taken into the air to fly. He didn't know how long he flew before he felt it landed, and then he heard the sound of the iron door being opened.

When Zhang Mofan was released from the seal, he immediately saw that he was in a dungeon. On both sides of the dungeon, instead of being cages one by one, various scenes were transformed.

There is a scene of ice and snow, with a huge ice bear inside, trapped by four chains.

There is a scene of a hot underground volcano, and inside is a weird man braving all over his body.

There is even a scene of the sea world, with many prisons in which many powerful sea monsters are held.

Zhang Mofan was also secretly shocked when he saw this scene: "All of these were arrested?"

"Many of these people are against His Royal Highness. According to the rules of the Qin Dynasty, even if they die a hundred times, it is not a shame."

Tianshou Covenant explained: "However, His Royal Highness thought they were talents, so he imprisoned them here, gave them resources, and gave them a cultivation environment."

"What? Isn't the prince afraid that they will run away when they become stronger?"

Zhang Mofan said in surprise.

This Qin Tian really has a lot of aura. Not only is there no punishment for shutting up these powerful people, but he also gives resources to practice.

"Once this dungeon is locked in, it is impossible for ordinary people to escape unless it truly achieves the strength of the holy."

Tianshou promised: "However, the prince said, you are not an ordinary person, so I am going to put you in a special cell."

With that said, Tianshou's covenant was to take away Zhang Mofan's Nalingjie, and forcibly broke the ban inside, only to find that there were no resources in it.

"Where are your weapons? And those darlings."

Tianshou promised.

"I do not understand what you're saying."

Zhang Mofan said.

"Your own Sacred Treasure, Zhuwangzhen Yan Pagoda under your commander Mu Zhen, and those gloves, take them all out."

Tianshou promised: "Don't force us to use any special methods."

"All those things are hidden by me in the holy path space. If you want to get it, just kill me first."

Zhang Mofan said.

Generally, only when the Great Sage has cultivated to the fourth level of the Great Sage can he comprehend the Void Holy Path and condense the Holy Path space.

However, the space of that kind of holy path is very small, almost comparable to the space of Naling Ring. When the cultivation level is improved, the atmosphere of the holy path is strong, and you can create your own holy path space and add bricks to it.

Generally, only when you cultivate to the ninth level of the Great Sage, the sacred path space will transform to a level where you can create your own cave mansion.

Therefore, after the powerhouse of the ninth rank of the Great Sage fell, the holy path space would be shattered, and the cave mansion might appear somewhere in a month or even a year later.

However, Zhang Mofan is only the second-order Great Sage, and it is impossible to condense the Holy Path space.

Tian Shou has been with Zhang Mofan for a period of time, and he naturally knows Zhang Mofan's character. It may not be so easy for him to take out those things.

"Heaven keeps the promise, lock up Zhang Mofan first."

Ground bamboo road.


Tianshou nodded, and escorted Zhang Mofan to a cell. Inside the cell, a **** color appeared, and the figures flashed crazily.

"Open the cell."

As Tian Shou promised, he took out a token, which represented Qin Tian's handwriting.

The man guarding the cell, wearing a mask of black iron Shura, said indifferently: "If he is only the second-order strength of the great sage, he will be imprisoned in this cell? He will be killed. We don't have that much time to save. he."

Tian Shou promised: "This is an order from the and, he is not as weak as you think. Remember, you have to stare at him, and don’t let him die. If you let him If you die, cut off your heads yourself."

Hearing this, the man with the Asura mask was also secretly surprised, and he couldn't help but looked at Zhang Mofan in shock: "Who is this person? Why is he so valued by His Royal Highness?"

You know, their dungeon, known as the dungeon of purgatory, enters the dungeon, just like purgatory on earth, it is very cruel.

Although there are many holy guards in the entire dungeon, as long as there are warriors who have been severely injured, they will be rescued, and then healed, and continue to be thrown in.

However, there are always some people who have not been watching them well, but those prisoners will die if they die. They have no responsibility.

Now, this man is so important, he must be thrown into the dungeon of purgatory, and he must be guaranteed not to die. It seems that they have to pay more attention.

[I continue to write the second chapter! 】

(End of this chapter)

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