Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 510: landing on the island

Temporarily promised to jump ship.

The Taoyuan girl whose English name is Marjorie, like a mature professional manager, quickly changed her mind and began to think about the future for her new employer, Su Yehao, trying to prove her worth.

After the plane landed, three vehicles were arranged through American Express, all of which were Mercedes-Benz G-Classes.

When taking her home, Marjorie asked Su Yehao and said, "Boss Su, you don't seem to have any experience in producing personal computers. Is there anything I can help you with?"

After thinking for a while, Su Yehao told her with a smile:

"You are busy with your own business first, and I will let you know if you need it. Although I have no experience, it is no problem for the executives under me to have experience. Doing business is similar to woollen balls. It looks like It’s complicated and daunting during preparation, but once you find where the thread ends, the rest is easy.”

"...Actually, when I was young, I thought about starting my own business. Later, I thought it might be troublesome, and finally let it go."

After Marjorie finished speaking, she asked:

"The saying of pulling the woolen ball is the reason boss you have summed up from your previous business?"

"Almost, in fact, I don't even know which programming languages ​​are included, and I haven't made tvt instant chat software. There is no need to worry about the future when you work with me. As long as I do my job well, I will never treat myself badly. The people under my command, all the employees of the Yanwen Group know about this, including the security guard and the cleaning aunt."

Su Yehao saw that Marjorie was still a little swayed.

After saying this with a smile, I thought to myself that an experienced regional marketing president like her could dig it for $100,000, and that a better programming graduate from Silicon Valley could almost do the same. It really doesn't make sense to take so much money.

Income mainly depends on the value created by employees. The labor cost of Laomei is too expensive, but if you want to make money in the European and American markets, it is not suitable to not arrange the company in the United States.

At least it is an American company on the bright side, with a group of old American investors standing behind it, and they can walk sideways in the markets of Japan, South Korea, Australia, Canada, etc., and it is inevitable that they will be tied down in other places.

Looking at the leopard from the inside, the wages on the island are indeed not high, but the consumption level is also relatively low.

Earning $100,000 here is not the same as earning $100,000 in Silicon Valley. If Marjorie stayed on the island, her average purchasing power would be more than double that of Silicon Valley.

If he went to live in the mainland instead, the money would be even more valuable, so Mr. Ma was so happy that he couldn't even find Beibei anywhere.

Jack Ma worked for the company at the beginning, and the website he founded made a lot of money, so he had the idea of ​​​​changing jobs and bringing the team out to do it by himself.

Doing it yourself may not be successful, not only lack of start-up capital, but also the risk of failure to start a business is particularly high, which is why Mr. Ma nodded and agreed to Su Yehao.

When to say something, President Ma's ambition is indeed not small, but now even if he digs out his pockets, he will collect 300,000 to 400,000 yuan when he is full, and naturally he values ​​the olive branch thrown by Su Yehao.

Marjorie is the same here.

She told Su Yehao that she was the marketing director of Huashuo Greater China, but she didn't say that she was only an agent for the time being, and that a group of people under her team were staring at him, and they might not be able to sit firmly in the position.

It is a little harder for a woman to be in the top position. Even though the island is already one of the developed areas and one of the four little dragons, when it comes to the status of women, it is not as good as the inland where women hold up half the sky.

Suddenly there was an opportunity to change the track and follow Su Yehao to open up a new market. It was hard for Marjorie not to be moved. After all, a new company often means more opportunities.

In a mature company like Huashuo, which has been established for ten years, there is almost no room for improvement. This is because the company has not been founded for a long time. The average age of executives is only 30 or 40 years old, and most of them are very young. Capable and on the rise, it will be harder to survive until they retire than to find another job.

Sitting in the car chatting, Su Yehao learned more about Hua Shuo's business.

After sending Marjorie to an apartment area, just as the car stopped, a little fat baby rushed over, opened her hands and called her mother excitedly.

Su Yehao didn't get out of the car, he just said hello and praised her son for being cute...

When he continued on his way, Jiang Yu suddenly said:

"It's very dangerous. It turns out that you are married and have children. I thought you were fascinated by mature women. It's rare to see you being so proactive and actually talking about recruitment in person. I've lived with you for so long before, and I haven't met you once."


Rolling his eyes, Su Yehao asked her in a helpless tone, "I'm in your heart, what kind of image is I? Teddy?"

"I can only say that it's not very good anyway. Among women in the thirties, this Marjorie looks more attractive. Women who often do business seem to be like this, with an indescribable temperament. ."

After Jiang Yu finished speaking, Su Yehao stretched out his hand and squeezed her face, and said, "Even if you have more temperament, you can still be more beautiful than you? I remember that during the festivals, your table was full of flowers and chocolates, of course it was you. best looking."

"The most... words can't be said, at least Nangong Tian is not bad, and her figure is very good, even I am moved."

After Jiang Yu finished speaking with a smile, he suddenly lost his temper and said, "Flowers, chocolates, and love letters are all given by others, but you haven't given them once."

"Hey, aren't those things as good as the diamonds I gave you? And Nangong, didn't she hand over a Maldives island to you to manage? She told me in private that it was you who made the money then. Yes, only children like chocolate or something, and I will send you a sea of ​​flowers when you celebrate your birthday."

"Things are not important, sincerity is important, okay, I will give you what you want, how insincere..."

The girl's temper will change.

Su Yehao suddenly thought of something, and counting the time, it should almost be Jiang Yu's few days.

This made him a little disappointed. He originally wanted to find another place to drink on the island, but now he has no hope.

Don't be in a hurry to join the inspection team.

First, take Jiang Yu to the vicinity of the world's tallest building, the 101 Building, which is under construction.

There is no shadow of the building, and the concept map can be seen by the roadside.

Skyscrapers are the romance of the super rich.

Su Yehao stared at the concept map and sighed, remembering that his land in Lujiazui has not yet been developed, considering that the business is still in a period of rapid expansion, it is not worth spending too much money on building a building for the time being. Opportunity to re-enact a novel landmark like the Burj Khalifa and keep the rent for a hundred years.

Looking all the way, it is indeed similar to second-tier cities. Jiang Yu wanted to go to the night market for snacks, but Su Yehao had no plans. He hurried over to avoid trouble.

After meeting with Xiao Nizi.

She is busy interviewing in Yingying Yanyan, the little beauties found by the scout, made her bones go soft when she spoke.

Usually when he gets along with Yin Liuli, Su Yehao usually communicates with her in Mandarin, and it would be less tasteful to change her to Cantonese.


After reading his resume, he suddenly found an acquaintance, but it was Zhang Mi who Xiao Yueyue didn't know.

People are beautiful, and they are easy to shine.

The world has been changed by Su Yehao, and a group of people who are qualified to rely on their looks can still stand out...


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